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Everything posted by InstrEd

  1. The girl scouts were out selling cookies outside the Walmart this past weekend. They certainly had the crowds.
  2. My wife works in Out-Patient services and the medical staff is already swarmed. Media and people in general are not handling this well. Is it that hard to start thinking about other people. At one of the other Out-Patient offices a guy comes in and yells out his friend tested positive and he needs to be seen. Firstly on the outside door written in English and Spanish says if you think you were exposed to Covid-19 don't come inside, go back to your car and call this special phone number. ***** people only thinking about themselves. So now the whole front staff because he was yelling is not there for two weeks and they might have to close this office. because not enough staff to go around. ? Only so much you can do but common sense is out the window!
  3. At the moment you might be right. Considering all houses of Worship have been closed. ? ?
  4. Leave it to the Southerners to come up with a cheap solution. ?
  5. You scrub your rear-end to make it minty fresh silly ?
  6. There was a fight at Target over the last bag of Rice. My wife's coworker was there on Friday and she couldn't believe they were throwing punches over a bag of rice. I hope they both got arrested.
  7. Some do need to use it and I think what Avid is offering is good. My High School children have to do remote learning for the next 2 weeks as the school closed. So any help getting software the students need is a good thing.
  8. I agree on the hoarding, totally nuts. The main reason for the lockdown is to slow the spread so the health-care industry can keep up. My wife is a nurse and she says we need to slow it down because they don't have enough resources to help everyone if it explodes like in Italy. How much TP do you need? I passed by the local Walmart this morning and OMG the parking lot was packed. Really people stay home! I had to go to work otherwise I would of been at home.
  9. Hmm.... I think the smell of Ammonia would kill the virus. Seriously please take this virus seriously it really is not a joke!
  10. in Am .............................. I want to start an un-started piece but I already started it?
  11. Wasn't me as I'm younger then you ? Wait does that mean you made me do it ?
  12. Bill I think I'll skip on the pie that you were making for me? You were making those pies weren't you...
  13. Well with all the turmoil in the stock market, grocery stores stock prices should be up
  14. We went last night to Meijer's and the place was a zoo. Almost all of the bread was gone. Cans of soup forget it. Fresh meat cases were wiped clean. It was an adventure. We went because we needed regular items as we normally shop on Friday night. My wife said I guess I should of went on Thursday night after work. We normally have a pretty good stock of food items so we didn't have to panic buy like the rest of the people there shopping. I stopped on the way to work at the local Walmart for fresh rolls and got lucky this morning. They had some but the bread aisle was already pretty much empty. Tonight is Italian beef sandwiches ?
  15. Now they give you a patch and a celebration ?
  16. When? For I think I was too.
  17. My wife is in Health Care and as Tezza just said it is about slowing it down so the Medical staff can handle it. This is a good thing. What I don't like is the un-experts that get on the news and say it fake for political gain. These are the people that need to get the virus and sorry no help for you because nature should weed out the morons of the world!
  18. Reserve a court and I'll be right over. Oh never mind the Governor has put us on lock-down for the next several weeks.
  19. S.L.I.P. you're keeping secrets?
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