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Jonathan Sasor

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Jonathan Sasor last won the day on March 17

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  1. Sample Rates are set at the project level, so if you've started at 96, there's no a way to convert that exact project to any other sample rate. You can export the audio out at the new sample rate, and then save the track configuration as a template and reload there.
  2. Everything must be unchecked on BOTH inputs and outputs. Then it'll let you switch.
  3. ☝️This. Only one ASIO device can be enabled at a time. If a different one is selected, deselect ALL other drivers, then it'll let you switch devices.
  4. Please note the release has been updated to build This build includes: Fixed regression where MIDI Reverb and Chorus knobs do not work as expected Fixed Crash with Articulation Maps Fixed issue where Mackie Control XT surfaces were removed unexpectedly Fixed Crash previewing loops in Browser Resolved issue where controller handles draw unexpectedly after Now Time passes when the Controller Pane is collapsed in PRV
  5. This is related to the length of the track name on the Melodyne tab. We'll take a look. Thanks!
  6. Please note that 2025.02 Update 1 (build is now available. Thanks!
  7. I'd suggest reaching out to the Community Team with questions like this as they'll be better able to answer sales-related questions. Thanks!
  8. There's a few different ways to accomplish setting the project tempo from an audio clip. The above method works, but you can also do it via set project from clip in AudioSnap, or the Melodyne method. Editing the tempo in Melodyne for accuracy first yields the best results there, if your version supports that.
  9. If you're getting crashes please obtain dump files and log a case/cases for development to investigate.
  10. Yes, please avoid this in the future, I removed that from the post. Bearing in mind that X1 is rather long in the tooth... PM sent.
  11. If the hardware is working on your current setup, it should be fine with Sonar (as relative to Cakewalk by BandLab or legacy SONAR versions). Roland hasn't supported them for some time, so troubleshooting anything on them is a bit of a non-starter, but if you've been using it, then it should keep working.
  12. drum Replacer is not meant to be in the normal plugin list. It should appear in Region FX
  13. While we're generally working in Windows 11, we also still test on Windows 10. At least through October this year when Microsoft is discontinuing support. These issues seem like they might be more specific to a particular configuration as I haven't personally seen them on Windows 10.
  14. Without having the proper debug symbols for things, it's going to be of limited value aside from seeing the faulting module, which may or may not be helpful. @Scott C. Stahl, @msmcleod has made some changes that definitely improve on the load time for your project on my end. That should be in the next Sonar update in the near future.
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