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Everything posted by Wibbles

  1. Goldie Lookin Chain - Guns Don't Kill People, Rappers Do
  2. Straummy argues that size doesn't matter ... it's what he's been told all his life.
  3. There was, but it appears to be dead. https://www.bandlab.com/products/cakewalk/rewards just takes you to a Cakewalk blog that hasn't been updated in two years https://www.bandlab.com/cakewalk_team.
  4. Dead Kennedys - California Über Alles
  5. The Jazz Butcher- Girls Who Keep Goldfish
  6. I tried to come up with my own list of vegetables that I don't find offensive. I got as far as becan and gave up.
  7. Now I've got that bloody awful Gal Gadot video stuck in my head.
  8. Super Furry Animals - Sidewalk Serfer Girl
  9. Beach Boys - Surfer Girl WARNING: This video may contain b*****s
  10. Thanks Larry. Although you may want to try this link: https://2bplayed.com/product/2b-filtered/
  11. True dat. For me music and acid very rarely went together* but on the occasions it did, it was always something unexpected. Trippy music is never any good when tripping - that's what weed is for. * I'd much rather go for a walk and giggle at things, and I find it difficult to sit still when my head is exploding. ?
  12. Seems like a waste of acid to me.
  13. I'm not sure about the song, but, well ... Liv Tyler
  14. Damn you @pwalpwal! I'm now going to have to spend an hour or two on that chaps YouTube Channel.
  15. Double-pointer: I Second That Emotion - Smokey Robinson & The Miracles
  16. It made me feel slightly queasy seeing so many people standing so close together. ?
  17. Craigb posting a rap song? What's going on? Enquiring minds ... etc.
  18. Being "influenced" by is not the same as copying. So we'd probably all say the same.
  19. Pretty much like my guts after last night's curry, with a bit of this thrown in:
  20. You were probably playing it at the wrong speed then, it's only about 43 minutes long.
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