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Larry Jones

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Everything posted by Larry Jones

  1. I have put this off for years, but this month I bought a used Dell computer and today I decommissioned the old PC and began setting up the "new" one. Anyone who's ever had to do this knows why I've put it off. The old computer was state of the art -- ten years ago -- but it was showing its age, acting weird, doing everything s l o w l y, and getting damned noisy. I kept it going as long as I felt safe to do so, but I have decided to move on. The new machine is an i7-7700, so I guess there will be no Win 11 upgrade, but I can live with that. I just fired it up, installed the Focusrite driver for my first gen Scarlett 6i6, and spent spent 2 hours trying to get sound out of it. I finally figured it out, but that made me realize I'm a bit -- shall we say? -- out of shape when it comes to working on computers and software. There is currently no other software installed, and before I dive in and make a bunch of stupid mistakes, I'm asking for any advice, tips and best practices any of you might be able to give me to reduce the speedbumps and make the most of this experience. Are there any definite "don'ts?" What about antivirus? Anything I should do in the BIOS to improve DAW performance? I have the installers for SONAR Producer 8.5, X2, X3 and Platinum and I'll put those in first to get all the extras that came with them, followed by CbB. Beyond that I don't know exactly what I'm going to do, or if there are big mistakes in my immediate future, so I'm open to any thoughts from all of you. Thanks!
  2. @Oscar Martín Díez-Canseco This doesn't make sense. Why would Celemony disable this one function (tempo mapping) in the trial version when their website clearly states "...you can test the full range of functions of Melodyne for 30 days free of charge with no obligation. You can try out all the functions to your heart’s content without limitations, save everything and use it later – just as though you had already bought the program." The site doesn't have a lot to say about why this function might not work, except that your imported track might be too complex for Melodyne to extract the tempo, but this doesn't seem to apply to your situation, since you say you've imported only a click.
  3. @Steve Howell Sorry I didn't see your reply until now. Your problem seems worse than mine, and I hope you work it out. I've been trying to upgrade my workstation for the past month, and the little toast popup not closing has been the least of my worries.
  4. My Notifications settings look just like your screenshot, so it must be something else. It doesn't seem to effect the program's functioning, but it just started doing this recently, so of course I fear the worst will happen soon.?
  5. Title states my issue. My questions are what causes this and how can I make it work correctly? I should note that I can manually click the toast message off and work on the project, but it never goes away on its own, which I assume it's supposed to because the rest of the message is "Please wait..." Just out of curiosity I have waited as long as 15 minutes. UPDATE: THIS ISSUE WENT AWAY ON ITS OWN. I DON'T KNOW WHAT CAUSED IT, OR WHAT "FIXED" IT.
  6. Feeling kind of stupid here, but I have a variation on this question: I have six tracks containing a couple of handclaps each, nothing more. I want to mix them down to a single stereo track. When I Bounce to Tracks..., I get the export dialog. I select the six tracks on my timeline and "Tracks" as the source. The dialog has preselected the correct six tracks as well as the next empty track (singular!) in my project as the destination. This looks perfect, but when I render, it simply copies each of my original six tracks to six new tracks, beginning with the preselected destination track. It's not mixed -- I just have six duplicate tracks. For now I'll do it by soloing my six tracks and rendering "Entire Mix," but shouldn't this work the way I tried it? Am I missing something?
  7. I can't figure out what you're doing. You draw a melody in the PRV, apply an arpeggiator to it, bounce it to a clip with the arpeggiator disabled, and edit the bounced clip in the PRV to sound like it did with the arpeggiator enabled? Not sure, but what I've noticed about using the arpeggiator in CbB is that it doesn't sound the same every time, probably because it depends on the exact beat or note it It starts on. If this method worked for you before, maybe it was just luck. Wish I could be more helpful.
  8. If you drag your freely played audio track up to the timeline, a tempo map will be created and should display in the tempo view. Then the drums should follow the tempo changes. I believe you have to have Melodyne installed for this to work, but I think any version of Melodyne is acceptable, even the trial of Essential. Good luck!
