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Robert Bone

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Everything posted by Robert Bone

  1. I concur with scook on that as a possibility. I happen to have both SynthMaster and SynthMaster One, and both work fine on my system, and are at current software levels. Bob Bone
  2. By the way, support can be reached at: support@cakewalk.com Can you please supply your system specs, OS version, OS maintenance level, audio interface model, firmware level and driver level, etc...? Just in case something is up with any of that. Bob Bone
  3. I have mine set to 500, and it works great. Bob Bone
  4. Is there anything else competing for access to the ASIO drivers of your audio interface? (like is your default Windows audio driver the same ASIO drivers that Cakewalk is expecting to have control over?). Are there any detected errors visible in the Windows Event Viewer, that correspond to around the same time stamp as when Cakewalk has stopped responding? Is your Quad-Capture possibly plugged into a USB 3 port, and freaking out a little? (I have had interfaces act quite flaky if plugged into USB 3, rather than USB 2). Bob Bone
  5. What is your computer's operating environment? CPU? Desktop? Laptop? Windows version? Memory? Maintenance level on Windows? Maintenance levels on drivers? Any 32-bit plugins loaded into any project that fails? What kind of audio interface? Any firmware updates needed for audio interface? Any software maintenance needed for audio interface drivers? Is there any commonality between what plugins are present in multiple projects that fail? Are you overclocking? Lastly - I cannot make out the text in the error messages you provided the screen shots for - even when I zoom. Can you please detail those errors, or in some fashion make it so those messages are readable? Thanks, Bob Bone
  6. I have never left there....And, with my being nearly 7 feet tall (2.05 meters), being in over my head is usually fairly daunting. That is one reason I value these forums (and the older Sonar ones) so much. I have learned COUNTLESS little tricks and fixes over the decades, and that really motivates me to try to help others when they post issues . Bob Bone
  7. Could the picture cache be causing the wave form drawing issues? Back in the days of Sonar, if wave forms were not being drawn or displayed, folks would often find it fixed after deleting the contents of the Picture Cache folder. Sonar, and almost certainly now Cakewalk by Bandlab, simply recreates any drawn wave form data it needs, if the wave forms aren't found in the Picture Cache folder. Here is a link from the old Sonar forums, it is to a post within a larger thread about the Picture Cache, and confirms that any data you clear out will get rebuilt as needed. This used to be something folks would just need to do sometimes - not sure I ever saw reasons as to why there were occasional issues with the Picture Cache data. One other thing I had not known, but it is suggested that the Picture Cache default location be left to be created on the C:// drive. (I have relocated the Cakewalk Content and Cakewalk Projects folders, but have not had any issues with Picture Cache contents, thus far). http://forum.cakewalk.com/FindPost/633036 Bob Bone
  8. Is your Windows up to date with maintenance? Also, when you say you can't update Bandlab, do you mean you cannot update Cakewalk by Bandlab? What version of Cakewalk are you running? What version of Windows are you running? What error do you get when you try to update by clicking on the Update icon? Bob Bone
  9. Hi - I split your post from the original thread, to make it a separate thread, since it would be SUPER confusing to try to solve 2 issues 2 different users are having. So, the starting post for this thread is the one you had posted in the other user's thread, and is above this post. I will also paste in MY content from the other post, that you further responded to - and I will also include THAT content here, so that you can have your own thread to try to work this problem, because it is just easier this way. Here is the content I had posted in that other thread, and your response to that: -----------------------------------------------------------------(My content from the other thread is below) On 4/20/2019 at 2:06 PM, Robert Bone said: Sorry, when I enlarge your screen shot, it gets too blurry for me to read the message box text. Have you tried opening the project in Cakewalk's Safe Mode? (Hold down the shift key while opening the project, and you should be able to skip