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Chris Deveroux

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  1. As much as I love Cakewalk/Sonar, it's hard not to feel like it could vanish again at any moment. Really hope that we start to see a broader marketing campaign and fingers crossed a perpetual license option. As it stands now it's hard (even for those is the know) to navigate the Bandlab site to find the current subscription information for the new Sonar and Next.
  2. Installing the updated plugin scanner (linked in the thread above) works perfect and eliminates having to jump through any hoops or move anything around. ? Thanks again for the link!!
  3. SSL has had the .vst3 extension for a while now, however they've moved the DDL extension into a sub folder, rather than within the main VST3 directory. For some reason the CbB plugin manager can't seem to resolve it and update to the new location. Had the same thing happen with Spitfire BBC Orchestra a while back.
  4. None of my other daw software had a problem finding and updating to the new SSL directories, only CBB. Which leads me to believe this is an issue specific to the Cakewalk plugin manager, not sure if this has been addressed in the new Sonar release.
  5. Had the same issue after the recent SSL update. What I did to resolve this was navigate to C:\Program Files\Common Files\VST3 Find the SSL Plugins that are giving you the issue and rename the main folder. I chose to drop the .vst3 from the end. After you do that, go into the folder you just renamed and find the main .dll Copy that .dll directly into C:\Program Files\Common Files\VST3 CBB will then re-scan and your plugins will show up as expected.
  6. Thats a great suggestion for the future. Honestly, I don't remember if it was a modified preset or a new one I created. Fortunately, I finished this project a while back and had everything exported. But had I not opened an older project to test out the early access release I may have never come across this issue.
  7. No antivirus to disable. This is an issue with Cakewalk and Plugin Alliance/Brainworx. Everything worked prior to the first early access release. The plugins are correctly authorized to my system and the preset files are stored locally on my C drive so antivirus shouldn't come into play. For anyone coming in late or following along here are the two issues. First - Previous instances of the plugins in projects saved in version are now failing to load/missing. Second - Reinserting a new instance of the plugin works, however local preset files cannot be loaded. Here are the 4 plugins that are affected if anyone else would like to try to confirm on their system: bx_cleansweep V2, bx_solo, bx_meter and bx_stereomaker
  8. Update: I can also add that bx_meter and bx_stereomaker are two additional Plugin Alliance plugins that will no longer load presets correctly from within Cakewalk. Must have missed testing those the first time around as I don't use them often.
  9. The header info "2: Acoustic 12th" that you are seeing actually refers to the track # and track id (i.e. Track 2 - Acoustic guitar 12th fret) and is not related to a particular preset. One interesting thing of note; The custom preset I had saved in the original, and now missing instance of bx_cleansweep V2 is gone. But Cakewalk does still reference it within the drop down menu for the place holder. Screen shot below:
  10. Agreed! Fortunately, this is occurring in finished projects so moving forward I can avoid using those two plug-ins until it's resolved. In the mean time I've also contacted Plugin Alliance/Izotope to see if they can offer any guidance, but have yet to hear back.
  11. Thanks for the explanation. Tried that earlier as well with no success. For me at-least I've been able to verify that all my other PA plug-ins work, except the two mentioned. Not sure what is different with those 2 but something broke compatibility within Cakewalk for me after the first early access release.
  12. Here is a screen shot of the error message I receive when trying to load any preset for either bx_cleansweep v2 (version 2.16.0) or bx_solo (version 1.16.0) Both are 64 bit VST3 plugins, and both worked in version In saved projects all previous instances come up missing. In both new and saved projects, I can load a new instance and it works fine, but preset files cannot be loaded. Does anyone else have either of these plugins? If so, can you try inserting an instance and then try to load a preset. Does it work or do you get the Invalid filename error?
  13. It would appear there is some type of preset associations stored within Cakewalk projects. Logically speaking, if presets were tied solely to the Plugin, then Cakewalk should not throw an invalid file when attempting to load an associated preset (provided it's the correct extension type)
  14. Am I correct in assuming you mean within the Cakewalk plug-in manager? If so, that was the first thing I tried. If not, could you explain what you mean by re-register.
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