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Everything posted by minminmusic

  1. In addition to the above...just had an interesting observation regarding the access to additional EQ parameters. If I use the Mackie Control driver...I can have partial access to the missing 5 or so EQ options to the "right" if I press the EQ button twice. It scrolls it towards the right as you'd expect. But...that's at the expense of the first 5 or so options that no longer display on the "far left". If I use the MMcL drivers...I now have access to the first couple of EQ parameters, but cannot toggle/scroll it towards the right to see the missing options. "Plug-Ins" doesn't work on either. I did also toggle between the 4 options of Mackie Protocol and the Sonar one seems to work best (as expected.) The others were about the same to doesn't work at all with the iCon. Using AZslow's AZ Controller I can see the last Midi notes sent from the iCon appear to be correct.
  2. So I opened up MIDI Tools without Cakewalk running. Pressed the Comp, EQ and Plug-In button/commands one after the other to see what the iCON was sending out MIDI note-wise and this is what I got. Does anything not look correct from what it's listing? Assuming that this is what MCU has built in for most of the major commands...MIDI note info? Within the iMap software all three are listed as Message Type Note/Channel 1/Note Name-Value.
  3. iCon P1-M/X system. Within their iMap software, the EQ button is mapped to midi note 44 and the Plug-In button is mapped to 43. If I press EQ it displays as much of the functions in it's display window that it can (that's another issue I'm trying to sort as it's only displaying the first 16 options and I can't scroll to the remaining options.) If I press the Plug-In button...it goes right to the EQ. I can place and effect in the Plug-In bin and it won't access it. I'm wondering if that's kind of a dead function with how Cakewalk has implemented MCU? Pan works. Send works if a send is currently set up on that track. Would be nice if send could be added and assigned with that function but most likely a limitation of how the MCU protocol is set up in Sonar. Seems I "might" be able to squeak a little more functionality out of this set-up that fits with my workflow but have to figure out how to use hotkeys a little better withing CbB/Sonar. Not sure if any outside software might be able to be layered inbetween the controller, the iMap software and Cakewalk to bring a tiny bit more functionality.
  4. So I'm using an iCon P1-M and it's working well. I did post about the EQ "button" iCon/Sonar has assigned not totally working correctly (more like not being able to fully access it on the P1-M) but that could be a limit of the MCU protocol. In any event...I'm thinking of adding a Rocksolid Audio Micro4K SSL Controller for controlling EQ and Dynamics. Now...Rocksolid uses it's own VST3 wrapper to map against certain plug-ins. I don't currently own one so much of my thoughts are conjecture but I'm wondering if there's a way I can assign a hotkey to insert and/or open/close a particular vst plug-in? Of I could program a key combo to open the Rocksolid's VST3 wrapper plug-in...I could probably assign that function into the iCon controller. Now, if that can be done, I'm not sure how the Rocksolid Micro4k controller now knows to be focused on the current open window. I "think" the wrapper has a bunch of pre-mapped plugins that you've mapped and you have to choose which plug-in will now pull up in the plug-in once it's opened. So...if you have 5 different SSL plugins from different vendors you'd open the wrapper VST3 first and THEN choose which EQ it pulls up. Also...would be AWESOME if the SEL track on the P1-M would focus BOTH the iCon controller AND the Micro4K but I think I may be WAY overshooting on that. All this to say I'm trying to force my current/future rig to mimic all these new SSL controllers. They are pretty fancy for sure.
  5. I'm thinking it's more a UA issue and will reach out there. Example...opening API Vision UAD Native on the iPad/Duet screen, I can control the fader, buttons and twist the eq knobs (albeit a little wonky). Fairchild 670...no amount of twisting of finger spreading on the iPad screen will get those to move.
  6. The workspace opens fine just as I set it up. If I shut down the Console view on screen 2 it takes several clicks to get it back to a full screen. I'm looking for 1 option that either always returns closed or minimized views to full screen as a default (Console, Piano Roll etc.) and not half sized OR...a hotkey option that opens it to it's maximum size on the second window. If it's the latter, hopefully I can then map the hotkey to the iMap software. ALT+2 sort of does this except again, hitting that combo only reopens it at half size. Hopefully that makes sense. As it opens from the original workspace. Shut it down and hit ALT+2 and this is what I get which is less than a quarter of the original size.
  7. That kinda works...though I'm not sure I'm doing it totally correctly and my assumption is that's on a per project basis and not universal to a default workspace? Long run...I'm trying to get those windows maximized and saved in the correct position for my workflow and assigned to number 1 so that anytime I hit 1 it brings it back to that state. If I can do that...then I should be able to technically assign a hotkey in the iMap software for lets say "Console View" (Number 1) and anytime I press that on my P1-M it opens it all back up to that default view. Right now assigning ALT+2 does that but only opens it to a minimized state and not full window. On that same train of thought...I'm wondering if there's a way to save a default way items open. Let's say Melodyne. It would be awesome if anytime I added it to a track it would open undocked, full screen on my second window. Also have certain parameters already set up in their such as turning off the alignment to the track grid. I feel like I waste so much time having to put it in this state anytime I'm doing tuning work.