loading of all plugins, just to see if it opens. If not, then it isn't the plugins. If it DOES open in Safe Mode, close again, without saving (don't want to lose your plugins, closing without saving will keep the project intact by abandoning the elimination of the plugins). SO - you can go through the process of opening the project in Safe Mode, and it should give you the option to say Yes or No on loading all the plugins. You can try letting it add a single plugin, and if successful, then close again, without saving, and repeat the process, this time letting it load 2 plugins, then again do it to let 3 plugins load, etc... Sooner or later, it will fail, IF one or more plugins are having trouble, and whichever plugin that is, you can then do some trouble shooting in a separate project, with that plugin, or do some internet research on any reported issues with that plugin, or ask here in the forums, etc. By the way, does this project have any 3rd-part plugins that are 32-bit? If so, I would suggest those would be a common point of trouble for Cakewalk, (or any 64-bit VST Host or DAW. Some 32-bit plugins just do not play well in a 64-bit project). You can also look at the Windows Event Viewer, to see if there are any detected failures in its logs, at around the same time you see Cakewalk failing. Lastly, can you please type out the text of that error message from your screen shot? Maybe there is helpful info in there that one of us could use to help you figure out what is happening. Bob Bone ------------------------------------------- (End of my post from the other thread - your response to that follows below) 16 hours ago, Erik Di Vico said: Hi Bob , Many thank you for your answer, in that project i have many VSTi plugins, until now with the first 5 i can open the project without crash, i have to re-open the project until i find the bad one ! i'll let you know which is I think to have only 64-bit plugins but i check also that thing In the screenshot i've made you will find the error i attach here : https://1drv.ms/u/s!Ah3m8-J4rpDFgZVnkB1aEVPytlPwwA ------------------------------------------(End of quote of your response to my post) I hope I didn't confuse you - I tried to build a thread for YOUR issues, to separate it from the other user's thread, and I did some cut and paste of the content, in order to do that. SOOOOOOOOOO - please detail your system and its maintenance level: 1) What operating system are you running? Windows 10? Windows 8.1? Windows 7? 2) Is your Windows up to date on maintenance? 3) Do you have an audio interface, and if so, what make and model, and is its firmware and drivers up to date? 4) If you temporarily turn off your antivirus software (and don't go online while it is disabled), does the issue still happen? (turn antivirus back ON after testing this) 3) The exception code shown in your screen shot is C0000005. From the internet: "Exception code c0000005 is the code for an access violation. That means that your program is accessing (either reading or writing) a memory address to which it does not have rights." There can be lots of reasons for this error being encountered, but let's start with the above. Bob Bone
  10. Hi - I also sent you a message, letting you know that I sent a message to the Cakewalk tech folks, about you also having demo mode issues, and they just got back to me last night, letting me know they got you too squared away. Yay! Bob Bone
  11. Sorry, when I enlarge your screen shot, it gets too blurry for me to read the message box text. Have you tried opening the project in Cakewalk's Safe Mode? (Hold down the shift key while opening the project, and you should be able to skip loading of all plugins, just to see if it opens. If not, then it isn't the plugins. If it DOES open in Safe Mode, close again, without saving (don't want to lose your plugins, closing without saving will keep the project intact by abandoning the elimination of the plugins). SO - you can go through the process of opening the project in Safe Mode, and it should give you the option to say Yes or No on loading all the plugins. You can try letting it add a single plugin, and if successful, then close again, without saving, and repeat the process, this time letting it load 2 plugins, then again do it to let 3 plugins load, etc... Sooner or later, it will fail, IF one or more plugins are having trouble, and whichever plugin that is, you can then do some trouble shooting in a separate project, with that plugin, or do some internet research on any reported issues with that plugin, or ask here in the forums, etc. By the way, does this project have any 3rd-part plugins that are 32-bit? If so, I would suggest those would be a common point of trouble for Cakewalk, (or any 64-bit VST Host or DAW. Some 32-bit plugins just do not play well in a 64-bit project). You can also look at the Windows Event Viewer, to see if there are any detected failures in its logs, at around the same time you see Cakewalk failing. Lastly, can you please type out the text of that error message from your screen shot? Maybe there is helpful info in there that one of us could use to help you figure out what is happening. Bob Bone
