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Everything posted by abacab

  1. Still waiting for the email...
  2. I was thinking recently that if I could only buy "one more synth" it might be this one. But no time soon, of course! https://rhizomatic.fr/
  3. I walked into a local music store in the mid-80's, determined to walk out with my first synthesizer. I had a recent overtime check burning a hole in my pocket (my first GAS attack). So the salesman showed me two synths in my budget range. A Juno-6, and a Casio CZ-1000. Guess which one I bought after trying them both out? Hint: it had 8 voices, stored program memory, and was MIDI capable.
  4. As in the video, it was obviously the simplicity of the synth. Everything was on "one page", and you could dial in a sound in seconds. That was a "usability" factor that many loved. And a lesson that many modern VST instrument developers should be aware of.
  5. The "64-bit floating point engine" has to do with the floating point math that is used by the Cakewalk mixing engine, not the sample rate of the audio involved. Apples to oranges ...
  6. Already been confirmed that Augmented Strings upgrade doesn't count towards VC9. But it's definitely worth $29 right now!
  7. That worked for me. Sales support added the coupon to my shopping cart!
  8. LOL!!! I was an early adopter of Fathom Pro (2018). It's still available, but seems to be in maintenance mode. I had high hopes for it. It's a bit quirky, but the semi-modular structure and sound quality is awesome! Fathom is from a small independent developer, Seaweed Audio. The paid versions apparently never really took off marketwise. It got rave reviews for the free and magware versions. The last update was to v3.8.3 and the most recent developer communication at the KVR forum was back in April of this year. https://www.fathomsynth.com/about But for semi-modular goodness these days, my vote would be for Phase Plant! Much more intuitive GUI and faster workflow wise than Fathom!
  9. Yep, moved all my plugin content and samples to my internal 2TB SSD (D:) drive.
  10. I don't have Diva, but have the Luftrum preset banks for Repro 5, iZotope Iris, & Pigments. All are great! I should probably go ahead and grab Luftrum 22 for bx_oberhausen while it's only $14.50.
  11. Pigments is one of the best, IMO!!!
  12. Just a reminder that this sale is still on! For example Luftrum Bioscape, a 4.5 GB cinematic Kontakt Player library based on field recordings and found sounds, that normally sells for $159, is only $95.40 with the code, a discount of -$63.60. Drag & Drop your own samples and field recordings. Not obvious in the video, but there are actually 4 sample slots in the GUI. [A + B] & [C + D]. There is a button in the middle that toggles between them. All 4 slots are played at once, unless they are empty or disabled. https://www.luftrum.com/bioscape/
  13. Dang! Your PC needs to go on a diet! ? I'm only showing 20 GB installed here for Arturia, with 7.3 GB of that used for Arturia samples. That's with V Collection 8, Analog Lab 4 & V, Pigments 3.5, Augmented Strings, and a few of their FX plugins.
  14. It can also be a resource hog if you add 100 generators to it, LOL!!!
  15. There's always "just one more"!!! ???
  16. Kilohearts only sells select FX modules and preset expansions for Phase Plant. 30 of the FX are now free. No other "modules" exist for it, as with fully modular synths. Phase Plant is a semi-modular design, where you can add as many generators, modulators, and FX as you want, as many of each, and in any order you wish, and route them in unlimited ways. But you only have the included ones to select from. It's a totally "in-house" ecosystem. But a very good one!
  17. Do you also have Pigments? I believe AS uses the same synth engine under the hood. Many folks have mentioned high CPU use with that as well.
  18. As both scook and Mark have said, the problem is likely the "zero controllers when playback stops" issue. CC 7 (Controls the volume of the channel) and CC 11 (Expression is a percentage of volume) are the MIDI Continuous Controllers that set your MIDI volume and expression for that channel. If Cakewalk sets them to zero (on a 0-127 scale) when playback stops, then no more sound will be heard from that channel, as level zero is silence!
  19. Agree that they are great! Just meant that many shoppers might have already exceeded their summer plugin budgets due to that group buy and 60% off on guitar bundles, LOL!!! I own Ample and OTS products! Great quality stuff!
  20. Just a thought for next year. You may want to time your summer sale BEFORE the Orange Tree Samples group buy. Just saying...
  21. My budget is much happier with waiting, LOL ?
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