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Everything posted by TheSteven

  1. Picked up Opus upgrade on SSD during BF sale - it arrived yesterday and the drive is bad... ☹️
  2. So what synth would you spend your $25 off on code on?
  3. Per webpage: "The Black Friday sale ends on December 5th, 2021"
  4. That is just wrong on so many levels... logically and otherwise. You're trying to justify an action based on a flawed premise.
  5. Here is a not so random list of modules and their update changes... Analog Lab V V 5.4.4 New features: Added a condensed list view to the browser to view the preset list and filters at the same time New effects: Analog Phaser, Distortion, Twin Amp, Rotary, Analog Delay, Tape Echo, Convolution Reverb Added effect Link feature for Multi presets Added Effects presets Showing the names of the insert effects A and B on the control panel Both parts are now visible when deplyoying 'more infos' Delay is now stereo by default Bug fixes: Fixed UI issues in FL studio No more issues when opening V Collection stand-alone from 'Macs recent items' Updated Synclavier and Emulator Timers All V Collection works on Big Sur Imported and old playlists loading times have been vastly improved No More issues when using Luna running Big Sur with V Collection and FX collection instruments/effects Standalones are now all working with ASIO4ALL & Realtek ASIO Automations on control panel parameters are now working in FL Studio 20 No more missing samples on Vocoder presets in the Demo playlist Configure in Live now only requires a single click to map a parameter Fixed control panel mappings for Jun-6 presets Preset recommandation of user presets now works correclty Home pop-up windows now display correctly on retina displays No more 'Undefined' parameters shown in Bitwig No more clipping on audio demos When shuffling preset list liked preset now stay at the same position and for B-3 V2 V 2.5.0 New features: Added a condensed list view to the browser to view the preset list and filters at the same time Bug fixes: Fixed UI issues in FL studio No more issues when opening V Collection stand-alone from 'Macs recent items' Updated Synclavier and Emulator Timers All V Collection works on Big Sur Imported and old playlists loading times have been vastly improved No More issues when using Luna running Big Sur with V Collection and FX collection instruments/effects Standalones are now all working with ASIO4ALL & Realtek ASIO or CMI V V 1.9.0 New features: Added a condensed list view to the browser to view the preset list and filters at the same time Bug fixes: Fixed UI issues in FL studio No more issues when opening V Collection stand-alone from 'Macs recent items' Updated Synclavier and Emulator Timers All V Collection works on Big Sur Imported and old playlists loading times have been vastly improved No More issues when using Luna running Big Sur with V Collection and FX collection instruments/effects Standalones are now all working with ASIO4ALL & Realtek ASIO Updated presets to eliminate any unwanted noise after playing a sequence or Pigments V 3.2.0 New features: Apple M1 support or SQ80 V V 1.1.1 New features: Added a condensed list view to the browser to view the preset list and filters at the same time Factory library NKS support Bug fixes: Fixed UI issues in FL studio No more issues when opening V Collection stand-alone from 'Macs recent items' Updated Synclavier and Emulator Timers All V Collection works on Big Sur Imported and old playlists loading times have been vastly improved No More issues when using Luna running Big Sur with V Collection and FX collection instruments/effects Standalones are now all working with ASIO4ALL & Realtek ASIO Added "Doctor X" transwave Mono, Reassign, Unison and Hold controls can now be mapped to a controller No more duplicate presets Releasing the sustain pedal no longer cuts held keys No more audio artefacts when modulating the transwave position Various Sysex import improvements Changes to the rest of the modules should be somewhat similar to one of the above...
  6. Re: Amp Room deal... If I have the Line6 Helix plugin - is there a point in picking this up? So far Helix is my top dog and the one to beat in my collection of amp sims. Is this package usable on it's own or do I need to buy addons modules for it to be really usable.
  7. DDMF 40 % sale! https://ddmf.eu/ Dear DDMF users, As DDMF is a place where traditions are cherished and respected. Who would we be to decide that Black Friday already starts three weeks earlier? ? But now, the wait is almost over: from this Friday, Nov 26th, all the way until Cyber Monday, Nov 30th, all DDMF products will be available for you with a 40 percent discount. I know many of you have been holding back purchases due to the difficult times we are somehow still finding ourselves in. This is your chance to get gems like the new MagicVerb, the MagicDeathEye bundle, Metaplugin, Plugindoctor or any of the other great DDMF products at a hugely discounted price. and finish the year with some fantastic new tools in your arsenal. Looking forward to seeing you all there, don't forget to spread the word to your friends and family! All the best, stay safe and healthy, Christian (DDMF)
  8. Saw that and it died before I could close... Put it in my cart and when I tried to pay for it price changed to $45.
  9. Do you have a link? All I'm finding are ones for $45
  10. I refuse to buy anything more from ReFx until they produce that 64 bit version of Vanguard that they promised. I now return this thread to its previous topic…
  11. If I tell you yes you won’t. if I tell you no you will.
  12. https://www.masteringthemix.com/products/reso?currency=USD in case anyone was wondering... Also Voxengo Teote - which is on sale for $59.96 https://www.voxengo.com/product/teote/ Slightly cheaper at PluginBoutique
  13. Voxengo Black Friday Sale 25% off November 24, 2021: Dear Voxengo users, Until 1st of January, 2022 you can purchase individual Voxengo plugins and Premium Membership, at 25% discount. By purchasing 2 or more individual plugins you will get an additional discount. All three discount periods combined into one!
  14. I can't get the presets working Electra DSP... anyone else run into this? NM - found tech support reply I missed seeing saying that it doesn't have any presets.
  15. What are your favorite Kush plugins?
  16. Thanks, been thinking of digging out my old studio cassettes and transferring to MP3 or wav formats.
  17. Just spent a few minutes playing with it. Overall impression is not bad. Trying it on a vocal that's all over the place dynamically and it does a nice job without squashing the life out of the track. The 'air' and 'harmonics' (for this vocal) add a nice touch. Compared it to RVox and it's quite similar but liking UltraVox more.
  18. I downloaded it & installed and activated the demo. Can't get it to process audio in either Cakewalk or FL Studio. The GUI shows it's getting input, controls work but acts like it's completely bypassed - all eye candy, nothing for the ears. I'll open a ticket sometime this weekend if I have time... Nevermind - just tried it again an it's now working in Cakewalk.
  19. And XO can seamlessly use all those one-shots and other drum samples that I've been collecting over the years...
  20. You don't need an iLok dongle, but you're still using iLok.
  21. You authorize the license with iLok, the license can either be installed on your machine or on an iLok dongle. You can run the iLok License Manager to verify if you've activated the license or not. If you haven't installed the iLok License Manager take care of that first. Next - the plugin itself needs to be installed somewhere where your Cakewalk scan path can find it. If your screen shot is correct... You are only installing the VST3 versions - check your VST3 folder (C:\Program Files\Common Files\VST3) and see if you can find smartEQ2_x64.vst3 If it's there then you probably should check the VST scan log to see if it got scanned.
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