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Everything posted by minminmusic
I think you may have hit one issue on the head that I've noticed with my system. I have Process Lasso enabled on with an update it looks like it turned on Pro Balanced Enabled (which I think should be off for audio machines?) and I also noticed that core parking was on. I disabled both and the machine seems to be doing better and less fan throttling as well. Still haven't tried to re-enable MCompressor thought yet...been busy today.
Yeah...Safe Mode needs an overhall. It should ask you those questions in some kind of order that makes sense or provide additional info in a specific order. Such as Track 1 - Kick Drum: EQ, Track 1 - Kick Drum: UA 1176, Track 2 - Snare: Sonitus Gate etc. That would be much more meaningful. Right now...it appears random though I think it's based somewhat on the historical order the plug-ins were loaded.
RME Fireface 800. Has worked like a beast for well over 15 years. Also have an Apollo 8p but not as my main interface. System drivers are the ASIO RME drivers...again beasts. Running 24bit and 44.1. This Cakewalk project has been a little glitchy as I've been working on it over the last year (with both my old system and new one...band members live internationally so it's a little slow getting work done.) Now...the only thing I can think of off hand I'm running the graphics off of the CPU. As I'm in deep in the UA waters, there's not a lot of motherboards with ample PCIe slots anymore. I went with the ASUS Tuf Gaming z790. Now...if I got rid of one of my Quad UA cards and upgraded that to a Octo it would free up a slot and I wouldn't loose any UA power...but as I'm not a gamer, would prefer something that is solid enough for an audio system, maybe put less stress on the CPU but not generate enough heat to add to the 14900k woes. Just wish it was easier to debug who's the culprit plugin wise as I could try and find alternatives.
I suspect it might be MCompressor as I was using it in sidechain mode on the master buss (to get a little pump in the junk). Looks like once I turned it off it calmed down a little. Have CbB open right now which I don't think has the "hover" option. I'll check in Sonar in a sec. Thanks for the suggestion!!!
So...recent i9-14900k build. Overall been running great however I'm working on one project where I'm getting crackling in CbB. Most recent Sonar is less so but still intermittently there as well. Was not having this issue on the previous machine but also multiple new plug-ins were added after the machine transition. Is there any way to determine where/who the bottleneck culprit is without removing everything and starting over. I know sometimes it can be one specific plugin that's not playing nicely. Other times it could be the order of plugins. One project with double the amount of files plays fine...one with less and I'm getting crackles. Any thoughts/approaches?
can't sign into Bandlab from Cakewalk, Get Error Message
minminmusic replied to Rickddd's topic in Cakewalk Sonar
Can now log into Bandlab both in the forum and within the App. Still getting the spinning ball and if I click on the screen it goes white and with no responsiveness so will have to get that sorted. -
can't sign into Bandlab from Cakewalk, Get Error Message
minminmusic replied to Rickddd's topic in Cakewalk Sonar
Also couldn't get into the forum...with Firefox I was getting that 406 error. Installed Chrome and got an error message that they were updating their API(?). Can't be 100% sure as I uninstalled Chrome once I saw both were having issues. -
can't sign into Bandlab from Cakewalk, Get Error Message
minminmusic replied to Rickddd's topic in Cakewalk Sonar
Same here. Just did a system cloning to a new system. Everything worked for the first two days and today it's all gone to the toiler with the above error, not being able to get into Sonar. I can kinda get into CbB but having issues there as well. Again...first two days after cloning it was working pretty smoothly. -
Paid for v3 (after owning v2 a number of years ago) and have gotten no response from the creator. Any one else had any luck?
