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Everything posted by mkerl

  1. HSSE should play Halion Libraries, as stated Here: Free HALion Sonic SE | Steinberg Here is are some examples of free Instruments for HSSE from Dom Sigalas. The Instruments I own and the libraries that come with cubase play fine outside Cubase without limitation inside HSSE. It's just the same as with Kontakt player vs Full Kontakt.
  2. I will, but I don't have komplete Kontrol yet . . . . ?
  3. Same here. Works fine. Saving, closing the project, reopen and changing some Instruments in Halion Sonic se, saving, no more problems Here is the release Notes: https://download.steinberg.net/downloads/Release_Notes.pdf?_ga=2.170654117.40775370.1613700749-1685742117.1599244740
  4. No, you only got Halion Sonic SE with Cubase Elements, Artist, Pro. It's a simple player, nothing programmabel. Depending on the Instrument / Library you load, you can adjust Reverb, Delay and such things. Some Libraries (Especially the Basic stuff) are not that great with their sounds, but you can buy Instruments to load and play with HSSe, i.e. Iconica (and others), wich sounds great. Cinematic Instruments made Zilhouette Strings for example. Cubase Artist and Pro have even more Instruments / Libraries for HSSe Programming starts with Halion Sonic, Sampling can be done with Halion6. It' the same thing as with NI Kontakt Player vs the full Kontakt. Kontakt player is just that, a player, Kontakt is Sampling and Sound Design. And there is no upgrade from Kontakt player to Kontakt. And Halion Sonic Se does not make any sound without loading a Library or an Intrument. When something sounds bad, it's the library, not the player. Jm2c
  5. Presonus sells VSTs of other producers, but their own intruments are presence core instruments and that's it. And yes, I know Sonar isn't open software and cubase isn't. But they have / had own instruments that are VSTs. I didn't know about Presonus Hub, thanks for that. I don't complain, I just explained why I use other srewdrivers than S1
  6. No, I don't have. May be I'll do, when I've got some more time left. CbB and Cubase are both stable on my system, so there is no need to change. There is one thing I don't like with Presonus: Most if not all of their instruments are not VST, you can only use them in S1. They are building their own, exclusive planet, while I can use for example zta3 in other DAWs, or Steinberg Halion SE as a starter for different instruments outside Cubase. I prefer to use my instruments in all of the DAWs I use. It would be great to use Groove Agent in CbB too, but ok, it's not a perfect world . . . .
  7. My fault. Release number is Built Mar 20 2018
  8. My Copy of S1 (pro 3.5.6) locked up several times. In the Presonus Forum are many users with small and serious problems, as well as in any other forum. I had minor issues with Sonar, CbB is stable and quick. Looks like I'm a lucky guy. And Some years ago Cubase was buggy like hell. So, I'm with Craig Anderson, Software will have bugs, nothing sensational. No need for Drama. Especially not, when it becomes better and better. One thing is interesting to me: I mean, I'm (we are?) flexible with software, with DAWs, aren't we? When I look at this 4 Vids from OP, first is CAL, I'll skip that, then automation bug and Audio Snap. Ok, that is two bugs that is fine to report to make CbB better. But The last Vid - Copy / Cut /Paste - Thing -- I didn't discover it, but if I had, I wouldn't think of it as a bug. I wouldt just look how to live with it. May be I'm wrong and it is better, to adress this as a bug to make CbB better. I don't know, but to me, it's astonishing to make a Vid out of that, I wouldt not spend the time and effort into that. Ok, I'm willing to learn. But after all - it's my deep conviction, there's no need for Drama, no Armageddon in sight. And I'm tired of these comparisons with other DAWS. We all use multiple and different DAWs, so what the f**k - the main differences between DAWs are not the Number of Bugs but the way you can work with it. When building a house I don't use only one screwdriver, I have a toolbox with a lot of them. Hans Zimmer once said:" The best DAW is the one you can work with" --- BTW - if you have a passion for buggy software try some Video Apps . . . . . aaaannnnd action - Drama Baby, Drama, Drama, Baby . . . . . .
  9. They are not only trying, they are DOING a great job. I'm quite happy with cakewalk and have nothing to complain. I have S1 and Cubase as well, and I use Cubase for some Reasons parallel sometimes, but I prefer Cakewalk. One thing you don't get with other DAWs: The Cakewalk Staff is listening, reacting and putting Ideas and needs into action in no time. For free. Simply incredible !!! Beside that: Cakewalk is still the most complete Daw on the market - ok, the staff view . . . . chordtrack . . . . . I look forward to ? I don't know, I just don't understand some People. Maybe I'm too old right now . . . . .
  10. PM Noel Borthwick, He's got a link to a patched elicenser. That one works.
  11. Musically, the Beatles as well as Pink Floyd made some epic songs that everyone recognises - you don't have to like them, but they did this incredible stuff, songs for eternity so to say. Beside that, they are strongly connected to a very special time in music history, they influenced and evolved modern music, it's childish not to realize what impact these Giants have to modern Music. Sorry for my direct speech.
  12. The Legend of Pink Floyd roots to the sixties, flower power and drugs and those things . . . . . Listen to Ummagumma (1969) or Atom Heart Mother (1970), that's quite different to "Dark side of the Moon" or "Wish you were here" (greatest hits). And they did a lot of recordings like that back in the days. The Wall finally was true commerce, I know several Floyd addicts that simply stated "that's not Floyd". For the record: I'll turn 60 this week, so I got a little sense of the late sixties. To understand Pink Floyd you got to understand the sixties. Subcultur, Flower Power, Drugs. Jm2C Cheers
  13. Hmm, my Copy showed up with a toast for the update . . . . . but you could update with bandlab assistant, that should work
  14. Thank you bakers - absolutely delighted with your awesome work. Stay healthy All the best Matthias
  15. That's what I did. My old Sonar is still installed, but cakewalk by Bandlab is so much better know, stable, quick, new functions. Why do you still use Sonar? The Platinum stuff works with CbB and The old projects work fine in CbB. And beside that, you can still use Cubase as you like. There should not be a problem at all.
  16. Same Issue here for several weeks now. Still hoping for an update of the elicenser-app from Steinberg . . . it's annoying
  17. As it turns out, the sharing violation isn't solved with the update of Steinberg elincer. When I close cakewalk and open again and start working on my test-project I have the same sharing violation when saving. So I "save as" and can then save the new project as long cakewalk is open. But when closing and restarting cakewalk the same problem appears. My old projects without articulation maps are not affected, there I don't have this issue up to now
  18. It's Great how the community, you and finally Steinberg come together to fix this issue. Outstanding. Do you remember Canned Heat? They had this epic song "Let's work together" back in the days . . . . . marvelous
  19. Yes I do. Ok, I look at it, yesterday I updated Steinberg Download Center. Thanks for the suggestion. Edit: That was a Quicky ? I just updated Elicenser and this small issue is solved. Wow. Thanks to the community for the Workout you did before and thanks for your quick response, Scook. Have a good time, stay healthy Cheers ?
  20. Thank you. Small Notice: I couldn't save the project I created in EA1, I got a "Freigabeverletzung" (German Language). "Save as" does it instead. I changed to English language: The Notice was: "Encountered a sharing violation while accessing C:\....\thema.cwp"
  21. I have a one track project in EA1 for testing Articulation maps. I used the articulation lane at the bottom for modulation too. Now EA2 crashes immediately when I try to edit the modulation lane in PRV thema_10292020_231338.dmp
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