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Everything posted by Triangleman

  1. I'm tempted. I don't need them all but individually they have been too much to justify. I tried out prophecy and one of the tritons when they came out and really liked them. And I've had wavestation forever and absolutely love it.
  2. Loved her on Letterman through the years. He was genuinely smitten with her, too. And Young Frankenstein. RIP
  3. Being in HS band was the best. We'd sing Frank Zappa songs on the bus going to games to annoy the adults. Most of them were greatly offended but the young cool asst band director would say "OK who can count that out and tell me what the time signature is".
  4. Thanks - always fun to find something new in something you already have. I tried it out on an organ/vocal idea I'd recorded a few weeks back and for whatever reason the organ (Kronos cx3) was probably the first 4 drawbars all the way up and nothing else and super chunky. It was a much more softer and sweeter idea that needed thinner organ and I put Melodyne on it and used the harmonics button and that 3rd slider (which is odd/even in this mode) and it was just like moving the drawbars and didn't sound like EQ at all. Then I went all out and started moving everything around and it got into this weird flute sound with a bit of a throbbing to it - put some heavy reverb on it and it was instant ambience.
  5. I've got a friend who was (still is) fanatical about an electric piano patch on the Sound Canvas hardware. He's got probably 3 SC units and they are holding up pretty good. Better than then VA version, right?
  6. Yep Sound Forge was an essential part of the early computer audio era. I streamed a lot of events with their Mediasite streaming appliance, too. I needed tech support one time and called the number and a guy in Wisconsin answered and helped me out. Good stuff.
  7. I 100% agree with this and I hope if they do continue with another drummer they don't try to replicate the past but make something out of the new chemistry. Be it reimagining Rush songs or doing new material.
  8. I updated my H90 and I am loving the poly synth. I used it on some piano noodling and put the resonator behind it and it just makes it's own thing.
  9. And this year looks like they have 6 stages set up to stream. I only recognize a handful of the performers but it's the way I like to experience a big festival - my recliner, my hi-fi, my bathroom. I like to bounce around during the early acts and I have picked up on some cool music I wouldn't normally have seen. Otherwise looking at the Bjork show Sunday - that should be good. Domi and Beck I'm curious how they come off in a festival environment. Boygenius - I like their new album and now I can see who is singing what. Schedule grid by day, time and stage: https://coachella.com/schedule
  10. I've been waiting for this one. But I shall prudently wait and observe others before installing.
  11. Interesting I'll try the V2. Manipulaor has what I assume is Wider V1 and I always like how it sounds.
  12. Soooooo will there be the 25% off WUP sale like usual this time of year? That's all I really wanted but then the popsicle stand blew up.
  13. Of course the other victim in all this is the poor Waves employee who did all the weekly stupid sales deal marketing stuff and got laid off. Unless they start doing sales on subscription prices! Not enough value for my needs in those annual rates.
  14. I was just on Audio Deluxe and the only Waves product was Musicians 2 bundle for $9.97.
  15. I'm in the same boat with maybe 7or 8 older v9,10 plug ins that I have never WUP'd (and use on a PC with Cakewalk) but I just bought the Renaissance bundle as v14 to use on my new Mac mini M1 with Logic (which I am really liking). I've been waiting for the annual 25% off WUP sale so I could upgrade a few of the older plugs (like AR Chambers, L2) to work on the M1 Mac. That's my scenario for finally thinking about an update. But now with whatever new policy they have I'm just watching along to see what will happen. I figure worst case I can always buy the 2 or 3 old plug ins again in the latest version on a sale for my Mac and it is close to a wash with the WUP price.
  16. Maybe - I can't recall the name. It had the slots for RAM on it that would load up so slowly.
  17. This is what's great about Sound Forge. My Sony era version still installs and authenticates and for that I am thankful. For the basic needs I have it is the perfect tool. And I think that Sound Blaster bundling was my first exposure to Sound Forge back then, too. Also remember my Turtle Beach sound card (that I got after my Sound Blaster) and the Cakewalk version that came with it!
  18. My KISS era was between Alive and AliveII and as a pre-pubescent elementary kid the lyrics made no sense but I could tell it was probably fun and Ace was my fave. I moved on to Steely Dan, Rush, Yes, etc for high school but I do enjoy going back to Love Gun and even that Creatures of the Night reissue that just came out. And I love to blast Black Diamond off the 1st album and dig the tape slow down at the end which I can only imagine was to get another minute on the album.
  19. Were those recently released synths always that expensive? I want the Prophecy but for some reason I was thinking $50 black friday price. After playing with the demo for a few days I'm not so sure about $99.
  20. I'm stalking NVME 1tb gen 3 sticks and they have been dropping for sure. I'm buying from a local brick and mortar but the WD blue price has gone from $119 a couple months ago to $79 now. I'll pick up one at this price and see if it drops any more maybe get another one.
  21. Great thread and good info. I have not enjoyed Win10 and I'll probably do an 11 build on a cloned drive soon just to try it out.
  22. Not buying that Dave Smith Poly Evolver Rack unit for $700 locally back in the late 2000s. The last few sold on reverb.com were $2000+
  23. I ran a MOTU 828 firewire for a lot of years and it slowly died and I replaced with an ultralite mk4. I feel both were good choices and good long term value. And when windows 11 finally pushes me over the edge I know I can just plug the mk4 into a mac mini with Logic and keep on going.
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