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Everything posted by Rational

  1. Thanks for pointing this out Pragi. I was able to visist fxpansion and click on the button to migrate my account to inmusic. Took only a few steps and a few minutes. Now shows up in my inmusic account. Downloading now. Thanks! Seems inmusic is finally starting to do things right. Took them two decades but they're starting to treat us smartly with the free updates for prior owners. They need to keep doing more goodwill gestures like this for those of us who have seen them in a low tier, poor light forever. This is a good start. Also glad they're updating things still. Nice to see. Things are looking up for them.
  2. I forgot to post this one a week or two ago when it was released. But it seems that Erik still has the price marked 50% off on his latest personal template release even though the countdown timer seems to have ended. https://www.rapidflow.shop/products/erik-heirman-ableton-live-set I really like this guy and wish him the best of success in his business trying to help people make actual music. He's got a great heartfelt video that I thought people should see to get to know him and that he's out there trying to help people make progress and not just buy more and more stuff. 00
  3. Thanks. I finally grabbed it. Thinking about maybe buying some of their synths. Any thoughts on them? What else is not included in the 2.0 everything bundle?
  4. $49 for me. And I own the FX5 bundle. I'll pass. I like the waves one a lot already. If it were $19 I'd have grabbed it. I'll wait for the FX6 upgrade price.
  5. My upgrade offer is $62.65 in my fabfilter user area. I own the everything bundle bought BF 2023.
  6. Yeah, it was approx. $160 for me with the CYBERMONDAY60OFF code. Seems to be approx $200 for me with the 200Voucher code. Thanks but going to wait. Even if it takes another full year. ..yet again. Their loss.
  7. Ditto here. They want me to pay $499 to go from 14CE to 15CE. Ah... a big fat no. I'll consider it at $299. But even at $249 which it starts being more compelling, I'd really have to look at what new stuff comes with it though. Izotope is also not compelling for me anymore since the buy out. They just offer no compelling upgrade path for me even though I own almost everything from both companies as well as most of the plugin-alliance catalog. There's zero loyalty bonus for owning most of it all already. It's really a sad marketing strategy. Trying to easily find where to see what's new for me since 14UCE. https://www.native-instruments.com/en/products/komplete/bundles/komplete-15-collectors-edition/compare/ Community maintained spreadsheet comparing versions: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1FuwkqEc7CqMwjRVjgcy2KhJlkVl3jTT3Ze1RsVFvzC4/edit?gid=427928755#gid=427928755
  8. It was CYBERMONDAY60OFF. It was working in my cart last night but I decided to hold off until this morning and now it doesn't work. They lost a sale just now because of that.
  9. Anyone know the yurt rock 60% off code that works for the sale ending in the next hour and a half? Think I might finally buy the everything bundle 2.0 if I can get the code. I think that will bring it down to like $160.
  10. Looks like there's still 12 hours left on the clock just now when I checked. The templates are fantastic. And so are the masterclasses. Feels like just those alone were worth the price of just over a hundred bucks. So feels like I got the soundpacks as a bonus overall. Great support when I ask for it in the discord too. Well pleased with Erik there at rapidflow.
  11. "100 Psytrance presets" for PIGMENTS 5 (Vol.1 & Vol.2) GET 1 soundbank = 20%OFF GET 2 soundbanks = 40%OFF !! Psytrance presets Vol.1 : www.mushroom-sounds.com/100-psytrance-presets-vol-1/ Psytrance presets Vol.2 : www.mushroom-sounds.com/100-psytrance-presets-vol-2/ Offer goes until Friday 29th
  12. RapidFlow just started their BF sale. Their everything bundle is now 70% off for the next three days. https://www.rapidflow.shop/products/everything-bundle Includes rapid workflow templates for these 4 DAWs, his latest masterclasses and all sound packs. Includes files for Ableton Live, Bitwig Studio, FL Studio & Logic Pro 1. OORA Masterclass 2. Earthling Psytrance Masterclass 3. Thomas Lemmer Masterclass 4. Erik Heirman Ableton Masterclass 5. Rapid Flow Template 6. Infinity Bundle 7. Low End Bundle 8. Mastering Chain Mid/Side 9. Analog Kick Drums 10. Melodic Techno Kick Drums 11. Analog Bass Elektron RYTM 12. Analog Bass Roland System 100 13. Analog Bass Moog Minitaur 14. Analog Bass Oberheim SEM 15. Analog Bass ARP 2600 16 Electronic Toms 17. Electronic Snares & Claps 18. Electronic Hi-Hats 19. Shaker Grooves
  13. Oh I know the deal. No. No value gained by buying it early.
  14. I bought this when they very first released it for like $50. I KNEW I should have waited knowing AIR as I do. Typical. Lost $30 bucks by not llistening to my experienced self. What's even sadder is they won't use that $30 to make anything work any better either.
  15. Doesn't redirect for me. Anyone got the actual link on waves.com?
  16. I chose the multi-seat license and input 5 licenses. Still free. Not sure what the limit might be. Could be higher. Good deal.
  17. Yes, but how many of you were actual subscribers? I think the sub rate has fallen over the years. I only subbed this past year and a few years ago for a year. It had been five years before that for a year as well. So over 10+ years I only subscribed for like 3 years worth. I don't think the new kids are bothering it seems. With AI about to hit all this stuff is likely past tense in many ways.
  18. No longer available? I can't find it now. It was too slow yesterday to complete the free purchase. Now I don't see it for free.
  19. Instant buy! I've been wanting something like this for ages.
  20. Their additional summersavings20 coupon has expired already. They just lost a sale. I was going to buy two plugins for $38 to finish off the remaining two I don't have still. Won't now.
  21. Seems that the sales are over. The end of an era... Probably a good time for me to stop buying anything anymore. I have more that 5 lifetimes of stuff I haven't even used yet.
  22. I can never seem to get these free games on MS. Every time I login the button dissappears and it just says. "See system requirements". Any idea why?
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