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About NOLAGuy

  • Birthday November 20

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  1. Thank you for the info Bapu. Maybe someone will come along with something that worked well for them... and I can unabashedly pirate the same for my needs!!
  2. Seeking advice. I have too many plug-ins (900+) that clog up folders and load at startup! They are currently stored in several different folders,( e.g. VST, VST3, Steinberg, Cakewalk). I want to move plug-ins that I seldom use into a folder that I can move plugins into or out of as needed. That way I can exclude loading that folder from my DAW and also from other software like Cantabile which loads plugins at startup. Using Cakewalk or Sonar, I realize I can use the Plugin Manager utility to "exclude" plugins, but that doesn't help the non DAW software plug-ins issue. Is there an available Plug-ins utility that folks have used to move plug-ins from one location to a seperate file and back again if needed? I saw there is OwlPlug, but can't find user feedback on the product. Or... if I just copy a plug-ins folder and then go and delete the plugins I don't use from that folder will I be screwing up some Windows Registry issue? Any help from somebody that has found a good way to manage their plug-ins would be greatly appreciated!
  3. Found that what I actually needed was to uncheck "Enable Plugin DPI Awareness" in the main Edit - Preferences menu, but keep the Enable Plugin DPI Awareness checked in the Plugin header setting. That enabled the Plugin to operate exactly as it did in regular Cakewalk. Thanks for tip on where too look!
  4. So I had some spare time and signed up for a monthly Backstage Pass, and tried to play around with the new Sonar. Only glitch I had so far is making the plug-in displays larger, specifically Izotope's Nectar 4. I could not resize the display by dragging the corner arrows. In Cakewalk the same plugin can easily resize, even to a full screen. Guess I have to find a Sonar user manual. Was hoping everything in Cakewalk worked as is in Sonar, and I could edit some songs right away.
  5. Anoter vote for the durability and lack of issues with the Behringer 404 over a four year span so far.
  6. Did you find any other "covers" like this for other songs?
  7. That is great to hear Mr. Notes... I just purchased a copy of the Pop/Rock Disk#2, so very nice of you to offer an update free of charge! Looking forward to it's release!
  8. I just ordered on the JRR site in the first post at $19.00.
  9. I've been using iZotope Nectar 3 heavily in my songs since it came out and and have had a few nuisance issues with some of the features. Purchased an upgrade to Nectar 4 last week and gave it a test drive this week. Found the changes they made are more substantial than I would have thought. If you've purchased the upgrade or considering it, Plugin Boutique hosted a live 90 min video with the Product Manager of Nectar 4 at iZotope, and instead of just giving an overview of everything in Nectar 4, he focused on the new enhancements with a deep dive into hpw some of those features work. If you have both the interest and the time, I found this video to be very helpful in understanding a couple of the new features, especially the "Voices" module, which at first try I felt was useless based on the sound created, but I saw in the video I was using it incorrectly in my test drive. Here's the link which you should be able to rewind to the beginning.
  10. So all said and done, given the JRR deal is a mistake (only for purchasers of MPS5 during the month of August 2023), my best current "deal" (citing iZotope's Loyalty offer) seems to be to upgrade/purchase to the Music Production Suite 6 (I do have the 5.2 version, and don't need the other Bundle products). I don't use or need the Guitar Rig product, but to buy individual upgrades for Nectar 4 Advanced ($119) and Ozone 11 Advanced ($148) would total $268. The "upgrade" pricing is the same as a straight purchase price for the Loyalty offer, So id anyone sees a better "legitimate" deal to get Nectar 4 + Ozone11 (both Advanced versions) please post to this thread.
  11. I got the email from Baby Audio this morning with the $59 deal + 10% off if an existing subscriber to Baby Audio emails. Looks like they check if your email address is in their list before giving the 10% discount. I'm probably not going to be able to really experiment with it for a month or two, but from the intro vid by Huang, I think that I'll have a playtoy to tinker with for a year with this plugin!
  12. And here I thought that a group of guys on the forum who seem to often talk about GAS, would have had a solution to my Fart problem!
  13. I picked up the Audio Assault Double Take plugin and also grabbed the freebie "Fart Machine", but I can't seem to get Fart Machine to work when I use it in Cakewalk. The Double Take plugin works just fine as does an older on from Audio Assault called XCTR. Does anyone own a copy of Fart Machine? I thought I just needed to place it on a track, open the VST3 window, and press the button... but lo and behold... no Fart is heard. I added the VST3 to a track that I use to test plugins, so audio goes to Master and track volume at -0-. The power button lights up on the plugin but can't get it to "activate" da fart. Watched two uTube vids on the plugin and reinstalled it, but still can't figure it out. Brain must be losing cells faster than I hoped! Might have to resort to beans or cabbage when I need a good fart sound.
  14. Thanx for the tip. I picked up Speldosa, which sounds like a very nice music box effect which I can really use. Chose the Melda Phaser as my freebie.
  15. Thanks for the recommendations!!. After reviewing their instrument options and listening to the videos on the Output.com site, the only one that really seems like it would currently work for me is Exhale, which is not (for me) worth paying $199, so I think I'll keep an eye on the NI offers and see if at some point they will offer a super deal on Exhale alone.
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