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Everything posted by JoseC

  1. Found the culprit. The audio metronome. If I set a count in, the first beat gets cut and the rest of the track gets recorded early. If I don´t, everything gets recorded with an 8 ms delay, that equals more or less to the input latency of my interface at 256 samples, which should be normal. Funny thing is, this only happens with the count in, if I set the metronome to play while recording, but no count in, everything is normal. The midi metronome is fine. Of course I don`t need a count in to record a hardware synth from a already recorded midi track, but this seems like a bug.
  2. Since that seems to be the only possible explanation, and I do not remember at all doing so, what worries me now is what this quarantine is actually doing to my brain. ?‍♂️
  3. Thanks, Scook, that is what I see, but what I find confusing is that there is a Workspace called "Global Screensets", other called "Screensets", and you can check or uncheck "Screensets" in the "Show in GUI" side of the Manage Workspaces dialog. If Screensets cannot be global, what does "Global Screensets" mean?
  4. What the title says. I have a midi track to an external synth routed to my audio interface through a mixer, hit record and the audio gets recorded a bit early, about the reported output latency of my audio interface, enough to cut the first transient and offset the whole audio track. If I change the latency, the offset changes, but it always records early. Is there a way to compensate for this? Of course the workaround is to start recording a bit ahead and then slide the audio track, but I have been pulling my hair out trying to find other way and I cannot find it.
  5. I am still confused about the relationship, if any, between Workspaces and Screensets. Is there any way of having Screensets saved with a Workspace, or are they just saved by project?
  6. Just made all the routings and thought that maybe somebody could be interested. It is 4 x 4 cells with outputs to 8 Mono and 8 Stereo instrument tracks. 03 16 Cell 8 Mono 8 Stereo.cwx
  7. FWIW, history tells us that no software tool can be guaranteed to last forever. I just was remembering what happened with Logic for PC. If anything, Cakewalk has proved to be very hard to kill, and it is now better than ever,
  8. Sorry if this is too obvious, but are you sure that you really selected all the tracks before exporting the template?
  9. That option is in Cakewalk´s Preferences/project/MIDI menu. Zero Controllers When Play Stops: http://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=Cakewalk&language=3&help=0x200D7 It also seems like a good idea to leave that unchecked if you are using CC11 for expression. It looks like this might be the problem with the OP.
  10. The same happens with other NI instruments for Kontakt included in Komplete 12, Ethereal Earth and Hybrid Keys. Those are the only instruments I´ve found with that problem, the rest of the instruments I have tested work fine. Anyway, unchecking the Zero controllers option solves that.
  11. I was recently observing the same thing with the NI Analog dreams instrument for Kontakt. Volume dropped significantly down after stopping the transport, but came back to normal if I reloaded the preset. Unchecking the "Zero controllers..." Option fixes that. I haven't had time to go further into this, but it seems related to CC11 or CC7. Maybe those instruments use a script that changes those values over time.
  12. That seems to be a strange limitation of the Nord Electro. https://www.norduserforum.com/nord-electro-forum-f9/electro-as-midi-keyboard-change-octave-t13385.html
  13. Octave Shift for CC29 is not a standard MIDI implementation. As bvideo said above, a hardware keyboard should send the actual note number, and not expect it to be transposed on reception. https://www.midi.org/forms/midi_chart-v2.pdf
  14. It looks like there is a midi loop somewhere.
  15. You actually can´t. You certainly can drag the track´s content, but you cannot drag the track itself.
  16. As already noted, "bounce to clips" does exactly that. And then some. It is not a workaround, it is the actual name of the feature that you are requesting. Maybe you should try it and suggest how you think it could be further improved. It keeps the new clip exactly in place, BTW.
  17. I am not at the computer now, and I do not remember whether or not you can record the MIDI output of an instrument in the same MIDI track, but what you definitely can do is recording the output to a different track. Just arm that to record and set input from the original track. Edit: Of course you need to make sure that you checked the option for sending MIDI in the VSTi.
  18. I guess that a single Global Transpose Disable button in the track would suffice.
  19. +1 on improving the Matrix View with direct recording. Or in the meantime, just make it so the Step Sequencer changes can be heard without stopping the transport.
  20. I believe that "calçada" here just means "Cakewalk", not "sidewalk". Not that I understand much Portuguese, but still...?
  21. ...and we are all used to touching tiny little widgets in our phone screens.
  22. If your screen resolution is not enough to fit all the Console, you can just scroll the window up to the top.
  23. Battery 4 is the current version. Current Battery 4 update is Is that what you have installed?
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