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Everything posted by Tianzii

  1. The deal is available on Plugin Boutique as well: https://www.pluginboutique.com/product/66-Music-Courses/78-Video-Courses/10445-Scaler-2-Official-Course
  2. Interesting. I was actually interested to extend the “one octave” midi trigger space for chords in Scaler 2. I think this is exactly why I didn’t found the midi trigger functionality, cause I remember pressing those squares on the right side to enable midi trigger for chords, but I was in another octave. But then, these days I’ve played a little with it and I totally get it why they did it this way. You can actually play midi chords and simple melody/bass notes to harmonize the chords, which IMHO is a much better option then playing chords only. I would love the Scaler team to rebuild the Scaler app for iOS to be available on iPhones as well, and to let us create midi files stored in our iCloud drive using a Screen full of chord pads. This way I’ll have only one music theory tool in my arsenal to learn and to perfect myself for. 😌 IMHO on mobile, being on the go, you need something that already has the functionality without having to connect an external midi keyboard. A screen full of chord pads with midi notes recorder to a midi file would be just enough to generate tons of ideas for future projects, while on the go, when creativity strikes out of nowhere.
  3. Thanks man! At some point I wanted to get the official course when was at its lowest price but every time I get a course it ends up unwatched. I usually know what I’m looking for and just search in the interface, but that hidden gem in Scaler 2 was not at all intuitive. I bet the manual would tell me about the functionality but I don’t really have time to learn each new plugin functionality or knobs. Too much information… Thanks for the free resource! I’ll definitely scan them! I’m just super happy that I finally have a music theory midi tool. I used my mobile phone in some other apps and recorded the screen while I’ve played the chords, then digitized that in Ableton. This is a much much much simpler workflow!
  4. That's very close to what I've paid for v2 on KVR
  5. I used Scaler 2 the wrong way! Omg! Thanks so much for sharing this! ❤️
  6. I’m curious if in the new version you can map chords to midi keys. Couldn’t find a way to do it in v2, or I don’t really know Scaler enough. Does anyone knows if v2 or v3 supports this?
  7. I have the same question. I’ve got it via KVR using a Plugin Boutique transfer.
  8. These guys are insane! And i freaking love them! I’ll never sell my Akai and NI Keyboards, this is for sure! Just received this via email: Akai Pro and Native Instruments have teamed up to bring NKS integration to the world’s most popular controllers. Now available for MPK Mini MK 3, MPK Mini Play, MPK Mini Plus, MPK249, MPK261. https://www.native-instruments.com/en/products/hardware-partnerships/akai-mpk-partnership/ — If you have one of these, you would want to check your email, and install inMusic Software Center to get this offer! — I’m super happy! I’VE GOT MY FREE KOMPLETE 15 SELECT ELECTRONIC FOR AKAI. ❤️😍 Insane!
  9. Too bad it expired… I’m kind of late at the party Would have snitched this!
  10. What a weird way to treat your customers. The ones who got them for free can activate the plugins on their machines and use them offline, while the customers who paid for them, can only activate them using cloud activation and have to be always online. It happened to me with the past free offer for Pure Plate Reverb, and I’m never going to buy any other UAD plugin until I have the ones I’ve bought available for machine activation like all these freebies. I’ll always choose the machine activation instead of the 10% coupon.
  11. I mean, I don’t mind offering them for free as marketing hooks, but imho UAD and other companies should respect their customers and offer them the same deals. If you offer free stuff machine unlockable to new members, give your current customers the same options, even if they already have the cloud unlockable version. The same applied a few weeks ago when KV331, offered the Synthmaster 2 Player + 3 preset packs for $5, then it sent to current customers a $10 gift coupon to get 2 free packs. Old customers ended up with 2 packs, new members ended up with 5 packs. And they they are wondering why no one buys from them again… Customer retention sucks. Nasty!
  12. Now I kind of regret buying it.
  13. Looks like Pure Plate is Cloud only, at least on my side. I’ve got the Essentials and won’t give the ilok machine activation code as gift. Did it work for you this Pure Plate gift as machine authorization in ilok?
  14. Still doesn’t work. Probably will get it FREE on PB with a serial number that would register in ilok as activation on device in the near future, if and only if. Maybe this one is only a cloud only activation, which I already have.
  15. I don’t even get the email with the serial. It might work but the email with the serial didn’t arrived.
  16. You can get it binded to your device in ilok instead of authorizing it in the cloud with an always online collection.
  17. Exactly! Did the same with Pultec Collection And Galaxy Delay. But now I keep on trying to get this gift without receiving it.
  18. I’m not getting it. I already have the essentials bundle, but I was expecting a serial to be able to authorize my computer in ilok and not cloud.
  19. So they now are offering UAD Oxide Tape Recorder as a free option. Does anyone know if I’ll register this one with my UAD profile if ilok will register it with my machine instead of with cloud? I already have it from UAD Essentials bundle, but I rarely use UAD plugins because of always having to be online. And I’ve seen with past free offerings, that a second serial registered will offer the option to activate in ilok on machine instead of using cloud activation and having to be always online.
  20. Laughing but if that would come with all the future updates, the price would be insane!
  21. Not really. But for me it was about learning the same tools and use 2 DAWs at the same time. Easier for me to have same presets and knobs in both daws that I use.
  22. I do feel you, but at the same time I won’t mind. I mean, KV331 Audio did the same thing multiple times. IKMultimedia did the same multiple times. And there are a lot of other developers that have sales. I mean, I bought Massive for 50€ while it’s being sold everywhere with 10 bucks. Even NI had sales below that price. I think the only one 100% fair is Xfer, who doesn’t run sales at all, exactly because of this. The question is if you gained some value for the time being worth 30€. If yes, then I won’t really mind if someone else can have the right tools. More customers, more chances to have support later on. Cheers.
  23. I think it’s the last day for Air Music Tech offers on KVR. This is the lowest deal for Creative Fx Collection 2. And you can also use KVR points. Making it $18.9. https://www.kvraudio.com/marketplace/air-creative-fx-collection-2-by-air-music-technology
  24. I don’t know this either. I mean there’s already a bunch of synths that are free of charge around like Vital, Podolski, TyrellN6, Zebralette, TripleChese, SurgeXT, BeatzilleCM, ZebraCM, and a lot more that sound great. Not to say some of us already have the top paid ones like Sylenth1, Serum, Spire (even with AI presents generator), Massive, Massive X, FM8, Diva, Ana, Nexus, AirMusic stuff and all Kontakt, UVI and/or SampleTank instruments. And still, we love to twist some new knobs every now and then. ”Hey! Let’s twist again!” :)) I’ll be honest, I like the sound of it, but it seems that it needs a bigger sound brother in front of it.
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