  8. Sorry...I used the wrong terminology. It is saved as a workspace where the Console View populates full screen to the second monitor. Perfect. If I close that window and then hit ALT+2, it opens to a smaller minimized window and not right back to full screen. Is there any way to have ALT+2 open "always" as full screen?
  9. So running my iPad with the Duet software to have it recognized as a third, mini monitor for it's touchscreen capabilities. Works fine with CbB and Sonar as far as I can see EXCEPT that when I open a VST, if it's a button or slider, it works fine. Radial knobs I cannot "turn". Back within the Console View...I can easily twist the Pan knobs and within the Track view twist the knobs and move EQ points no problems. But with 3rd party plugins such as UA's Fairchild 670...I cannot adjust the knobs. Edit: I will save however that this doesn't appear to be every plug-in. I just tested a couple that do seem to work so maybe it's just a UA problem?
  10. Ok...that's a tricky one but I'll give it a go. I have an iCon P1-M and P1-X. Each one of those gets 4 MIDI IN/OUTS. MIDI 4 IN/OUT is dedicated for the iMap software running between the controller and your DAW. The iCon P1 series can control/have mapped 3 different DAW mappings. So your 3 DAWS need to me mapped in the order in that they are in the iMap software and the P1-M. In my example, CbB is the first assigned DAW in the PM-1, it gets MIDI 1 IN/OUT. Luna the second, it gets MIDI 2 IN/OUT. So on and so forth. So right now, within the iMap config...in the Cakewalk profile, I assigned Pedal A to CC64. Now...I haven't tried to get the P1-M to communicate with Reaper as a controller and THEN run the sustain test. But...I did run the sustain test in Reaper with Toontrack and Reaper picked up me playing the keys from my Keylab and the sustain peddling through the P1-M. So both MIDI streams were being captured.
  11. to have it open default to my second window full sized? I set up a template where it's already undocked and maximized. First time open loads perfect. If I ever minimize the Console view and hit ALT+2 it reopen it it opens it to a truncated window (on the correct second monitor.) Is that a Windows thing or a Cakewalk thing? And might anyone know how to get it to re-open maximized? Thanks!
  12. No...no CC64 message recorded either on the MIDI track for Toontrack or a secondary MIDI track pointing at the iCon in Echo mode. I'm wondering, because the iCon P1-M is using the Mackie Protocol, I'm using the MMcL Mackie Controller option. Now...in the iMap software for Expression Port A, I set that to CC64 on channel 1. Now the MMcL window ALSO has a Foot Switch drop down for A. I wondering if that's where the conflict might be happening? I think by default it goes to "Play/Stop". Now the sustain pedal doesn't actually Play or Stop the transport. iMap doesn't have an option to do that and the MMcL Mackie driver doesn't have an option within it's drop down for either "ignore default and listen to the controller" or mirroring the same CC64 message. The little MIDI input light turns on when I depress the sustain pedal, so Cakewalk is getting something. I just don't know where it's going or that it might be ignored.
  13. Just tried TTS and it's still doesn't seem to be receiving that data. You would think a GM module would certainly not be trying to replicate "authenticity" on any of those sounds. Tried both setting the main TTS to MIDI Omni and nothing...then setting up a secondary MIDI as suggested earlier and that didn't work either. I wonder if it's something in preferences. Got it to work within Reaper so I know it's working and it seems to be a Cakewalk issue.
  14. "Which soft synth?" Toontrack EZKeys "What happens if you create a second MIDI track..." Tried that and it didn't work. "Is input echo on? On EZKeys...yes. Used the MIDI Tools standalone program and can see that the Icon is sending out a CC message to Windows of 64 alternating between 0-127 every time I stepped on or released the pedal. I took a look and installed ShowMIDI but could not get it to work in either standalone or as a VST3. I have to imagine there's a way to do this. I talked to Arturia about repair of the sustain jack hole (lol). It would cost as much as buying a used controller?!? When I picked up the P1-M and they had those jacks and allowed you to configure them to accept CC input it got me thinking.
  15. Ok...so I have an Arturia Keylab 49. The sustain pedal port crapped out on me awhile ago. I just got the Icon P1-M controller and got it to more or less work with Cakewalk and Sonar. The Icon has two quarter inch inputs on the back for Expression Pedals. I've assigned pedal A's input jack a midi message of CC on channel 1 and a value of 64. When I use the sustain pedal I can see Cakewalks activity light for input turning on in correlation to me pressing the pedal. Now, when I open a soft synth...it does not seem to be controlling the sustain. I've assigned the midi input on my soft synth track to "All External Inputs" but it does not seem to be pick up. Anyone able to maybe offer some suggestions? Is it possible to have Cakewalk listen/record to both the keys being played from the Keylab but the sustain info coming from the Icon jack? Thanks!
