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Ben Staton

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Everything posted by Ben Staton

  1. @Aaron Doss We fixed a bug in the next release that will hopefully resolve this for you. I advise enabling GPU acceleration again after you install the new version (coming very soon, I believe). Assuming it is indeed resolved, GPU acceleration can significantly improve PRV performance (particularly when scrolling, zooming, etc), so it's worth keeping it enabled if possible. And, if your GPU is handling UI painting, that leaves more of your CPU for processing audio, plugins, etc. Of course, if you enable it and still have this problem, please let us know. I'd like to investigate. Thanks for reporting it 👍
  2. @Max Arwood There's quite a bit going on in this thread, and it's not clear to me what your specific issue is. Can you provide more detail, please? One or more screenshots/videos might also help (preferably, the whole screen for context, not just a portion of it). I can think of a few things you might be referring to. For example, are you manually resizing the CV so it covers both monitors, but it doesn't re-appear like that on project load? Maybe you're maximizing the CV on your second monitor, but it comes back on the first monitor? Perhaps you're referring to stuff inside the CV (eg. width of track and bus panes, wide/narrow strip settings) that aren't restored in the same way? Something else? In order to reproduce the issue, we might also need your exact monitor configuration (eg. left/primary/4K/175%, right/secondary/1080p/100%). As Noel mentioned above, I'd also like to rule workspaces in/out. Does the problem occur when workspace is set to 'None'? Thanks! Edit: It may also matter which monitor the main Sonar window is on when the problem occurs.
  3. Thanks for reporting these bugs, and apologies for the ongoing ProChannel crash issue. We'll try to resolve them ASAP. So far we're unable to reproduce the ProChannel menu issue. Can you let us know your display configuration, please? For example: Primary/4K/175%/Left, Secondary/1080p/100%/Right. Also the Sonar 'Display Scale' setting in Preferences > Display.
  4. Thanks for the reports 👍 I've made a fix to set a sensible default size that takes display DPI into account when sizing the folders pane, so it'll no longer appear too small. That'll be in the next release. However, it doesn't yet remember the size you set (it'll always default to the same size for now). I've logged that separately and hope to get to it soon.
  5. If you have two monitors, for example, and the secondary monitor is either physically unplugged from the PC, or you change it from "Extend" to "Disconnect"/"Duplicate" in Windows display settings, then it's basically gone as far as CbB/Sonar is concerned. As soon as you unplug it or change the setting, Windows automatically moves any windows on the secondary display back to the primary, and CbB/Sonar will position newly opened plugins on the primary display afterwards too. That's what I've seen during testing on Windows 11, anyway. IOW, Windows and CbB/Sonar should handle that scenario gracefully. It's only when an 'extended' monitor is powered off but its video cable remains plugged into the PC that things get confusing. Even unplugging the monitor's power cable isn't enough for Windows to consider it truly removed! But again, if anyone is having issues that don't fit with all of this, then I'm happy to investigate further.
  6. CbB/Sonar remembers the positions of plugins when a project is saved, and restores them when the project is re-opened. It also remembers the position of the last opened plugin, and uses it when deciding where to place newly opened plugins. This generally works pretty well and intuitively. But, if you power off a monitor that was previously hosting a plugin (just turn it off, leaving it plugged into your PC), CbB/Sonar has no way of knowing it's currently switched off. So when you re-open your project, plugins may still 'appear' on that monitor. And if the last plugin you used was on that monitor, CbB/Sonar will open new plugins in that same position going forward too. This isn't so much a CbB/Sonar issue as it is a Windows issue (I expect the same would happen in other DAWs too). If you look at Windows display settings, you'll see that Windows itself still considers the switched off monitor to be present and usable. Indeed, your mouse cursor will disappear into it if you move it over there! As far as Windows is concerned (and, therefore, any apps running on it, including CbB/Sonar), it seems the power state of the monitor is irrelevant!?‍♂️ It's a tricky one to deal with from our perspective. There isn't a convenient way for us to ask Windows if a particular monitor is on or off, and the plugin positioning logic is otherwise sound. However, there's a way to avoid the issue altogether. In Windows display settings, select the monitor and choose "Disconnect this display" (as opposed to "Extend desktop to this display"). Alternatively, physically unplug it from your PC! In either case, your plugins will appear on your primary monitor even if they were positioned on the disconnected monitor before. Hope that clears things up a bit. Edit: Of course, if you're seeing unexpected behavior that can't be explained by this, let us know and we'll investigate.
  7. Should be fixed in the next release. Good find. Thanks for the report ?
  8. I'm unable to reproduce this. I have two 4K monitors set to 175% in Windows settings, and Sonar's Display Scale setting is 95% (I've tried a few others too). Is anyone else seeing this? @Jaime Ramírez Please could you post a video showing both good (Display Scale = 100%) and bad (Display Scale = 95%) behavior? Windows 11's Snipping Tool is very convenient for that, btw. Ideally, capture the whole Sonar window, not just Melodyne. What is your monitor setup (eg. 1080p/100%/Left/Primary and 4K/175%/Right/Secondary)? Also, is it project specific? If so, please PM me a copy of the project if possible. Thanks!
  9. Regarding mouse cursors, there are some we've yet to update for high DPI. It's logged and we'll get to it in due course. FWIW, obviously they look fine at 1080p, but they also look OK (not perfect, but definitely acceptable) at 4K too. This is because 4K is exactly 4 times the resolution of 1080p, so the scaled up cursors still look sharp, albeit a little pixellated, because one 1080p pixel equals exactly four 4K pixels. 1440p, on the other hand, doesn't match up neatly with the old cursor size like 1080p and 4K do. Since 1440p can't scale them up perfectly by whole numbers, it tries to fit them in between the pixels, which makes them look blurry. It's definitely something we should address. Thanks for the reminder.
