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Sunshine Dreaming

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Everything posted by Sunshine Dreaming

  1. thanks for logging it; yes audio is bypassed, but if I copy the audio into that track there, the FX still does not get enabled. (as seen in my "duplicated_frozen_track" profile file example)
  2. I encountered another issue : duplicating a frozen track ignores the FX effects in the duplicated track and shows them darker as if its "frozen" although the "freeze" button is not highlighted. how to reproduce: in the project file "freezing_track" freeze the TTS-1 instrument track , as seen in project file "frozen_track", which shows the track "frozen". When duplicating the frozen TTS-1 track, the FX effects color stays darker and FX effects are not applied on the duplicated one. clicking on it and changing settings on them visually works, but to no audio effect... Adding a new FX effect does the same. No "normal" effects FX color and no effect at all... See "duplicated_frozen_track" project file. Also a bit weird is, that when I press "freeze" in the project file "freezing_track", then also the empty MIDI track gets the "frozen" symbol, although its not related; maybe this is desired?! duplicated_frozen_track.zip
  3. I disagree. The start-up of the Cakewalk app on my system itself and loading projects is somewhat faster with the latest version. and this latest version was already faster even before I did a clean OS re-install and full defrag. In the past it was installed on a SSD drive and should have been faster, but it was not. Now I installed it to the default C drive (on a HDD) and opening it is really faster. And also on closing its getting closed much better. Some of these speed-ups may be based on the clean re-install of the OS. However, any sound content / samples / IRs are stored on the SSD. And the projects itself are also stored on a different harddisk partitition.
  4. Thank you for your information. I want the original preview capture, but the project preview ONLY. No other unrelated components, which are just there in the screen. It is a bug, when the app captures anything unrelated on screen.
  5. When you have another app (which is topmost) running at the same time, when "Cakewalk by BandLab" is running, sometimes chances are, that part of that other app are captured visible in the preview images within the "Cakewalk Start Screen". This issue was happening before version 2023.09 in the screenshot you see the "Windows Mixer" in front of the preview image. I used a third-party tool to make it always TopMost, which almost does something like SetWindowPos(hWnd, HWND_TOPMOST ...)
  6. That was exactly my question to "the Bakers". When you look at the "Early Access Program" in the past the final release for 2022.11 was build 2022.11 (021), which at the same time also was the last update mentioned in the EA page: [CLOSED] Cakewalk 2022.11 Update 1 Early Access [Updated to Build 21] It looks pretty similar to me, that its (062) this time: [CLOSED] Cakewalk 2023.09 Early Access [Updated to Build 62] And we got an official update for 2023.09 (062). (does this maybe count as notification?) When I remember it correctly it was called "production build" (at least on my system); that's why I installed it. however, indeed there was no indication, whether its the final one or not; so I hoped to get clarity here to do some long term backups of my projects. Also my other question about the offline-activation tool was not being answered yet, so how do we get notified about that one? Although the product is very good, the communication really can be improved here. Thank you.
  7. Does this mean there is another 2023.09 update which then is the final legacy version? Or is production build 2023.09 (062) the final legacy version?
  8. I removed v29.09 (062) and re-installed v28.11 (013) and there anything works, like it should. The reverb is same also when the project is reloaded. So I also updated to 28..11 (021) and yes, it still works.. Here the project saved again with v28.11 (021) : test1__on__2022_11_28_021.zip The "test1" project from my previous post also works fine in v28.11 (021). Maybe I changed some sound hardware device settings inbetween; But all the other plug-ins worked; UPDATE I deactivated the speaker of my computer screen in the Windows->Sound & Hardware Settings; Now it also works on v29.09 (062) SOLVED!!
  9. After a clean re-install of Windows 10Pro (22H2) and also re-installing CakeWalk 2023.09 (062) I tested lots of plug-ins, which all work fine. But on the "Halls Of Fame 3 Free" plugin from "Best Service" I encountered a problem: Generally, when adding the plug-in, it works ok. But when saving in a project and then reloading it, the sound is different (lower in volume and somehow not as expected). Currently I have no chance to check whether this was an issue already in a previous version. Same when restarting CakeWalk and then reloading the project. in the video below you see the steps I did: SaveAndReloadProject_different_sound_lq.mp4 what I do in the video: 0:08 add a synth instrument (for test TTS-1, but with all others I tested the same result happens) 0:16 me struggeling to expand the last track height (NOTE: this is not the reason for the problem,its more a live capture of some difficulties on expanding the last of all the tracks in a project) 0:23 still failing 0:40 playing C4 without any effects: output ok 0:50 adding "Halls Of Fame 3 Free" IR-reverb plug-in 0:57 selecting a random preset (where the difference can be heard easily) 1:02 playing again C4: output ok 1:14 saving as test1.cwp 1:21 closing project 1:27 re-opening project 1:33 playing C4: output is completely different; and for unknown reason the video capture software (OBS) did not record anything there... Here the project file: test1.zip I use no audio interfaces; Anything Windows Only (since its a clean Windows install)
  10. In the release notes and here in the forum I got the info, [..]Offline activation will be available soon.[..] which sounds very good, but when I search "CakeWalk 2023.09 offline activation" on the search engine, the first result is: https://help.cakewalk.com/hc/en-us/articles/900006210046-Activating-Cakewalk and in the "Offline" Tab the topic there is still about the deprecated BandLab Assistant. Seems to be a leftover. This may have caused some of the confusion of people who read that page first. So will we get notified (e.g. through CakeWalk), when the offline-authorization-tool will be available?
  11. I get similar dropout error, but code (5), I will try to deactivate EIST in BIOS. However, recently the dropouts occurrances increased. These dropout issues occured also before the latest update. For long time they did not occur, but I froze some tracks with the "freeze" button and thought this would improve speed, and yes CPU usage is much lower, but now these dropouts... Besides this, overall the 2023.09 version is working very well! UPDATE: I just noticed the help page https://legacy.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=Cakewalk&language=1&help=0x20280 and I changed the buffer size for playback in "Audio > Synchronisierung und Cache" from 256 to 1000. Since that change now it seems to work ok. No dropout since minutes!! Even without touching EIST settings. Seems to be solved for now. The default value maybe should be higher. SOLVED! No dropouts anymore. UPDATE: I also changed Audio > Configuration File > DropoutMsec = 500 (default 250)
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