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paulo last won the day on October 15 2024

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  1. FWIW The previous version is more unstable for me than it was in whatever version came before that and probably more so than ever before. Just random problems here and there - a few times it's just closed with no warning, then it won't restart which seems to be because in the task manager processes window it's still there even though it's not on screen and doesn't appear in the running apps window. Killing it in the processes window allows me to open it again. I don't recall ever seeing this happen prior to that version.
  2. Never heard of the original version so I'm happy to accept this as the way it's meant to sound.😀
  3. Nope. I still can't convince myself that I would ever actually use it.
  4. paulo


    "I wheely love you......"
  5. Was he any relation to that famous Russian composer?
  6. I hate to think of what you did to them when you wanted to wake them up.....😀
  7. Yeah, you can sort of hear the join lyrically, but I do like how musically it becomes real big and epic sounding. AG (if it really was him) called that right for me. Maybe PS was hoping that those in the extend it camp would think the same about his lyrical additions and he would get his way after all? 😀
  8. Thanks. I've seen them before along with several other variations of the story, including one where PS had a big time sulk about extending it, which from the "it's my baby" perspective I can understand, we all have our visions of how it's supposed to go, but also sometimes that can get in the way of a bigger picture and I guess time proves that he was wrong on that occasion. It would still have been good his way, but not as good. Every time I watch PS speaking I always wish he was more likeable. His talent is there for all to see, but it almost feels like he doesn't really deserve it. Maybe that's just me though..
  9. Watch out for strong gusts of wind.
  10. Yup. Pretty hard to name anything that tops that. Every time I hear it I can't help but wonder how amazing it must have been to have actually been in the room when it was recorded and to be among the first to ever hear it. They had to have known, right?
  11. Nope. I'm not in the US and I could get it if I wanted to, but not until I receive indisputable proof that hell has in fact frozen over........
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