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Jonathan Sasor

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Jonathan Sasor last won the day on February 13

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  1. If the hardware is working on your current setup, it should be fine with Sonar (as relative to Cakewalk by BandLab or legacy SONAR versions). Roland hasn't supported them for some time, so troubleshooting anything on them is a bit of a non-starter, but if you've been using it, then it should keep working.
  2. drum Replacer is not meant to be in the normal plugin list. It should appear in Region FX
  3. While we're generally working in Windows 11, we also still test on Windows 10. At least through October this year when Microsoft is discontinuing support. These issues seem like they might be more specific to a particular configuration as I haven't personally seen them on Windows 10.
  4. Without having the proper debug symbols for things, it's going to be of limited value aside from seeing the faulting module, which may or may not be helpful. @Scott C. Stahl, @msmcleod has made some changes that definitely improve on the load time for your project on my end. That should be in the next Sonar update in the near future.
  5. Account creation is only disabled for the legacy Cakewalk site. Otherwise the BandLab accounts will work and you can download through Product Center. While it won't necessarily impact the install itself... 4 gigs of RAM is definitely pushing it for being able to do much. Make sure Windows is as up to date as the machine will allow.
  6. Take a look through this: If reinstalling the Visual Studio redistributables doesn't fix the issue, it may be audio driver related. You can always reach out to support directly for additional assistance.
  7. There's the file name and the song name, which obviously are not necessarily the same thing, so as mentioned, the song title gets taken from Info tab of the Browser.
  8. I haven't seen/heard of this one before. If you can find a scenario where that's reproducible, then definitely log it via Help | Report A Problem.
  9. Installing any Cakewalk by BandLab or Sonar update will retain an existing TTS-1 install. We cannot distribute it with new versions, so it's just not included as part of the installers anymore.
  10. Anything referencing LANDR would be from a legacy version of SONAR. It's no longer supported through the app for either Sonar or Cakewalk by BandLab.
  11. It's standard Windows protocol to load the app onto the OS drive in Program Files. Sonar (and many, many other Windows audio apps) also install components into common Windows application directories that also default to being on C:\. You do not really gain any benefit from having the app itself located elsewhere. Projects/samples/content, by all means, those can be moved around. A clean installation of Sonar will allow you the option to change the install paths for the app itself though, for things that are not part of pre-defined Windows paths of course.
  12. It sounds like you may have downloaded the update, but not installed it. The Start Screen will also display the currently installed version, and you can install the update from there as well
  13. Having trouble being able to reproduce this. What is the display resolution you're using? Are you using a workspace or anything like that? Multiple monitors?
  14. Data is data as far as the drive is concerned, so no issues with those files, just a matter of how you prefer organizing.
  15. Command Center and old products are still shown on legacy.cakewalk.com, which is where you would have been to see those pages. The current product information is available at www.cakewalk.com. Unfortunately Z3TA+2 is not available right now unless you had previously purchased a license in 2017 or earlier.
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