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Everything posted by Rezerekted

  1. I'm a huge TONEX fan and I don't like to say it, but there have been times when I have been playing the Sabbath, Tony Iommi's amp and I have forgotten I was in TH-U and got a little confused thinking I was in TONEX, concerning seeing how much I have spent on 3rd party capture packs I have (250+) for TONEX. As you have said the Floyd/Gilmour amp is awesome, and it can have FX that aren't just EQ or Drive, well they both can of course, chorus, flange, delay, pitch shift, whatever you want. If the last few OVERLOUD releases is a sign of things to came . . . well lets just say it will be interesting, I have more testing and comparing to do to make sure I'm not just freakin', I have a set of captures for TONEX of a Gilmour amp that will be interesting, and I have some of Iommi's amps, and some that are just the same model, that will be interesting as well. But one thing for sure is these 2 releases from OVERLOUD surely R.O.C.K
  2. Plus 8 new ones, and all the other stuff
  3. If you have everything now, and still want to have everything you must buy MAX, it's the only choice. MAX here I come.
  4. Excellent pair of Amps, between these and the recently released of IK's 'Boutique Overdrive Signature Collection' for TONEX, time is very scarce, but I'm not complaining. Again excellent Amps, excellent release from OVERLOUD. and JRR is the best price using the code Group, I forget what it came out to, I think it was $65 something instead of $78.
  5. I'm surprised not to see any mention of the release of the Boutique Overdrives Signature Collection, (at least I looked and looked and couldn't find) awesome set, great tones, Keep it up IK.
  6. Unfortunately, I think Edith is off the mark here, I'll have to go with the other gentlemen, here is the comparison chart, scroll down. That would be one hell of a deal though, but a bit much I think. https://www.ikmultimedia.com/products/ts4/?pkey=total-studio-4
  7. . . . and that I did, many years ago.
  8. You can get 25% off the Yearly Membership, on your Bandlab account under the 'Explore' tab in the 'New Opportunities' section. [lets see if this works]
  9. I think the Mastering is online mastering https://www.bandlab.com/mastering perhaps the other stuff is online as well, I don't know. But if you scroll down to the bottom of that page you will see a list titled 'Features' with entries like Studio, Effects, Splitter, Songstarter, Sounds . . . I don't know, just guessing. Check this out for more information https://blog.bandlab.com/bandlab-membership/?lid=mcwtjqt7ml4s
  10. The lad in the following thread up in the Sonar section was posting about similar
  11. hmmm, unsure now, just went through all my receipts I could find and could find no evidence of a purchase. But checked my account and they are both there as separate items, not that that means much I suppose except I got them some how. Looking through all those old receipts brought back some memories Well I'm off to make a new receipt
  12. I think if I recall correctly, those 2 were separately purchased items, I also have a Platinum License (not installed) But with the fresh install of Cakewalk Sonar the LPEQ and MBC don't appear to be present. Have a look in your account if you see them as separate items?
  13. hmmmm, I'm going to have to get the 3 day trial now there is only so much one can take of no saving and no exporting, also running it on the laptop there is only so much one can takes of a single screen even though it's using a 24 inch screen. Going to have to load it up on one of the main Desktop PC's (dual monitors yay) with the 3 day trial now and give it a good work out over the weekend. Thinking of waiting for a 'deal' when the 3 days run out but I might not be able to Hear goes.
  14. Thanks all, I ended up just downloading Cakewalk Sonar and installing that to check it out, I just can't save or export. Going fine thus far, I installed it on my Laptop that I use for the internet. It's somewhat less powerful than the desktops but it's going fine. I think I will just keep checking things out like this for a few days and then just bite the bullet barring any obstacles.
  15. I got it for $19.99, but I already had Bettermaker BM60 Bettermaker Bus Compressor Bettermaker EQ232D
  16. That is a nice surprise. Does this thing tell when there is updates yet, or still just download and install?
  17. Hello all, say I take on the 3 day trial and I like it and choose to go on with it, from what I understand from my reading it will keep on going and charge you with the monthly rate but how do I go about telling it I want the yearly instead of the monthly, which is what I would choose. I would rather not pay the monthly fee and then have to change over to the yearly. It would have been good if the trial period was longer than 3 days, 2 weeks would have been better to both get a better idea about the program and to give time to have it set up for the yearly instead of the monthly, but it is what it is. Also is it right that when you sign up for a Bandlab Membership that you get access to both Cakewalk Sonar and Cakewalk Next, plus some other stuff which may or may not be useful? Next, not the DAW Next but my next question, I will be changing over from my current 2 PC's which I will call the old ones to two new PC's. On the old two I had X3e and SONAR Platinum with all the bibs and bobs and REAPER. From what I gather instruments like Z3TA 2, Rapture, Dimension Pro, Rapture Pro and all their addon packs will be installed via the new Command Center app, not sure about the addons, but I suppose if not they could be done manually after the fact? But what about other plugins like the Pro Channel plugins the 2 newer linear phase EQ and Multiband Compressor and the like? I imagine that things like the Boutique FX Suite, the Classic Creative FX, the Engineering FX Suite, the Platinum Core Plugins and the Studio Mixing FX, I don't really care about the Instruments or the Sonitus FX if I never see them again it will be to soon, but I'm guessing I will have to install Platinum again? I was hoping I wouldn't have to regardless of how little space it takes up, it just seems silly to me to have to install something not to use it just to get some plugins, surely that could be fixed so it wasn't necessary? it is what it is I suppose. I may just install ZETA 2 Rapture, Dim Pro and Rapture Pro and not worry about the FX, I have more than enough 3rd party plugs which are arguably better so there's no real need. I'm really looking forward to checking out all the improvements and performance updates from the last update going by the reaction to it here. Reading through the release notes was somewhat impressive. If all goes well I might not even bother installing REAPER again. I know there is a few questions in there, but I would be grateful to know if I was on the right path. Thanks.
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