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Everything posted by pwalpwal

  1. any excuse to share this wonderful performance,Bongwater w/Screamin' Jay Hawkins - You Don't Love Me Yet
  2. but it's always a "workaround" until the issue is identified 🤷‍♀️ "no rollback" is quite an ask of users imo
  3. Animal Collective - The Purple Bottle
  4. Panda Bear & Sonic Boom - Everything's Been Leading To This Dub
  5. i believe there's an "analytics" option - does that count as phoning home?
  6. Half Man Half Biscuit - Everything's A.O.R. (infinite points haha)
  7. Why not Include them as they are right now, while working on the new synth engine?
  8. The point is that with tts you can open and play a midi file without doing anything else, I don't think anyone uses the sounds
  9. Agree re sonitus, here's a nice overview https://www.soundonsound.com/techniques/cakewalk-sonitus-effects
  10. funny how things turn out, sonar used to come bundled with 3rd party plugs, now bandlab membership comes bundled with sonar i do think all the stock plugs, even the ancient dx, are good for users new to a daw (ie, bl members), and they are also a good way of "forcing creativity" by restricting yourself to using only the stock plugs for a project (whereas all the new plugs seem to be much more "let me do that for you") i agree that missing midi playback is a thing, but maybe they're working on their own tts-1 clone, who knows 🤷‍♀️ /fwiw
  11. satirical, funny, super-trippy, this version has his "director's voiceover dvd extras" (can't find the original)... we watched this so many times back in the day, hope you 80s metal guys enjoy it
  12. Stereolab / Nurse With Wound–Simple Headphone Mind
  13. Lynyrd Skynyrd Vs. Nelly - Sweet Home Alabama Vs. Country Grammar
  14. Tbf, cakewalk has always been windows, but it's the only windows daw that has asio issues, but mac is old school now? Rofl come on
  15. back in the day, SONAR was the product, and cakewalk (the company) made deals with 3rd parties to provide some nice toys with each release (every year or so, not the current agile monthly) today, bandlab ecosphere is the product and Sonar is just a part of that, so any new toys will be a part of the bandlab offering, excluging of course just reworking of some of the old things like the sonitus plugins, which i guess will get a GUI update Erik's post above has some nice stuff well worth checking out
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