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Everything posted by Wibbles

  1. Utah Saints - What Can You Do For Me
  2. The Stone Roses - One Love (Utah Saints Remix)
  3. Saint Etienne - Only Love Can Break Your Heart
  4. Bomb the Bass - Love So True (12" Mix)
  5. Get LoopCloud Artist Plan (I'm assuming 1 month subscription) for $1 available until 3 November 2024: https://www.loopcloud.com/cloud/subscriptions/plans Use Code: 1Dollar at checkout
  6. Gary Clail ‎– Speak No Evil (Don't Rock the Boat Mix)
  7. Damo Suzuki singer in Can Can - Vitamin C
  8. The Velvet Underground - Sister Ray
  9. The Sisters of Mercy - Alice (John Peel Session, 1982)
  10. I already had this as a freebie through PluginBoutique but never got around to installing it. It'll probably stay sat there along with dozens of other uninstalled plugins.
  11. There's a thread regarding CodeMeter in the main Coffee House:
  12. R.E.M. - It's The End Of The World As We Know It (And I Feel Fine)
  13. See: https://audioplugin.deals/product/v-pan-fx-plugin-by-rhodes-music/ THE RHODES V-PAN: AN ICONIC SOUND FROM THE RHODES LEGACY – 100% FREE FOR A LIMITED TIME ($38 Value) For the next few days, we’re offering The V-Pan FX Plugin by Rhodes Music 100% FREE! If you’re on a quest to add depth and dimension to your keyboard or synth, create mind-bending textures for your guitar, infuse ethereal FX sounds, or even give your vocals a unique twist, look no further than the V-Pan. This is an APD exclusive limited time free download you should not miss, download now!
  14. Cocteau Twins - Heaven or Las Vegas
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