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Everything posted by Wibbles

  1. Lyrics: Cuz I got a brand new combine harvester The Wurzels - Combine Harvester I saw The Wurzels at a festival whilst tripping on acid. I may have giggled a bit. ?
  2. Got ... Pigbag - Papa's Got a Brand New Pigbag Total fecking classic.
  3. Arturia claim there are 500 presets with Intro: https://www.arturia.com/products/analog-classics/analoglab-intro/overview
  4. Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Relax Name and lyrics (plus young lady who forgot to put her dress on)
  5. That link goes nowhere, try this: https://tekit-audio.com/products/instruments/dubsiren/
  6. My worst purchase was my new pet, Mr Flappy:
  7. That's only a week's supply for most women.
  8. They're too busy sorting out fish quotas at the moment.
  9. I'm not sure that that's the sort of behaviour we should be encouraging. ?
  10. EU states unanimously back Brexit trade and security deal The post-Brexit trade and security deal has been unanimously backed by EU member states, paving the way for the new arrangements to come into force on 1 January. At a meeting of ambassadors in Brussels, the 27 member states gave their support for the 1,246-page treaty to be “provisionally applied” at the end of the year. The decision will be formally completed by written procedure at 3pm central European time (1400 GMT) on Tuesday. A spokesman for the German presidency of the EU, organising the bloc’s affairs, said the treaty had been given the green light. The only obstacles standing in the way of the deal coming into force are votes by MPs and peers in the House of Commons and the House of Lords. The UK parliament has been recalled to sit on Wednesday 30 December to debate and vote on the legislation. The European parliament is delaying its vote, to February or March, when it is hoped MEPs will return to Strasbourg to complete the formal EU ratification process
  11. The country's been f*cked over by a bunch of Etonian tossers.
  12. BPB gets a daily visit from me. Thanks @tomislav for providing such a great resource.
  13. Thanks. So what's the difference between Analog Lab Lite and Analog Lab Intro? Is Intro just an updated version of Lite?
  14. Arturia Software Center is showing 2 products under Analog Lab Lie: Analog Lab Intro and; Analog Lab Lite Can anybody enlighten me as to Analog Lab Intro?
  15. The free pack includes: Arabic Vibes Cinematic Impacts Vol 1 Cinematic Impacts Vol 2 Cinematic Moods 1 Cinematic Moods 2 Dark Orchestra Desperados Nightmare Strings Orchestral Scores
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