MMcL Mackie Driver with multiple units? Best way to set up?
minminmusic replied to minminmusic's topic in Cakewalk by BandLab
The attached setup seemed to fix the lagginess and all tracks on all three units are showing up correctly. Not totally sure if this is the correct way OR that there's benefits/differences between the Mackie Control driver or the MMcL. Regardless with both, unless Cakewalk has no way of sending this data, I wish some of the limited tweakability of the "DrivenByMoss" Reaper and Bitwig driver could be added to Cakewalk. Realize their limits in the MCU protocol but squeezing the little but extra out of what's available is always nice. -
MMcL Mackie Driver with multiple units? Best way to set up?
minminmusic replied to minminmusic's topic in Cakewalk by BandLab
This is a follow-up to my earlier post on the iCON P1 controllers. I thought I got things fixed but, while the 3 iCON controllers are displaying the the track order correctly and are banking...something about adding this 3rd controller and having to fiddle with things has made the display timecode counter on the P1-M extremely laggy. Previously, I had the P1-M (main unit) on MMcL Mackie Control #1 and the P1-X extender on MMcL Mackie Control XT #1. Everything worked well. Adding the additional P1-X, I thought it would be routed to the MMcL Mackie Control XT #2 but could not get it to pick up. Now...I have all 3 routed with MMcL Mackie Control #1 (using the correct midi routing). LIke I said, as far as I can tell this setup is working except for the extreme lagginess on the timecode bar. I also have the P1 series mapped to LUNA and Reaper and the timecode is working fine there. If it's a 24 track project and I want the P1-X1 to be assigned to tracks 1-8, P1-X2 to 9-16 and the P1-M to 17 through 24...which is the nest configuration to use within the Control Surfaces menu? I've generally set it up in the order in the Control Surfaces menu...not because I think it's needed that way (if it's routed correctly) but from an organizational standpoint it makes more sense to my lizard brain.
FIXED (I think?!?) Previously...I had chosen the MMcL #1 and MMcL XT #1 as the Controller Choices for the P1-M and P1-X and it worked. Just now...I changed all 3 to MMcL #1 and their respective midi i/o and all three are now showing the correct track order. ========================================================================================================== So...i'm drawing a blank. I have a iCon P1-M and P1-X controller setup. In a 16 channel config works fine. Just picked up a 2nd P1-X extender to boost to 24. Windows Device Manager sees both though due to Windows poor USB naming conventions, had to do a work around to rename them in the Registry so I can distinguish which is which. I power them all off...open Device Manager, and turn on one at a time so I can see the order in which Windows detects them. All three are showing up in the Device Manager. Now...this series allows you to run three different DAWS from the same controller using different MIDI channels but we'll keep this simple. I will describe what happens with the P1-M/X combo and how I'd expect that to populate out one more time but it's not. CbB and Sonar are my main DAWS. Each controller has 4 midi channels it transmits on. Channel 4 is off limits. Channel 1-3 MIDI IN/OUT refer to the 3 DAWS. Seeing as CbB and Sonar are my primary...they've always been dedicated to MIDI 1 of each of those (listed as iCON P1-X where as the additional channels Sonar sees as MIDIIN2 (iCON P1-X) etc. MIDI IN/OUT 2 are for Luna...MIDI IN/OUT 3 are for Reaper.) Problem is now...I'm seeing the second P1-X in the Midi In choices...but I'm not seeing the second P1-X in the Midi Out choices. I only see some MIDI OUTS for iCon but it doesn't appear to be picking up any of the correct ports. Is there a way to have Cakewalk forget what it's seeing and then rescan the Midi Ports. I know reaper has a function like that. Not sure why Windows sees all three correctly but it seems the DAWS don't. Any thoughts?