  16. Got it...so I'm guessing all of the F key options that are in the Mackie Control Surface Dialogue are fixed? I see a couple of listing for the Utilities menu but I don't see the additions that I added to my utilities. At the very least you helped me understand some of the "magic" going on behind the curtains.
  17. I guess what I'm trying to get a grip on is...I'm using the Icon P1-M and within it's DAW template for Sonar it has the standard MCU options. But on the little Stream Style touch deck there are also options to toggle on/off the Control Bar, Browser etc. In Icon's iMap software...I can only see MIDI notes on the options that have a corresponding MCU equivalent. (Insert New Track, Play, Undo etc.) But there's nothing in the MCU that would open the Control Bar? So I'm kinda stumped.
  18. In terms of MCU protocol...is there such a list? I'm looking to see what items in either DAW are controllable via MIDI message and what the values are? In iMap, Icon's software mapping I can see "Insert New Audio Track" has a value of 62/D4. For example, is there a mapping list for the 2 DAWs listed above that provides those values for the Input Gain Pot? For turning all FX off? That kind of thing... Anyway, any of the items I added in my Utilities able to be mapped? If that doesn't work...any way to create a macro/hot key combo that could be assigned a MIDI number? Thanks!
  19. Question...just got a Icon P1-M and been working on it with Sonar this weekend. It's going ok so far. On thing I cannot figure out. The EQ "button" on the button deck pulls up the Sonar EQ in the 8 visual displays. I see the "first" 8 of the parameters in the display windows but the way it's laid out...you would expect to scroll to the right to see/access the additional EQ parameters but I can't see any way to do that and didn't see anything in the manual that references that type of situation. Could be that it's not able to...which then makes accessing that function through the controller a waste of time. Any thoughts?
  20. Just picked up the P1-M. Automation seemed to be written ok. Weird to see it actually "drawn" rather than nodes and lines. Fader noise...I did an automation write where I tried to go crazy with the faders and encoders so I could replay. Faders are a noisy and watching them, the movement had a little jitter to it. I also did a similar test in Luna and I felt the fader movement "translation" might have been a little smoother and therefor a little less noisy. Again...only had this for a few hours.
  21. This is what I did on a test file and it worked for what I was looking for. 1) Split Instrumental Track. 2) Delete associated midi track. 3) Delete associated Soft Synth. Thanks for the help everyone.
  22. Xoo...thanks, I understand all that. My question was...can you take an Instrument track that is frozen and turn it into an Audio track, severing the connection to the MIDI data and the Soft Synth, but retaining all of it's Track information (Fade/Pan/Send). There's a possibility I'm eventually going down the road that John Vere suggests, so he's really prescient in his observations/suggestions. For now, I'm still editing vocals and my question is a little more housekeeping oriented. I know the previous version I've saved contained the MIDI/Soft Synths if I ever need to go back to them. It's just finding out the best options for converting a mixture of Audio and Instrument tracks to ALL Audio tracks all the while maintaining current fader/pan/send info.
  23. Not sure any of the above is achieving what I'm after. So pic below...Track 51 is a frozen instance of Serum. Track 51 is a Instrument track. How do I convert that to a Audio track, not lose what's already been frozen, keep fade/pan/send info...but disconnect and remove the soft synth associated with it on the right? Looks like it might be a three step process for every soft synth? 1) Split Instrumental Track. 2) Delete associated midi track. 3) Delete associated Soft Synth. Sound right? Is there an easier way I'm overlooking? Thanks!
  24. Have a bunch of songs I've been saving as versions. V1 had raw, live drum tracks tracked against my demos. V2 was me tightening the arrangements. It was a mixture of Audio and Instrumental tracks. I've now cleaned that all up, froze all the tracks to lock edits and fx (outside of the master buss fx.) Deleted tracks I no longer need in the current version. This has now been saved as V3. My question is...is there a way to convert the instrumental tracks to audio tracks but maintain fader/pan settings, buss routing, eq etc? I'd like to break the connections with the soft synths (they are always available in my previous versions) to free up memory and further clean up/lighten the cpu load.
  25. Let's say I have 40 pre-rendered tracks sent to me. FX, levels, pans and fades are all baked in but overall, all the tracks can come up volume-wise in unison. Before I make an arbitrary 10db increase...is there a way to analyze all the tracks and determine where is the loudest peak so I can figure out my acceptable headroom to play with? This doesn't necessary have to be done solely in Sonar.
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