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Everything posted by abacab

  1. Delete the "IK Product Manager" folder that the IKPM uses to download products and unzip them for install. It will create it again whenever needed. If an install process got interrupted in the middle, that folder may contain corrupt files.
  2. That's some really annoying generic change log info. I really wish IKM would list the items that were fixed or improved!
  3. The standard recommendation is to open an IKM support ticket.
  4. We've been hoping that for what now, five years? Not holding my breath, LOL!!!
  5. The assigned I/O ports for the instrument track are possibly different than when you first created the existing project. Cakewalk can shuffle them around, especially if you connect new audio hardware to the PC, or switch to a new PC. Probably not obvious, but worth checking the routing carefully and compare with a new project.
  6. Groove synth, Z3ta1, Dimension, Cakewalk Rapture, RgcAudio Pentagon are not free. The downloads are still available from a legacy Cakewalk Sonar account, but for registered legacy users only. They would need to have been registered to your account prior to November 2017. In other words, it's too late to create a new account, but if you had an old account, BandLab support can assist with resetting the password. http://www.cakewalk.com/Gibson-Announcement http://www.cakewalk.com/announcement TTS-1 is among the plugins that BandLab has bundled for free with CbB. The other legacy Sonar plugins that you mentioned have never been re-released since BandLab acquired Cakewalk's software. There is nothing wrong with them (other than age), but it has been BandLab's decision as the new owner not to distribute them.
  7. Well, that's probably not everyone's experience, so as with anything you should (and did) try a free (or trial version) to see how compatible any software is with your studio setup. As you found out and moved on since you have other DAWs that work for you. There are countless variables in the computer environment one uses, so sometimes isolated stuff just happens. Not everything is a widespread one-size-fits-all problem. I haven't particularly noticed any totally random crashes since like Waveform v8 or v9, although I've had a few that I could pin to a specific plugin not liking Waveform.
  8. No not really. I use it mostly for creative experiments, so it's not my main DAW. What type of crashes did you experience and were you using any 3rd party plugins?
  9. Stability is often based on how well a DAW responds to misbehaving plugins. Waveform has had a few challenges in that regard over the years, but v12 seems quite stable. Especially with the newly rewritten audio engine. "Our developers have painstakingly and completely rewritten the audio engine resulting in greatly reduced CPU load, perfect PDC in all routing configurations and better support for modern machines with a higher number of CPU cores." https://www.tracktion.com/products/waveform-pro-whats-new
  10. abacab

    EZkeys2 !!!!!

    I never saw an official answer, but I assume that MIDI packs won't need to be changing versions like the sound expansions will need to be. I mean like, MIDI is MIDI...
  11. So add the freebie edition of Bassroom to the NFU category (Not For Upgrade).
  12. I was hoping that I wouldn't like Bitwig 8-track. But I did. I really didn't need another DAW, but the Clip Launcher in parallel with the Arranger timeline was very appealing, as is the plugin browser arrangement. But thankfully, Bitwig saved me some money by limiting my plugins to 2, so that I couldn't really use it enough to justify the expense of upgrading to Studio. I am already fully invested in Ableton Live 11 Suite, so it's not actually something that I would NEED to do. ?
  13. Did you try sending a note to "Uncle E" to see if there is any way JRR could standardize their product naming? I'm sure that they would likely prefer to remain on a tool that drives traffic to their website, if it's not too major of a hoop for them to jump thru...
  14. CbB is still one of my many favorites! Of course, not as many as you have! ?
  15. Ableton #1 here: https://www.musicradar.com/news/the-best-daws-the-best-music-production-software-for-pc-and-mac
  16. PreSonus gave away a license to Bassroom a couple years ago to Studio One users. Emailed a license key. I played around with it at the time and it really looked useful, but haven't used it for anything. An EQ just for the low end. Among my long list of other lost and forgotten plugins, LOL! Haven't tried any of their other plugins yet. Previous discussion here (scroll down for a YouTube review featured by our own Zo): https://discuss.cakewalk.com/index.php?/topic/27929-from-presonus-for-studio-one-customers-bassroom-for-free/ From PreSonus, for Studio One Customers: BASSROOM for free! We’ve partnered with our friends over at Mastering The Mix to give Studio One customers BASSROOM for free! BASSROOM is a final mix and mastering EQ that helps beginners and pros get their low-end sounding great.
  17. Well not to brag, but I do have Live Suite 11. So no argument here...
  18. Hmmm... "Eligible" plugins seems to be the key here! Try for 3 by bx.
  19. Ableton Live is the best!!! I'll get my coat...
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