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Larry Jones

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Everything posted by Larry Jones

  1. Jesse - I asked this elsewhere, but now I can't find it: What about signatures? They can be darned helpful, and I don't see a way to add them to my profile.
  2. I don't see a way in this forum to add a signature to my profile. A list of equipment/software is valuable when asking and answering technical questions. Having to type out this information every time would be tedious, and (my opinion) will lead to a lot of posts saying "What equipment and software are you using?" Can this function be added?
  3. Out of curiosity I clicked the "Hide" button on my comment that you responded to. I see that the comment has completely disappeared, with no way to get it back or even see it. Is this the way it's supposed to work?
  4. OK! Happy to see this is happening. Thanks as always to the Bandlab folks. I think pretty much everybody involved has realized that the Cakewalk user forum is one of the best in the biz (OK, the best). Looking forward to seeing everyone here, and meeting the new users. Also, just looked at my profile page. Good to know that I'll have the opportunity to accumulate "Warning Points" and restrictions.
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