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Everything posted by abacab

  1. Did you move any folders after installing Cakewalk? The default installation includes some Cakewalk FX. If not, try uninstalling and a complete re-install.
  2. I have been building my own PCs for the past 20 years. And I have been moving away from hardware for the past 10 years. I'm on my 3rd PC in 10 years trying to achieve that goal. LOL!!! It's like an arms race. Just when you think you have a strong enough machine, along come the developers with some amazing new software... although that's typically more CPU hungry than the previous generation. Sometimes it just is what it is, and other times, maybe there is still some code optimization needed. I have always been conservative with my PC builds, and on a budget, and always try to stretch the lifetime of older machines. It pains me to "retire" a working PC that still has some legs. I have found that in the case of older hardware you will need to "strategize" your CPU usage for your projects. Freezing can be your friend. So can using busses to send multiple tracks to one effect plugin. But I am a synth and virtual instrument freak, and rarely use audio tracks. Those instrument tracks + effects can be very heavy!
  3. A developer needs to code his application to be multi-thread capable. This DAW can share the load across cores, but some signal paths are limited to one core/thread.
  4. I have a modern 9th gen Intel Core i5 with 6 cores locked at 4.3GHz. I get cracklies when a SINGLE core running an audio thread goes over the threshold for that thread. And while the other 5 cores are idling.
  5. Yep, I noticed some cracklies while this track was playing back a MIDI file live. Had to freeze it to get the Lurssen running clean on the Master.
  6. Deleting the new unauthorized plugins from your plugin folders used to give you a clean slate. However the new Tascam stuff persists here even after deleting the plugins... Probably have to revert back to the previous T-RackS installer now...
  7. I don't have any issues with installation/authorization of Waves plugins. Plug and play here. Some of them are very, very nice! But I completely disagree with their 1 license limit, as well as their use of plugin shells. Those really s*ck!
  8. And here is the Studio One Performance Monitor showing 1 instance of AT5 with all 4 X-pedals, plus 1 instance of MixBox with White 2A and Ambience modules active, This is on a Kontakt instrument track with Orange Tree Samples Evolution Rock Standard. Notice here that AT5 is the biggest CPU hog!
  9. For standalone, Windows Task Manager should be sufficient, as each task is itemized. So here is an example of a project in Studio One with Lurssen on the Main Bus during playback. Notice the T-RackS 5 SSSR behaving nicely on the instrument track? Compare that to Lurssen, LOL. Obviously Lurssen should be used for mastering, and not in a mix like this, so this is just a demonstration. However, I would expect AT5 to be more in line like T-RackS 5 is here in a mix...
  10. Well the way that you and I both looked at the Cakewalk Performance monitor, with only AT5 inserted, it was approximately the same result. About 11% CPU at idle for me with either DAW. The difference with the monitor in Studio One is that you can look at an entire project with multiple plugins, and see the CPU use for each individual plugin. Helps to locate a "heavy" plugin in the mix.
  11. I also checked with the Performance Meter in Studio One Pro 5. It gives the actual use of each plugin. There is a marked CPU increase with the recent AT5 updates.
  12. Oh, that one. It never really clicked with me. I prefer a visual graphic arpeggiator where I can see the intervals and other details. I'm sure it is functional, but is too much like "math".
  13. Quiet Piano is a VST virtual instrument. You need to insert it as an instrument, rather than an FX. Then you should be able to play it from your MIDI keyboard.
  14. Yes, no problem! The older install versions are available in "My Products" at the IK website. Just click on the "past releases" button to access them.
  15. iZoptope Vinyl is free, and has a "spin down" effect, like a turntable coming to a stop. https://www.izotope.com/en/products/vinyl.html
  16. Free for Everything Bundle owners, or$12 with coupon code: YMLP20OFF
  17. A clarification would be helpful, so we know what is technically permitted. But in reality, I imagine resales might actually be difficult with all of the recent "supply" increases.
  18. Great idea, but not to burst anyone's bubble, but the resale demand for IK products may be low for the foreseeable future, since this group buy very likely saturated the resale market. So let's do the math so far... As of today there are 23,437 participants who will receive 23 free products each. That's 537,051 IK products that people will not be planning to buy, either new or used. Supply vs. demand. Econ 101.
  19. 200 Gear Credits are available in the store at a discount, so you can buy them at a discount + 30% off with Jam Points. >>> https://www.ikmultimedia.com/products/index.php?R=INIT&FV=all-credits-family-related-products&CV=Other Filter&PSEL=allcredits Then make your purchase in the Custom Shop with Gear Credits.
  20. That's Hans Zimmer on the synth in the back...
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