  9. You're right! My bad. Not reading carefully. Thanks for the correction.
  10. Don't hold your breath. Cakewalk never owned the code, and the person who does (the developer) is in prison for some very bad crimes.
  11. In my early days of playing covers I had no way of looking up lyrics. I just had to get the words off the radio, like everyone else. I'm sure I "misheard" a lot of words and phrases, so I sang whatever sounded right to me, and in decades of doing that I was never called out for it, leading me to believe that very few of us actually know what we're hearing.?
  12. Yes, no point debating in a case like that. It's like trying to convince folks with certain completely unsupportable political beliefs by citing facts. I am a virtual million miles from everything, but one never knows: Where is your area?
  13. Haha! I enjoyed watching your relentless politeness to the snotty gearhead who felt that you didn't know what you were doing and ANY difference one could hear MUST be measurable. Apparently, he is unaware of the fact that the entire audio industry is based on the belief that some people can hear things that are not measurable and that other people cannot hear. The whole thread is over my head, but I sensed some geeky passive/aggressiveness there. UPDATE: In his latest post he describes the horrible inconvenience of not knowing exactly when the mail carrier drops the newspaper in his mailbox. He has rigged an alarm system that buzzes in the house when the mailbox door is opened. Who wants to bet he also has a home weather station, and periodically challenges the forecasts he sees on the nightly news?
  14. It took the OP three posts to actually ask a question about how to accomplish something in CbB. The next day, @David Baay gave an explanation of why CbB acts the way it does, and three ways to "fix" the issue. I suspect the OP has gone off now to make music with Cakewalk to add to his videos (made with super-complex video software), and doesn't need this forum any more.
  15. Or you could describe your setup and how it's all connected and what you are doing when the difficulty appears, and someone can probably tell you how to get up and running.
  16. You should contact support if you haven't already. Or @Noel Borthwickmight be interested in your techno odyssey.
  17. Clearly you should get another Apple computer. But if you must stay with Windows, ASIO4ALL is never a good idea. Get the MOTU-approved ASIO driver from their website. It should work better, and it may solve all your problems.
  18. I use impulse responses to change the sound of my acoustic guitar into a MUCH better-sounding acoustic guitar. It will probably work with an electric as well: https://discuss.cakewalk.com/index.php?/topic/5064-favorite-freeware-fx-thread/&do=findComment&comment=247156
  19. This is the workaround I use: Switch to sound on sound mode, and don't bother "punching in" at all. Just roll back a few bars and hit Record. Your existing content won't be erased and the new recording will be in a new clip on the same track. Once you get a good take you can select it along with the existing stuff on that track and bounce to clips. As @Billy86 notes, you may have to do a little PRV editing, but that's normal for me, due to my clumsy keyboard playing.
  20. @msmcleod - I hope this link works. It goes to a comment I added to the Favorite Freeware Thread, and it's my totally free method of souping up my bad-sounding acoustic guitar. It's light on step-by-step instructions, because I was just learning about using IRs. But smart people will figure it out, and it includes links to a huge free library of acoustic guitar IRs, as well as a useful (and free!) IR loader. By the way, I think I like your "before" guitar sound better than the "after." https://discuss.cakewalk.com/index.php?/topic/5064-favorite-freeware-fx-thread/&do=findComment&comment=247156
  21. Impulse Responses: Who Knew? tl;dr: NadIR and The Acoustic IR Database I've learned a lot -- and saved a lot of money -- from @Starship Krupa's Favorite Freeware FX Thread, and from the many contributors to it. I feel a little guilty at taking and never giving here, but I just don't seem to find anything out there that you guys haven't already found and reported (or in some cases, discarded). But here's my story: I have a Gibson J-160E that I bought at a Third Street pawn shop (San Francisco) in 1968. If you saw the movie "A Hard Days Night" you'll know the instrument. It's the acoustic/electric that John Lennon plays in the movie. When reporters later asked him to comment on the Hard Days Night tour he replied (paraphrasing) "It was good, but I lost me jumbo." The J-160E