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Jonathan Sasor

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Jonathan Sasor last won the day on January 26

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  1. All you need to do to save a custom image for a project/template is to go the Notes tab in the Browser, and click the menu to Load Image.
  2. Exactly this. Sonar installs as a new application alongside Cakewalk by BandLab. Same as Cakewalk by BandLab installs alongside SONAR Platinum and all other previous versions. You can try the new version without a subscription by simply downloading it at https://www.cakewalk.com/sonar. Demo mode just prevents saving/exporting.
  3. Cakewalk by BandLab will still require the periodic reauthorization. The in-your-face prompt about it was an unintended side effect of changing some stuff on the back end.
  4. There was a temporary hang up with updating the forum software. All resolved now.
  5. Look to see if dumps have been automatically created in C:\Users\YOUR USER NAME\AppData\Roaming\Cakewalk\Sonar\MiniDumps Aside from that:
  6. The thread was deleted because it started off with an attack against staff. I did not delete the thread, but that kind of conduct is unacceptable, and a violation of terms for this forum. I am going to lock this thread though. You're entitled to your opinions, but also remember this is a Cakewalk owned forum. Our goal here is to support people and provide discourse in a positive manor. We've given plenty of space for people to make criticisms, but a lot of threads just devolve into repetitions of the same complaints that aren't in any way constructive. Hostile posts make this forum discouraging for those folks who do want get more insight about actually using the app and making music. Thanks.
  7. Are you sure its not retaining the input? It sounds like you're seeing an abbreviation of the driver name.
  8. With the existing SONAR 7 serial and reg code, the app will authorize, but that's a pretty dated version at this point. Older versions do not require an auth server, but i would expect some issues with an app from... 17 years ago, well before we officially supported win 10.
  9. The UI represents a substantial amount of effort, so that's taken a fair amount of time, but there's also numerous other smaller changes and workflow enhancements throughout the app. The most recent update includes a significant improvement for Sonar's sidechain handling for instance. As mentioned, beta testers are under NDA and can't discuss anything related there, but you can download Sonar and see things for yourself as well. There's a Bandlab Membership trial, but the unauthorized mode for Sonar just blocks saving/export, so you can actually evaluate it for yourself.
  10. Okay guys, i think people have had the chance to speak their minds, and we've moved beyond useful discourse. Thanks!
  11. Well there haven't been any changes to TTS-1 in years, so you could for instance run the SONAR Platinum installer and get it. But for DirectX plugins you need to do regsvr32 "<plugin path>" in command prompt to get it to register in Windows.
  12. It's a DirectX plugin, so it needs to registered with Windows to work properly. Any older Cakewalk/SONAR installer will still have it though.
  13. I think we've run our course on this thread. The original point being that there's been all sorts of things that have been going into the latest update for Cakewalk Sonar, which is currently available through BandLab's Backstage Pass membership. Everything else beyond that has been done to death elsewhere on here. When more details are available about other options get Sonar, we'll let everyone know. Thanks!!
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