  12. Yup - GREAT little helpful utility. Bob Bone
  13. Your post reminded me that this used to happen once in a while, but it has been several years since I have launched a project without having my synths plugged in and all using their same familiar USB ports. (I always have the same midi controllers plugged into the same USB ports on the computer. YES, this kind of thing you refer to could produce a similar scrambling of things in a project. Might be worth noting, whenever you next fine this happening to a project. Bob Bone
  14. Any chance the WiFi transmitter needs to be functionally turned off, or the device disabled? Also, several years back, I had a laptop that started REALLY spiking latency, and it turned out to have been caused, somehow, by the battery itself going bad. I literally removed the battery from the laptop, and POOF, instant fix. I just had to be SUPER careful not to jiggle the power cord, or it would instantly shut off. Bob Bone
  15. I have Komplete 8 Ultimate and whatever else might have come with Komplete 11 (not the Ultimate), and bought Kontakt 6 separately, so I have both Kontakt 5 and Kontakt 6. I also have Arturia V Collection 6, and SynthMaster and SynthMaster One, as my major sets of synths. If you happen to have any project using soft synths that I would have in the above list, where that project is scrambling things, would you be able to perhaps upload that project to something like Drop Box and shoot me the download link invitation? If not, can you please detail your project's component inventory? (effects used - and please be specific, as well as soft synths used - also please be specific). If a given effect or synth is used in more than one track, you only need provide that info once. I just never experience that issue, and am curious to see what behavior I see on my system. Perhaps some clues might emerge. If it might help, I am certainly willing to try. Bob Bone
  16. Maybe un-check Fast Bounce, and maybe also un-check 64-Bit Engine? Bob Bone
  17. Hey, I might have missed it, but if you are on a laptop or a desktop and with either, are using WiFi, or have a WiFi transmitter turned, those are NOTORIOUS for causing audio problems. When I am on my laptop, I always turn the actual transmitter off - or, you can disable the WiFi device until after finishing the Cakewalk/Sonar session. The other thing I would mention is that I have a laptop with a Thunderbolt 3 port on it, which I sought deliberately, and I bought a UAD Arrow for it, mostly not used for recording, but to act as my D/A converter for live performance with VST Hosting software for my soft synths. I am not sure what your needs are, as far as features and ports, but for what I use the UAD Arrow for, it works AMAZINGLY fast, with data transfers across the Thunderbolt 3 cable screaming fast. Only has 2 combo ins and a Hi-Z though. I got mine for $499 from Sweetwater, which seems to be the standard price I have seen them for. Building myself a monster desktop with an AMD-based CPU and motherboard, well that is one thing I rather regret - because I did not know at the time that that computer would not be able to add Thunderbolt 3 support, as the motherboard would need a header on it, and I understand that, at least when I bought the parts, that Thunderbolt 3 was only licensed to Intel-based motherboards. Bit of a bummer, because I would have shot the wad on getting Thunderbolt 3 support for that desktop, were it available, as there are also now several Thunderbolt 3 audio interfaces with lots of inputs and outputs and features. Anyways, I hope any of the above stuff is of any help, Bob Bone
  18. Exactly - so the drives where my sample libraries reside hold nothing else, so I exclude those drives in their entirety, and then I also exempt the VST64 folder in Program Files, as well as the VST3 folder, as well as the Cakewalk Projects folder and the Cakewalk Content, and the AppData\Roaming\Cakewalk folder. I think that about does it - oh yeah, also Program Files\Cakewalk.
