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Everything posted by TheSteven

  1. Re: Expansions on sale for $49 - been thinking about the Blackbird expansion for a while... If Blackbird expansion was backwards compatible with SSD3 I'd be jumping on it.
  2. $49 upgrade if you have SSD4 Platinum. Expansions on sale for $49 - been thinking about the Blackbird expansion for a while... Any have this and care to express their opinion? Even at this price wondering if I should bother when I already have a variety of other alternatives? My feelings, of course YMMV... SSD3 - solid, easy, used in a number projects. SSD4 - never really connected with. Wasn't impressed enough to move on from SSD3 or AD2. Edit: @Vernon Barnes Just saw your post. Agree 100%. When I started writing my post it wasn't there - lol; guess I'm spending too much time drafting one.
  3. Looking to get into the Group Buy but tight on cash? It's been mentioned previous in this thread and elsewhere - get your $99 qualifying buyin for 1/2 price (not valid in some areas)
  4. Agreed... but not not much left in the $99 or lower tier that interests me. Too bad JRR doesn't have any more Fender 2 collections left... Count is now 148 to go!
  5. The 99€ will qualify you for plugins worth 99€ or less. The 149€ will qualify you for plugins worth 149€ or less. When the last tier is added you'll get 2 slots, one will only contain plugins 99€ & less the other will contain the ones that are 149€ & less. Depending on what freebies you want you many need to be careful which list you use first.
  6. Maybe one of the wise ones here can answer this for me... Just got my Axe I/O today and installed AmpliTube 4 Deluxe, which comes with it, and some of the presets are missing components(!?) For example the one preset shown below. Edit: I'm guessing that maybe those presets are for AmpliTube Max but if so why frustrate your customers? They should be separated into a different menu.
  7. Go to the Update Assistant page https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/software-download/windows10 Click on "Update now." This will download the "Windows10Upgrade" file. Open it, and a screen pops up that says "Update to the latest version of Windows 10" and at the bottom says "Update Now." Then it should say, "Congratulations your PC is compatible." and it will begin the download / install process.
  8. With the Custom Shop you can buy a collection but not try one. If you want to try something you have to go into components - for example click on Amp, then click on item in menu that pops up then drill down through pages of items that may or may not belong to the collection you're interested in. I find the Custom Shop great for checking out T-Racks items but for anything else a frustrating massively time consuming mess. When the Axe i/O arrives I'm going to evaluate it and the software it comes with. If I don't feel that on its own that the package is worth the over $400 that it's costing me - I'm returning it.
  9. Thanks Orville. Hopefully PACE will pay more attention to your engineer's queries than what they've been showing to mere end users.
  10. How do you get the trial versions of the AmpliTube? Thought i'd check things out while waiting for Axe I/O to arrive so I could make some informed decisions on what items to chose as my group buy freebies. Installed AmpliTube 4 but looks like the only download is for the free version so every setting I'm interested in is coming up has missing components (amps., cabinets, etc.) - surely there's a way to test the whole AT4 package without having to separately download and verify every single component separately? If not, If I get a collection and find that I'm not happy with it can I trade it in for something else? I don't want to spend what little free time I have downloading masses of separate components just to find out if a 'collection' is something I like or not.
  11. Fleer - one word: fiber. Edith will thank you. It's a simple answer to a sh.... ahem I mean awkward problem...
  12. but I want it now... (and I don't want to pay for faster delivery...)
  13. Sorry to hold things up... I ordered my Axe I/O from Sweetwater so I could pay it off in 3 payments - I'll take us over the threshold as soon as I get my registration #. Hope you can all wait till Tuesday...
  14. I've got maybe $6 in Jam Points... so not a deciding factor. If I got a significant # of Jam Points for purchasing directly from IKM instead of SW that would be a valid consideration.
  15. I'm considering picking up Axe i/o from Sweatwater an 'IK authorized reseller' because I can split the cost over 3 payments. Any downside to this? Will I lose out on Jam Points or?
  16. Look in your installation folder for a Documentation sub folder. ..\InSessionAudio\Riff Generation - Outside In Edition\Documentation\Riff Generation - Outside In Ed - Manual.pdf Riff Generation - Outside In Ed - Manual.pdf
  17. I thought that the installation was supposed to take up around 20GB of disk space once installed. Mine looks like it's only consuming around 11GB - is this right? Appears to be all there...
  18. Lol, I meant 'drowning' but the typo works as well!
  19. That's a very nice video! In depth (in the right ways) without downing you in detail.
  20. Didn't want to leave this hanging on a negative... Problem wasn't with Akai Fire but one of my USB ports. Still checking on what's the issue with that port but Akai Fire is working fine.
  21. MeldaProduction has announced the 33rd round of the Eternal Madness Discount 2019, offering 50% off 4 plugins every week. Getting started on Monday, August 12th. Deal of the week: MPhatik Price: €50 €99 MStereoProcessor Price: €40 €79 MRhythmizerMB Price: €50 €99 MPhaserMB Price: €20 €39 Note: If you happen to be new to Melda plugins, you can use someone's referral code for an additional 20% discount off whatever you're buying. Here's my referral code: MELDA1548575 (Feel free to use it, or use a friend's because Melda gives them 10% credit too!) Plus get you can get 10 credits free for signing up to Melda newsletter!
  22. Ditto. I'm using iLok3 dongle also uninstalled iLok Manager and C++ libraries. Not sure what else I could try except holy water and incense. My PC specs are: Alienware M17xR4 laptop Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3610QM CPU @ 2.30GHz, 2301 Mhz, 4 Core(s), 8 Logical Processor(s) 24 GB RAM, 2 x 1TB SSD hard drives Windows 10 Version 10.0.18362 Build 18362 Audio interface: Roland Quad-Capture
  23. Omnisphere Software 2.6.2c (Version History) Includes the following features and fixes: Fixes issue where some knobs could fail to appear on GUI after loading Keyscape patch (bug present only on MacOS 10.11) Fixes issue where older patches with non-null Glide parameter would have wrong glide duration Fixes issue when Arpeggiator is enabled: in some situations, when a chord is played not all notes would be played Edit: Nevermind... old news
  24. There is a problem with plugins that have been built using the current iLok SDK. This problem affects 64bit VST2 and VST3 plugins on Windows 10 and can causes problems with the hosting DAW running in unless the DAW is run under Admin mode! Note that older iLok plugins do not have this issue. For example Eventide just updated their Elevate Mastering Bundle to v1.5.12 and all the 64bit VST2 and VST3 plugins in the bundle have the problem - however the older release v1.5.7 is problem free of these issues. Issues I've verified if DAW is not run in Admin mode Cakewalk (CbB) scanning failure - new or updated iLok plugins will not show up in your plugin lists. Abelton Live - will repeated crash DAW on scan, occasionally during / after usage. FL Studio - don't recall it having scanning issues but any song using old iLok plugs that have been updated; when you try to manipulate a track containing that plugin will crash the DAW. Studio One - scanning & usage issues. https://support.presonus.com/hc/en-us/articles/210050383-Problem-with-VST-2-iLok-plug-ins-and-Softube-plug-in-in-S1-v3-1-35191-on-Windows-10 With Cakewalk - If you scan your VSTs while running Cakewalk as Admin - they will successfully scan. If you later run Cakewalk as non-admin it appears that you can use these iLok plugins (at least the ones I tried) without issues. If you are affected by this issue let iLok know! Please go to the iLok website, login and create a support ticket: https://www.ilok.com/#!support-ticket/gn Peace out ...Steven
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