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Everything posted by Wibbles

  1. Saint-Saëns* always reminds me of music lessons at school. I remember spending hours staring out the window wishing I was somewhere else whilst Carnival of the Animals was playing in the background. Music lessons were compulsory for the first three years of secondary school no matter what your musical ability, of which I possess none. I wasn't even allowed near a triangle for fear of causing explosions. * For those of you in the UK who watch University Challenge, if the question is: "Which French composer ....?", then 75% of the time the answer is Saint-Saëns. If not, then it's probably Debussy.
  2. Pop Will Eat Itself - X, Y & Zee (Electric Sunshine Style)
  3. We only have Craig's opinion on that.
  4. You can drop them into Dimension Pro and have some fun with them. Here's a couple of articles from one of the Craigs: https://www.harmonycentral.com/articles/recording/using-cakewalk-dimension-pro-with-rex-files-r375/ https://www.soundonsound.com/techniques/cakewalk-rex-files
  5. That's why it's normally printed on paper.
  6. I know you all love the acid. The Beloved love the acid.
  7. First the T-shirt, now the movie:
  8. One of our members: https://discuss.cakewalk.com/index.php?/profile/3518-creative-sauce/
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