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Everything posted by Zargg

  1. I figured out that I have a little sip of Whiskey and a couple of cold ones, so I wonder what to do... It is Thursday after all, so I'll have a little Beer (and Whiskey) O'Clock before some studio time ? Cheers, peeps! ?
  2. I've thought it has been Wednesday all day long, until a few minutes ago... One day closer to the weekend ?
  3. Hi. Perhaps check this tool out to remove nonfunctional NI software? It makes it possible to reinstall products afterward. I had to do that with Reaktor 6 (Player version). https://support.native-instruments.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/115002853669-Solving-problems-regarding-updating-uninstall-reinstall-NI-products-Windows-en-us- All the best.
  4. Zargg

    BJZ presents Dead End

    Thanks for listening, and the positive feedback ? All the best.
  5. Hi. This is my understanding as well. If you drag and drop an audio file into https://www.loudnesspenalty.com/ it will tell you how the different streaming services in/decreases the level of your mix. All the best.
  6. Zargg

    BJZ presents Dead End

    Thanks for listening, and the positive feedback, Lynn ? All the best.
  7. Good day, peeps. Tomorrow is Norway's Constitution Day, so I've started the celebration early with a long overdue Beer O'Clock ?? Cheers!! Tomorrow will be spent doing as little as possible, plus continuing Beer O'Clock from the get-go ?
  8. Greetings, folks. I've been quite absent to due to life in general, and health issues with/for both my wife and me. Will try to get back to usual nonsense ASAP. Mike has been used, but still feels lonely ? NagBap takes care of it most of the time, though ? Just a post to let you know I'm still breathing both in and out.
  9. Thanks, for listening, and the positive feedback, Paul? The music we make makes us ? All the best.
  10. I always miss by at least that much, no matter what I'm trying to achieve...
  11. Thanks for listening, and the positive feedback ? All the best.
  12. Hi. I know this might not be a fair comparison, but there's a world of difference between my RME Ucx, and my Focusrite Solo when it comes to performance/stability/latency/drivers. I have no specific problems with my Solo, but the Ucx is in a completely different league in that sense. Worth every penny extra, IMO. Perhaps a 2nd hand RME, if in reach? Best of luck, and all the best.
  13. I think we took the same deal ? I still have a few issues to come for those $. All the best.
  14. Thanks for listening, and the positive feedback, Bob ? Sorry for the late reply. I take the SOAD reference in a positive manner ? Both Ed and James did a great job on this one (as well) ? All the best.
  15. Sorry for the late reply. Thanks for listening, and positive feedback Ed ? All the best.
  16. Sorry for the late reply. Thanks, John ?
  17. Sorry for the late reply. Thanks for listening, and positive and creative feedback. I see your point, but don't think I'll do it on this song ( but I like the idea, and will try to implement it in one of my songs?). All the best.
  18. It was actually a newly taken picture but taken at a familiar location ? Too lazy to go anywhere else ?
  19. Yes, and yes. We didn't think much about the date, just when it was available. We got married in the Norwegian embassy in Haag, Holland. And thanks ?
  20. Greetings, peeps. The missus and I are in Sweden at her parents' place, celebrating our 12th wedding anniversary (yesterday). There was lots of beer, becan, and snaps ? Leaving for home in a few hours.
  21. Hi. Little Alterboy is a favorite for doing creative stuff, along with Brauer Motion from Waves and Noveltech Character (PA). I also find delays fun to work with, in parallel/sends and automation. All the best.
  22. ? It common around here to write more or less phonetically when not bothered otherwise ?
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