  19. I don't turn OFF my antivirus software, I simply add folder paths to my sample libraries and such, to be skipped from scanning every time I access them in Cakewalk. That works great, for me. In Avast, those folder paths are called Exemptions. Bob Bone
  20. Yeah - I just remember things in my projects getting reassigned after I accidentally plugged things into different USB ports. It has been a LONG time since then, but I thought I would ask,... Bob Bone
  21. Kewl that you got it working. Welcome to it - there are TONS of instructional videos on YouTube that will answer many/most questions you may have about how to do different things in Cakewalk, and of course there are the forums. Good luck with all of it, and hope you have fun learning the ropes. Cakewalk is a quite capable program, and folks in the forums are pretty helpful - help them to help you, by working at educating yourself on techniques for accomplishing different tasks with Cakewalk, and between that and asking questions when needed, you will get up to speed pretty quickly. Bob Bone
  22. This is a VERY common problem with multiple different product lines of plugins. The fix is similar in all of these - they are resetting because they are tied to CC control for volume. In Kontakt, whenever I load up an instrument I haven't used before, I always go into the Instrument Options (click the wrench to get into the instrument's settings, than click on Instrument Options, then click on Controllers), and then I remove the check for the box labeled Accept standard controllers for Volume and Pan, and then I save the modified instrument in the same folder, with "Bob's - " added to the front of the name. I also make sure to pull the master volume for the instrument down quite a bit, so that it is close to where I generally have things set for use in the project. (The instrument's initial volumes are always way too high for my liking). The other choice would be to skip the above, and set the instrument's volume using the fader on the Cakewalk midi track for that instrument. I almost always do the above, and then, because I save the instrument with the change - adding "Bob's - " to the front of the instrument's name, so next time I want to use that instrument I already know those changes were made. Anyways, good luck with it all, hope the above helps some, Bob Bone
  23. Robert Bone

    No MIDI input

    OK here is an update - I do not know how to get a permalink to paste here, so I will paste in a link to my other thread. Please scroll down to the bottom of that, to see my update, as for ME, something in a few things I tried seems to have gotten things back to working properly: Bob Bone
  24. OK an update: I have no idea of this being any sort of actual fix, since the issue has always seemed to be quite unpredictable, according to other posts in the past about this, HOWEVER, I went from this happening LITERALLY every time I launched Cakewalk - since 2 days ago now, it seems as if something in multiple things I tried, MAY have stopped this from happening on my system. What I did: So, in the prior posts above, I found short-term success by using the technique scook suggested, of renaming the TTSSEQ.ini file and then launching Cakewalk. This was working, but ONLY for that session in Cakewalk. When I later restarted Cakewalk, the issue came back, and I again had no midi data from my midi controller being detected by Cakewalk. Renaming the TTSSEQ.ini file again would get it to work for just that Cakewalk session. (I would also have to re-select the midi controller as a Midi Input Device in Preferences after I had renamed TTSSEQ.ini) SO, in my just trying a bunch of things I: 1) I made sure all Windows maintenance was applied. There WERE some patches requiring a restart to complete, and so I did the computer reboot. 2) I went into my Avast antivirus, and discovered several folder paths that used to be added as Exceptions to being scanned, were no longer in the Exceptions list, so I added them again - drives with nothing but static sample libraries on them, the Cakewalk folder in Program Files, the VST64 plugins folder I have all my plugins in, and the Cakewalk folder in my AppData Roaming folder. 3) I went into Device Manager, and then into the View tab, and checked the box to see Hidden Items, and then deleted ghosted entries in the Sound, Video, and Game Controllers category. There were multiple ghost entries for my audio interface, and for the Roland A-800 Pro controller listed there, so I uninstalled those. Since making the above changes, I have launched Cakewalk multiple times, (on the 1st launch, I had to select my midi controller again as a Midi Input Device, because I had renamed TTSSEQ.ini), and on every launch, my midi data is happily again being properly detected by Cakewalk, so all seems to be well. If there is ANYTHING in what I changed that somehow got this to work again, and anyone else is having this issue, you might want to try one or more of the things I listed above, in case it works for you too. At the moment, I am WAY more cheerful about it all than I was for the past couple of days - hopefully something has managed to get this to stay working properly again., A happy, but scratching my head - Bob Bone
  25. Pretty much until the end of time, you will be alternating your ASIO Buffer Size values: small value when recording tracks, huge value when mixing. It is simply the nature of the requirements of the more heavy duty plugins, added and used during mixing, that you need to do this, for all but the simplest projects. I don't even really think about it anymore. My brain automatically sets the ASIO Buffer Size to either 128 or 64 for tracking, and then way up to either 1024 or 2048 when switching to mixing. I never ever have audio Rice Crispy noises when mixing, and if I happen to get any issues when recording with the buffer set to 64, I simply bump it up to 128, which is still fine for tracking. Bob Bone
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