  10. Does this happen every time you open the project? If so, please can you PM me a copy of it?
  11. Please can you send a screenshot of your Windows Settings > Display screen, showing the layout of your monitors. It can make a difference when multiple monitors are arranged side by side, on top of each other, or any number of different alignments given that Windows is very flexible in that regard. Thanks ?
  12. @Helene Kolpakova I fixed the 3 remaining Browser and MultiDock docking issues (see a couple of posts up). Fixes for issues 1 and 2 will be included in the upcoming release. Unfortunately, the fix for issue 3 will have to wait for the following release. It's too risky to include at the last minute (needs a full beta/EA testing cycle). Thanks again for your thorough reports.
  13. @Helene Kolpakova Thanks for the extra info and report. I did some testing and reproduced all 3 issues. So, to summarize: 1. Custom Browser width is not preserved if Browser is collapsed. 2. Custom MultiDock height is not preserved if MultiDock is collapsed. Not quite the same as the Browser width issue though, since custom MultiDock heights are preserved correctly, except when the MultiDock is maximized. 3. Browser width may become no longer adjustable. FWIW, all 3 are existing issues (ie. not regressions caused by last week's docking fixes). I think 1 and 2 are already logged (I'll check and log if not), and I'll log 3 so we don't forget them. No promises (it's late in the release cycle, and last minute fixes can be risky), but I'll also take a look and see if I can squeeze another fix or two in today.
  14. @Herbert Miron @Kevin Perry Noel and I came up with a fix! Turns out it actually changed back in July with an unrelated fix.
  15. I fixed a bunch of docking issues for this release. CbB is doing some extra work to restore the correct docking layout when loading a project/screenset/workspace, so it's not surprising if there are some minor, noticeable differences. To be honest, what I'm seeing in @Herbert Miron's videos (thanks for posting them, Herbert), although not ideal, doesn't strike me as being particularly bad or cause for concern. To me, it seems like a small price to pay to ensure your projects/screensets/workspaces look the same as you left them. But if you guys are seeing loading delays lasting more than, say, a second or two, then I'd like to see a video of that. It might be worth revisiting. Edit: I notice in Herbert's videos that the Inspector (left) and Browser (right) are both collapsed. I'd be interested to know if the same delay happens when you save the project with them both expanded. If not, that would be a big clue.
  16. Yes, this should work correctly. I just did a quick sanity check. If I float the Synth Rack, then save and close the project, the Synth Rack is floating when I open the project again. Let us know if you still have any problems there.
  17. I can confirm that I fixed this late last week. Thanks for reporting it and for letting us know it's now working for you.
  18. Re issue #2 reported above by @Helene Kolpakova, we're currently testing fixes for that and some related issues (see below). All being well, they should be included in the next release too. Browser/Synth Rack/Help Module docking fixes currently being tested: 1. Browser would sometimes open as expanded even if it was collapsed when the project was saved. 2. Help Module or Synth Rack were docked at the top (above Browser) even if they were below it when the project was saved. 3. Browser docking layout wasn't restored correctly on project load if the Browser was collapsed. This resulted in odd layout appearance and/or incorrect Browser/Synth Rack/Help Module order.
  19. Thanks for the report. Seems to be an isolated incident so far, and I can't think of anything in this release that would cause such behavior. I saw your post about not being able to do a screen capture. Is there any chance you could use your phone to capture it instead? Also, are you running any third party software that customizes the appearance of Windows and/or Cakewalk, and/or influences mouse behavior somehow? If so, it's worth disabling it and trying again. If you do eventually rollback to 2022.02, I'd be interested to know if that fixes it too.
  20. I think we made FX bins scrollable with the mouse wheel post Platinum, so technically it's by design. That is, if the mouse is currently over an FX bin, mouse wheel scrolling will scroll the FX bin, not the parent view. It's useful since you can only see a couple of plugins at a time at default track heights. There might be some minor inconsistencies with the timer Noel mentioned, and we could potentially make it smarter, but it's basically working as designed, and that explains why it's different to Platinum.
  21. Oh, interesting. Same for Microsoft GS Wavetable Synth? It seems OK here, but I'm using Windows 10 English: What language is Windows using? We might be able to duplicate it if we know the OS language.
  22. As far as I can tell, CbB simply shows the name reported by the MIDI device driver. I also verified that our UI is capable of showing Unicode characters correctly in this context (I even tested it with emojis!). I can't reproduce it, but then we only have UWP MIDI devices that return plain ASCII/English names. It's possible that the Virtual MIDI Synth software you're using is returning the name incorrectly when in UWP mode. Does the name show correctly in other software? ps. Thanks for taking the time to share those screenshots.
  23. Thanks for the report. Do you see the same thing if you change 'Driver Mode' to 'MME'? Also, do you know what that port name should actually be? If you can paste it here, then I might be able to reproduce it.
  24. Hi, Thanks for the report. Does the problem only happen while editing text? In other words, does Korean text display correctly until you start editing it? Your screenshot suggests that's the case. If so, there's a known issue with our text editor control which doesn't draw Unicode text correctly. You can still enter Unicode text, but it won't display correctly until you finish editing. That's something we hope to fix in a future update. If that's not it, please let us know and we can investigate. Thanks again, Ben
  25. There's actually a 64 bit version of Spy++ in the same folder as the 32 bit version. Visual Studio opens the 32 bit one by default (via Tools -> Spy++). Since CbB is a 64 bit application, you need to run the 64 bit version of Spy++. On my PC it's here: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Professional\Common7\Tools\spyxx_amd64.exe Give that a go and you should be able to view messages.
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