MCU Question Regarding EQ/Plugin Functions
minminmusic replied to minminmusic's topic in Cakewalk by BandLab
I understand now I worded that incorrectly and that your "flowchart" breaks down the action correctly. But that IS the action I'm looking for...being to able to access the same function to Cakewalk from two separate controllers as if they were "seamless". I'll see if I can play around with it over the next few days. Thank you so much! -
MCU Question Regarding EQ/Plugin Functions
minminmusic replied to minminmusic's topic in Cakewalk by BandLab
I did start experimenting with AZController over the weekend. Following the instructions on the website, I was able to program the first rotary pot on the Arturia to control the first fader on the iCon. When I rotated the pot on the Arturia, the fader on the iCon moved in unison as well as the fader in Cakewalk. I have to think I'm on the right path there. Unfortunately, when I moved to the 2nd rotary pot on the Arturia and mapped it it was still controlling the first fader on the iCon. In my example I'm more interested in one rotary knob controlling another so I could see one controller was communicating with another. It's probably worth digging in and hoping any questions that might come up I can reach out to AZSlow? I do see how AZController picks up the midi as the Last MIDI event. I'm wondering if there's a way in AZController if you can force override a midi note/message value it sends out. See if this thought process is on the right track: 1) With the plug-in button pressed on the iCon and a SSL plug-in inserted in Cakewalk...Track 2/Display 2 lists Line Gain as it's parameter. This matches the C4Mapper info. 2) Temporary using the AZController on the iCon Extender...I can see the Last MIDI event for the iCon rotary knob 2 is Ch: 1 CC: 17. 3) Switch the iCon extender back to it's normal Mackie Controller driver. 4) Using the AZController for the Keylab 49...could I assign the Arturia Rotary 1 (currently Ch: 1 CC:74) to output the same Ch:1 CC:17 as the iCon much like I was able to get the Arturia rotary knob controlling the fader on the iCon. Following the instructions on the website (but not fully understanding the process) I could make the Arturia (eventually Microk4) control the iCon and pass that on to control Cakewalk so in essence that's what I'm looking to do. Aside from trying to get an basic understanding of AZController...probably going to table going full on into this until I get the Micro4k as I'm not deeply interest in mapping out the Arturia as I might be getting rid of it. Thanks for everyone's continued help/input. I really appreciate it. -
MCU Question Regarding EQ/Plugin Functions
minminmusic replied to minminmusic's topic in Cakewalk by BandLab
I'm starting to lean towards what you're saying and maybe not pay attention to the "displays" IF I can get the following to work (because this is what I'm ultimately after.) I tried to record a video because if you see it visually I think it makes more sense...but even rushing through the description it was too long/big. In any event, iCon P1-M/X is communicating with CbB. I have two tracks and each has a UA SSL 4000E loaded. Hitting the EQ button brings up the SSL parameters in the displays. For the first 4 parameters I set them wildly different...and flipping between the SEL key in track 1 and 2 on the iCon toggles between the two SSL instances perfectly. So far...so good. If I know the CC values/channel of the displayed parameters...would it be possible through a third controller to mirror the same motion? Right now the only other controller I have is the Arturia Keylab 49. In it's midi software I can change the values being sent on the rotary knobs. If VPOT 1 and 2 on the iCon are CC 16 and 17 and I mirror those on the Keylab 49, is it possible to send that info almost like a MIDI THRU from the Keylab 49 to the iCon and into CbB, picked up by the SSL? My ultimately goal is to try and do that with this (https://rocksolidaudioltd.com/products/micro-4k) and get the iCon P1-M/X and the Rocksolid Micro4k to interact as "seamlessly" as I can. The Micro4k has a wrapper VST3 to make the mapping process "easier" but I don't know if that will make it work any easier. Wrapper aside, I'm certain MIDI values can be associated with each VPOT on the Micro4k and possibly setting up an AZSlow instance making it a "default" SSL Plug-In controller. As long as the same SSL plug-in is on each channel...if the MIDI information can be mirrored/MIDI Thru from the Micro4k to/thru to the iCon, in theory, this should work? Pic 1 - 2 Tracks in CbB - 2 SSL - Hit Plug-In button on iCon. Pic 2 - Hit SEL on Track 1 and it focuses on SSL 1 Pic 3 - Hit SEL on Track 2 and it focuses on SSL 2 Pic 4 - Arturia Keylab 49 - Reassigned MIDI values to mirror VPOTS 1 and 2 on the iCon. Pic 5 - Rocksolid Audio - Micro4k MIDI controller. -
