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Everything posted by Skyline_UK

  1. Did you ever find a way to do this? I've got a MIDI clip at 80bpm and need it to be 160bpm, similar to the project I want to put it in. It seems odd there isn't a way of doing this short of manually re-inputting all the beats.
  2. Many thanks John, I'll study that video. I downloaded MIDI files and they all have the 'correct' drum part, but somehow that YT actual isolated part has a certain tiny 'skip' swing which I can't quite put my finger on. As Lord Tim said, the kick is imparting a groove; certain push or pull to the pattern. It's a very smart piece of drumming.
  3. Many thanks all! I'll give those suggestions a run out tomorrow. ?
  4. I have (from YT*) the isolated drum track from Hall & Oates' 'Maneater'. I want to extract a MIDI file for it and see how the element of swing is done. I've tried AudioSnap (which in all the years I've never really understood or figured out how to use...) and dragging the MP3 track to a MIDI track to see what Melodyne makes of it, which is not a lot because it doesn't know how to tell the difference between the kick, snare and hihat sounds. And there is a tiny, tiny bit of (tape?) bleed on the drum track from some of the other instruments. Is what I'm trying to do possible? If so, how best to approach it? * YT Maneater' drum track.
  5. I have a drum track from a MIDI file that I wish to use in Addictive Drums. The MIDI file is in GM but I want to use AD2 as it his a wider choice of notes/kit components. My usual way of doing this is to open the drum track in PRV, right click on the keyboard and choose GM under 'Use these note names instead'. I then take a screen shot so I know the names of the kit components being triggered in GM. I then repeat this, choosing instead 'AD2 Standard' note names and these duly replace those on the keyboard area at the left. I then, using the print out of the screen shot, drag the MIDI hits to where I want them on the AD2 map. I've always done this successfully, but now there is a glitch. When I select the row, say, for closed hi hat and go to drag that row from the wrong row up to the correct AD2 one, clicking on it to commence the drag causes the map on the keyboard to switch back to the GM drum names!! How can that possibly happen? Is it a new bug from a recent update?
  6. So, the squeaky wheel gets oiled. It came through this morning!
  7. Guitar magazine (once illustrious organ of the BandLab stable) did away with paper magazines last December. I had an email asking me to choose between using my subscription for access to their online thingy (not interested, I like to read/smell/feel a portable magazine,) or having a refund of the remaining balance of my subscription, in which case it would be processed to me in January. It's now March. Where's my money? Anyone else received theirs yet?
  8. Text displays fine in almost all of Cakewalk, but for some reason it's scratchy and indistinct - in comparison - in the Export dialogues, c.f. the tops of the letters B, E, R. Why is that? I'm on Windows 11 and the fonts display fine in that.
  9. I don't, as some years ago I lost my notes on how to set it up in Sonar - it was a bit complex as I recall. So I simply bought Sonnox's Toolbox. I export to WAV and do the rest in Toolbox, which is very versatile, and it's only £35.
  10. I like to bounce my finished mixes down to a new track, which I solo and use for mastering, etc. This bouncing down process now takes about twice as long. Why is that, and can I alter any parameters or something to get back to previous efficiency?
  11. I've always used Sonnox's Codec Toolbox for converting my WAV exports to MP3 with metadata: Sonnox Codec Toolbox Is there something in this update that will enable me to dispense with that then?
  12. Perhaps after putting a lot of effort into 'XO' they gave up on new stuff when it didn't take the market by storm.
  13. That's cool. ? I didn't know you blokes across the pond used the word 'bloke'.
  14. That's happened to me on a number of occasions. I've never solved whether it was brain-fade on my part or something else. ?
  15. "They are after all just percussive noises, intended to thump, thwack, doong or whoosh and then get out of the way of rest of the track. " Love it! ? ? (Any drummers here, look away now...)
  16. Many thanks Jacques. So it looks like what I thought, i.e. that you get a lot more in view at one time. I'll take the plunge! Edit: After more research I think 2560x1440 is a better choice than 3840x1260 because with the latter the text will be too small and it would probably mean upgrading my graphics card due to the larger load.
  17. I'm thinking of getting a larger PC monitor, going up from 27" to 32". How does having HD at 3840 x 2160p look? Would CW simply expand and therefore look more pixel-y? Or would I see more of it but in the resolution i see it now? Similarly, how do programs like Word and Excel change, again, more detail or larger views? Probably all a bit basic, but I've never seen a 32" monitor in action on a PC! I'm perhaps nervous because 4k TVs are trumpeted everywhere but in fact they can only show 4k if stations broadcast it and the programs themselves were filmed in that resolution.
  18. I've fired up Z3TA in order to find some synth or pad sounds for a new song. I'm a guitarist and absolutely clueless when it comes to synths, and the Z3TA GUI in particular! Can someone help me on finding how to make a patch's oscillations do so in line with the song's tempo? Many thanks.
  19. If that means more (some?) music on there, I heartily agree. I confess I haven't visited it since Bandlab bought CW and I checked it out. I was bored to death by the abundance of utter dross from wannabes whose only musical instrument is an iPhone. A plethora of 'beats' and an almost total absence of music. There, I said it before someone else did. ??
  20. Thanks all. I settled on OBS. I did have to watch a lot of YouTube videos to find out how to record audio as OBS doesn't talk to ASIO, or something. The best of those videos was this one which describes how to obtain a REA VST that acts as a 'pipeline' from the main out of CbB to OBS. How to get audio from your DAW to OBS.
  21. A very nice song David, it builds beautifully. The vocalist put it across just right. A nice mix too. John
  22. Skyline_UK

    Warp 8

    Nice track Wookie, love all the different textures and sounds as it develops. A nice aural experience! ?
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