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Everything posted by Rezerekted

  1. Exactly, it really isn't an issue, certainly not the issue people seem to tend to think it is I've WUP'd more than you have, but I've only WUP'd twice in the last 10 years or so, and both times the payback in very useful plugins added to Mercury has made it more than worth it, it felt like I was ripping them off.
  2. I myself have wondered about this functionality, as I have found it useful whether logged in or not on other forums. So I guess if I also would find it of use there would certainly be others as well, so the OP' assertion that it would not only be beneficial to himself but others as well is likely correct.
  3. Thanks Peter, IK, does the trick
  4. All the slowness may be related to the amount of 3rd party Packs or captures you have. I have around 250+ full 3rd party packs, all Amalgams, all Jason Sadities , all Tone junkies and on and on it goes, I don't have any freebies from ToneNET, anyway, TONEX shows my number of Tone Models to be just over 6500. Amplitube was taking around 10 minutes to load with the new update, it was unusable of course having to wait that long, it was fine once it loaded. So I decided to replace my current .db file with the original one that I saved before starting on my 3rd party journey. Now Amplitube loads in about 2 secs and TONEX almost instantaneous. So if you have a heap or 3rd party captures/capture packs that may well be the problem. Perhaps the new update has some issue with 3rd party packs or the number of them, idk For me as it is now, TONEX MAX and all the Signature Packs it's as mentioned above. I might slowly go through adding packs back and see if I can find the tipping point, we'll see, probably not though, I've got better things to do and I have enough like it is, although I will likely add some special stuff back in, who knows. MODS how about letting me post like normal, surely I have posted enough to remove the training wheels, it's almost pointless trying to help or converse like this, and having some other individual decide if, when and what you are aloud to say, well you know,
  5. It's an excellent plugin as is vielklang 2 which support ends for at the end of the year, which I personally wouldn't let bother me. You may not be able to purchase it after that, or perhaps before depending on whether the licenses out in the wild run out or not. (got that from an official zplane lad 6 months or so ago) You can't go wrong with any of the zplane plugins imo.
  6. I cancelled the monthly membership while still in the 'Free 3 day trial' part, on the first day actually, then had to wait until those 3 days elapsed before I could take advantage of the 25% of for a Yearly Membership that I posted above. So I'm on the '2nd day of the year' so to speak, will only be spending a couple of hours a day or every other day max with it. Very curious to see if those performance and stability improvements I have read about are all they have been cracked up to be, keeping in mind I stopped using SONAR back in 2015, on the 11th September 2015 as it happens
  7. My point being it's not a 1 to 1 compatibility type thing going on, because there just can't be, it's not possible, under certain conditions, going in that (forward) direction, so it shouldn't be conveyed as such. It should be readily apparent, but just for any who may not have thought of it that way there you are, the issue/problem whatever you call it exists. Mathew Simon Fletcher, my comment about the taxi wasn't intended to be taken the way you apparently took it, it was meant as a little bit of humor, with the directions being 'forwards and backwards' (comparability) Taxi direction etc, my apologies, but it was never meant the way you seemingly took it.
  8. Yes, and very well done there. But what I am trying to get through to the gentlemen above, something which should be obvious but may not be apparently, is that in the OP's situation, there is no 'forwards compatibility' something that he makes in Sonar will not be 100% compatible with same project opened in CbB if there are Sonar only features used in said project. It's a little hard to to conduct a conversation when you have no control over whether what you actually typed will make it to the post, or for that matter whether your post will make it in a timely manner to be relevant, or whether it will make it at all. So I shall just give up and hit the 'Read Only' option box.
  9. You can buy mine . . . wait a minute . . .
  10. Well I hope I never get you as a taxi driver, I'll never get there, 'cause you'll be going the wrong way.
  11. In before the lock c'mon, get me IBTL
  12. With the proviso that anything that makes use of any feature etc in Sonar that weren't actually in CbB will give issue, it won't be all Beer and Skittles.
  13. Again I know the above is not a reply to me, but just telling you my story I had all available modules, but for whatever reason they never showed up in my account, the old shop I think it was that had the button to click ti show you what you didn't own always showed nothing. I checked in my DAW and counted how many modules I had and it came to 54, take out the suite that makes 53. It was the same type of problem in Amplitube 5, I owned everything there was, but my account never reflected that, also I have things installed like the LMC which doesn't show up in the Product manager as installed, I think there might be 1 or 2 others in the same way. Anyway, it only said I was able to get the €/$50 discount instead of the €/$100, I should have waited, but I don't have much of that in me I thought it would have taken ages to sort the issue out, so I just purchased T-RacKs 6 MAX and used my Jam Points which in the end brought it down lower than using the code would of. €/$10 lower roughly if memory serves. After that seeing as Total Studio MAX 4 was on sale for €/$199 I thought I would just buy it so everything would be all tidied up. I didn't really get much out of Total Studio MAX4, I already owned everything nut a couple of those small EDM type things. But now everything is nice and neat and tidied up. T-RacKs 6 MAX, and Total Studio MAX 4, that's all I need worry about, everything is there. I'm happy as a pig in mud, couldn't be happier. Now bring on the future
  14. For some reason I remained on v1.5.0.11, I have v1,5,5,13 in my downloads folder, and why I never updated further I have no clue.
  15. I have the Matt Figg ones as well, I'm afraid the ones spoken about here top them, it's just how it is. I'm a huge TONEX fan, my collection of captures is huge, I've spent a lot of money on them, so I don't say it lightly. It seems OVERLOUD is on to a good thing and it seems to be getting better and better with every release, the standard TH-U stuff is still pretty much crap though, but . . .
  16. A little hard to work out, but not really, I own everything bar a few EDM type things for Sampletank, the new Pianos, I think that's it, but my account doesn't show all my T-RackS stuff, I checked in my DAW, and yes they are all there so I'm not dreaming. I'm guessing it would take a bit of time figuring it all out, in the mean time I have T-RackS 6 MAX installed so I'm happy with that. €139.99 or $230AU give or take after conversion, Jam Points made it cheaper by €10 than the other thing. I think I'll grab Total Studio 4 MAX now while it's on sale and that should tidy everything up, and just buy the MAX's as they come and any other odds and ends as they come. I'm not a waiter, I was down in the back shed jammin' with me mates when they were giving out patience and the ability to wait, I've got to have them when they are released.
  17. I think the €100 is pretty good on it's own no? Would you rather it Free?
  18. Peter, I know you weren't responding to me, but I'll have to check things out, if I have any issues Peter do you mind if I contact you via PM? Posting is a little difficult for me for whatever reason.
  19. But you need MAX to once again have everything, as in the 8 new modules.
  20. Yes a fellow up the top told me it was wise to hold off for a sale, so I cancelled my membership while it was in the 3 day trial period, I then tried to get this but couldn't because my membership was still active even though cancelled. It is no history so I'll be purchasing this myself.
  21. I can't recall it all now, and I'm to tired to go back and look now, bit I think there is a little more to it than that, go back and take careful notice, and look at all the pages, ones that link of of etc, I got to go to sleep and sort my situation out tomorrow, if it comes down to I must pay $199 minus Jam Points (if they are allowed), then I'm ok with that, I shall buy it and smile whilst I do it.
  22. Well I think I spoke to soon, seems I have a upgrade to MAX for $99, glad I didn't purchase yet, I'll contact IK or Peter to make sure it's all good, then I'll happily jump on it
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