is not a jumbo (sorry John), but it is in fact the guitar that was stolen on that tour. Because of when and where I acquired mine, it's even money that it is, in fact, John's lost guitar. Yes, I know, some guy in San Diego claims he has the actual guitar, and a perfectly legible sales receipt from the Liverpool music store where John and George bought their 2 guitars 60 years ago. But there are enough twists and turns to the story that I will choose to believe that mine is the real one. I really don't think there's any way to know. But the main thing about this guitar is, it sucks. It has a very heavy top, to keep it from resonating too much and feeding back when you plug it in. This makes it a terrible acoustic guitar, because it doesn't resonate much. And as an electric guitar, it plays like an acoustic guitar. Which would be fine if it were a great acoustic, but (see above) it's not. It does have a real pickup on it, which may or may not be a P-90 or a P-100, which would be fine if it were a good electric guitar, but it's not. Still, it's the only acoustic I have, since I have had my own problems over the years with thieves and numbskulls. So whenever I need some acoustic strumming on a track, I dust off the old girl, mess around for a half hour with mic placement, and end up fiddling with chorus and EQ and finally burying it in the track, hoping no one will notice how bad it sounds. Until I discovered impulse responses. I vaguely understand that when I use an amp sim with a virtual speaker cabinet, someone has modeled that speaker cabinet. Turns out, the modeling is in the form of an impulse response. In Guitar Rig, TH3 and many other sims, you don't have to know this. You click on pictures of speaker cabinets until you find one that sounds right, and badabing. IRs are also the driving force behind convolution reverbs, but that's a different story. Anyway, I got curious about IRs one day, and started googling around, and here's the thing I'd like to contribute to the Favorite Freeware FX Thread: acoustic guitar IRs. OK, these are not, strictly speaking, effects, but the effect they have had on my old Gibson is amazing to me. People have been recording impulse responses from great-sounding guitars, and with a little free software, I can add an IR to my recorded guitar in Cakewalk, and it comes out sounding like a vintage, perfectly set up Martin D-28! Or any of hundreds of other beautiful and great-sounding guitars. How long has this been going on? It's like I've been transported back to 1969 and given the chance not to buy this stupid J-160E. You need an IR loader, and that would be NadIR, linked at the very beginning. It's free from Ignite amps, but it comes attached to their Emissary amp sim, so you have to also get that, which is OK, especially if you're into metal. Both are free, so you can't lose. (Personally I prefer Ignite's Anvil amp -- you have to scroll down to find The Anvil.) I've never used anything like NadIR before, and it felt a little like being at the controls of an alien spaceship, but if you try a few things, you'll figure it out, or you'll crash on a moon of Jupiter. It comes with a few speaker cabinet IRs that you can use if you want to hitch 'em up to the Emissary amp, but you really need to try some acoustic guitar IRs, and you can search from among hundreds of them using the handy Acoustic Guitar IR Database (also linked at the top). I think all the IRs are free, but I didn't look at every one of them. A little googling will reveal lots more places to get IRs. I've only used them in a very conservative way, to make one acoustic guitar sound a lot like a different acoustic guitar. I have a feeling IRs can also be used in extreme ways, and everything in between. The only drawback will be that you'll never get anything done, as you check out what your voice sounds like in the train station, or your snare drum at the bottom of the Grand Canyon.
  22. Haha. I thought it said Studio One was $99,399 and I thought "Why not just make it an even hundred grand?" Regarding Ableton and FL Studio, I haven't used them but I'd bet you can't do what you want in the entry-level versions, so at $749 and $899 those would actually be more expensive than SONAR was at its peak.
  23. No, actually I don't care if "young blood" uses CbB. If they do I'll welcome them, but it's not important to me how many kids jump in -- unless Bandlab finds they don't like the older demographic and decides to pull a Gibson. I was responding to @jackson white and @Starship Krupa, who were talking about "authenticity" and "artist vs. entertainer." Hope that clears things up.?
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