MCU Question Regarding EQ/Plugin Functions
minminmusic replied to minminmusic's topic in Cakewalk by BandLab
I see know...but he's another head/desk banging moment. So Pic 1, using MMcL (which wasn't installed correctly...since fixed) does not allow me to hit the EQ button twice to toggles the displays to reveal additional parameters but they are in the "correct" order listed as parameters in the C4 Mapper. Because it won't "scroll to the right" to see the rest of the parameters...I do not know if it's capturing them all and in the right order but have to assume. Pic 2, using the Mackie Control allows me to hit the EQ button twice to reveal additional parameters but a) not all of them and b) not in the same order listed as in the C4 Mapper. Is it ok to find this so confusing? In addition, I checked the mapping in C4 Mapper for the UAD SSL E plugin, ran both Luna and Reaper and inserted that on track one and the display order of the UA SSL parameters in the iCon P1-1M/X matched the order in C4 Mapper. On the P1-M/X, Luna paged between all parameters by hitting the Flip button and twisting the jog wheel. Luna displayed them as Page 1 of 3. Reaper accessed all the additional parameters by using the Track Left/Right buttons. Reaper displayed them as Page 2, Page 3. I ran the same test on CbB by "Excluding filters from plugins" and adding the UA SSL. They displayed in the same order as C4 Mapper but I could only access an additional 16 parameters by hitting the Plugin button twice and the displays on the second 16 displayed the values but not the actual parameter names. Hit the EQ button again and it flips back to displaying the first 16 correctly. When I regain a little energy I'll try and see if the latest Sonar is doing the same thing and trying some of these "additional" screen variations in the hope that one may work there. -
MCU Question Regarding EQ/Plugin Functions
minminmusic replied to minminmusic's topic in Cakewalk by BandLab
Wondering now...with the two Pics above...was Pic1 pulling that info from the Prochannel EQ and in Pic2...is that pulling it from Track EQ? Still wouldn't quite make sense because if I look at the ProChannel EQ and visually count the amount of clickable/movable options...I come up with 27 options. With the "Exclude filters from plug-ons" disabled, I get 22 displayed windows for EQ (not correct) and 8 for the Compressor (which seems correct and have no issues with.) -
MCU Question Regarding EQ/Plugin Functions
minminmusic replied to minminmusic's topic in Cakewalk by BandLab
So...from Pic 2 - This info below is what it's picking up in the displays? I'm guessing that the first entry corresponds to the display 1 in Pic 2? (LLFreq 79.6hz) and in total it technically should be taking up 32 display windows in the iCon p1-M/X. Hitting that EQ button sequentially should have them scrolling in groups of 16 until it completes all the VPot options? And I if Vpot 26, 24 and 25 were moved to the "front of the line" it should closer mimic Pic 1? I'm just looking to see if I got the missing options bumped to the beginning of this section would hitting EQ twice now display the accurately? At this stage I don't think I need to tweak the parameters...it's just the running order possibly? Mark...thank you so much for helping bringing clarity to this process. I'm sure there are a lot better things you could be doing on a Saturday then helping some schlub wade out into deeper waters lol. [ProChannel EQ] PluginType=1 NumVPots=32 VPot0=5,freq,0.2007 ; Band 1 Freq VPot1=10,freq,0.40 ; Band 2 Freq VPot2=14,freq,0.60 ; Band 3 Freq VPot3=18,freq,0.80 ; Band 4 Freq VPot4=6,spread,0.5 ; Band 1 Q VPot5=11,spread,0.5 ; Band 2 Q VPot6=15,spread,0.5 ; Band 3 Q VPot7=19,spread,0.5 ; Band 4 Q VPot8=4,boost/cut,0.5 ; Band 1 Gain VPot9=9,boost/cut,0.5 ; Band 2 Gain VPot10=13,boost/cut,0.5 ; Band 3 Gain VPot11=17,boost/cut,0.5 ; Band 4 Gain VPot12=3,switch ; Band 1 On/Off VPot13=8,switch ; Band 2 On/Off VPot14=12,switch ; Band 3 On/Off VPot15=16,switch ; Band 4 On/Off VPot16=7,switch ; Band 1 Low Shelf Enable VPot17=20,switch ; Band 4 Hi Shelf Enable VPot18=25,freq,0.1005 ; HP Freq VPot19=22,freq,0.90 ; LP Freq VPot20=26,boost/cut,0.144 ; HP Slope VPot21=23,boost/cut,0.144 ; LP Slope VPot22=24,switch ; HP On/Off VPot23=21,switch ; LP On/Off VPot24=1,pan,0,0.1 ; Style VPot25=2,switch ; Gloss VPot26=0,switch ; EQ Enable -
