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Robert Engstrand

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Everything posted by Robert Engstrand

  1. This sale has been extended until January 31st.
  2. Maybe off topic, but is the new Engine Audio player a replacement/update for Best Service's "Engine" player, and will it work with previous Eduardo products, such as Ancient ERA Persia etc?
  3. Thanks for sharing that story. God, what a mess. ?
  4. Sorry for being off-topic here, but can you link to some sources regarding this? I've completely missed out on this, but since I'm an 8dio customer, I'd would like to read up on it. Thanks.
  5. Have they removed the "batch re-save" option? It was a great way to speed up loading times. ?
  6. Love their Marxophone. Been using it tons.
  7. Up to 75% off, plus Loyalty Discount. https://www.audioimperia.com/
  8. I personally love some of the ethnic libraries from Best Service (Persia, Dark, etc), but the actual Best Service Engine is just not that great of a GUI. It feels and looks like something out of the late 90s, too small text (where's my magnifier?), mini tiny checkboxes and an unnatural way to turn knob values with the mouse. (as in, you have to draw a circle with the mouse around the knob, and not just click and use mouse vertically) The Engine is not doing the amazing libraries justice.
  9. Seems like this was released in 2017 already. https://bedroomproducersblog.com/2017/09/23/best-service-engine-2-free/
  10. UAD Mix Edition bundle 199$ (upgrade for qualified owners of any LA-2A product, including the Free version) https://www.sweetwater.com/store/detail/UADMixBunUp--universal-audio-uad-mix-edition-plug-in-bundle-upgrade-for-qualified-owners-of-any-uad-la-2a-plug-in How long has this deal been around? It's even cheaper than the Plugin Boutique sale (at least for an EU customer like me).
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