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Everything posted by rcklln

  1. At jrrshop, Custom is $149 - $125 with code Group
  2. Why would this be more expensive than XLN Audio Addictive Drums 2: Custom? ?
  3. Not having that keyboard myself that is tough to say, but USB MIDI may very well be referring to the Casio Privia. In your response to 57Gregy you said nothing is showing up in audio devices and that would be an issue. What audio device are you using? In other words, do you have a separate external audio interface connected to a USB or Firewire port on your PC or are you using the internal audio chip of the PC? As a basic test, can you import an audio file into a new Cakewalk project (Use File-->Import-->Audio or just drag the file into the project), hit play and hear it?
  4. Instead of edit, preference, Audio, Device check edit, preference, MIDI, Device and make sure it is selected.
  5. Deals are for MPS and upgrades from MPS, not MPB. ?
  6. Got my serial number about an hour ago :) - order emails were in my inbox but the email with the serial number was in spam folder. Code still works at MF...
  7. Been going back and forth on the Scheps Omni Channel but for $20 I am in! Hmmm what else do I want.......
  8. So did I just about 15 mins ago. Figured I'd pick it up while redeeming the free sound pack. ?
  9. Clicked the claim now button and it took me to login - when I logged in my cart was empty and deal was over ?
  10. Was hoping to see Scheps Omni Channel - I'll just have to wait for it to come back on sale...
  11. Same as before in SO4 - VST looks good but horizontal stretching with VST 3
  12. Last year was a good one for PreSonus Freebies May 2018 Fat Channel VT1 EQ Fat Channel VT1 Comp Fat Channel RC500 EQ Fat Channel RC500 Comp August 2018 Fat Channel Classic Compressor Fat Channel Vintage 3-band EQ Fat Channel Tube P1B Compressor Fat Channel Tube Midrange EQ Agreed! Was hoping for something for long time users for the 10th anniversary but can't complain.
  13. Actually it's this one https://shop.presonus.com/Fat-Channel-Plug-in-The-Tube-P1B-Compressor Which was already part of a previous giveaway "Sorry, you already have this product registered to your account. If you are having trouble activating it, please contact support." ?
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