MCU Question Regarding EQ/Plugin Functions
minminmusic replied to minminmusic's topic in Cakewalk by BandLab
Uninstalled MMcL, redownloaded and reinstalled and made sure it's now saved to the same folder as the MackieController dll/ini files. Now it seems both are behaving the same BUT...both are missing the first few options that were available in Pic 1 above. Both now start at LLFreq and pressing EQ twice toggles it to the high frequencies parameters but it seems you can't access the options displayed in Pic 1. -
MCU Question Regarding EQ/Plugin Functions
minminmusic replied to minminmusic's topic in Cakewalk by BandLab
Ok...gotcha. Will do that now. -
MCU Question Regarding EQ/Plugin Functions
minminmusic replied to minminmusic's topic in Cakewalk by BandLab
They were in two separate folders but I moved the MMcL's to the same folder as the MackieControl.ini It's set to the Mackie Control drive for now. -
MCU Question Regarding EQ/Plugin Functions
minminmusic replied to minminmusic's topic in Cakewalk by BandLab
So...aside from the differences between the two drivers and the Comp/EQ/Plug-In buttons listed in my most recent post above (for some reason that post states it's waiting for approval), if in the Mackie driver I check "Exclude filter from Plug-Ins" it now displays the first effect in my FX bin but no access to the Comp/EQ (as expected?) But hitting the Plug-In button twice does not shift the focus of the displays over to the missing items. This behavior may not be the end of the world for me as I'm ultimately looking to hook up an additional controller (the Rocksolid Audio Micro 4k https://rocksolidaudioltd.com/products/micro-4k). If checking the Exclude Filters from Plug-Ins shuts off access to the Cakewalk ProChannel FX and I pre-insert a SSL style plugin that's been mapped for the Rock Solid Micro4k, wondering if hitting the Plug-In window now brings "Focus" to that first effect in the FX Bin and Micro4k, with it's own midi driver, now has control of that plug-in. They are backordered on the controller so can't really test a test but if I could find a way to do that that would be a huge plus in my workflow. -
MCU Question Regarding EQ/Plugin Functions
minminmusic replied to minminmusic's topic in Cakewalk by BandLab
Ok...thank you for the details, gaining a little better understanding. So for all intents and purposes, for the iCon I should stick with the regular Mackie driver? But...take a look at these pics. The first pick is me using the MMcL driver. The first five displays show the on/off, type...etc. With this mode I can see those functions but not the last couple (16 displays and they don't display the higher frequencies). Hitting the EQ (Note 44) button twice doesn't do anything to show the additional parameters. Hitting the Plug-In button (Note 43) only show the EQ settings even if 1 plug-in is loaded into the FX bin. Pic 2 is me using the Mackie drivers. EQ starts at LFFreq so it's missing the first 5 shown in Pic 1...BUT...it allows me to hit the EQ button twice and the display refreshes on 1-8 and NOW shows the remaining 6 EQ settings. So sending the same midi note out of the controller gets two different reactions from Sonar depending on which Mackie driver is used. And the settings are set up identical in the MMcL and the Mackie drivers so are they a true roll up of the "same" driver minus the ability to have them work in unison (Mackie) versus the main unit and extender having the flexibility of being controlled independently (MMcL). Why would I get two different behaviors depending on which driver I use in Cakewalk? Feels like my needs need a mashup of the two drivers because obviously they are working slightly different. PIC 1 - MMcL Pic 2 - Mackie Driver