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Everything posted by InstrEd

  1. You could feed us all down here in the Coffee -House V2. Well maybe not with Bill and Ed around ?
  2. Praying IK-Multimedia gets your problem resolved quickly
  3. I was going to suggest using Edge sensitive Gel so you won't nick you Hog anymore So how big is this little one going to get?
  4. Just because Vulcans life hundreds of earth years, The "Reaper" decides it won't support the language?
  5. By the time this alleged Hovercraft arrives Ed we shall be six feet under?
  6. @Tezza I mainly used Coreldraw for page layouts, photo editing and very little actual drawing. My daughter has used youtube videos to teach herself how to draw. I think she started watching them when she was eight. She is now 17 years old. She still rather draw on paper and not her 2n1 active-pen capable laptop. I'm still amazed how much she learned by watching those videos. She would watch them for hours pausing them and slowly learning the techniques. I had a customer in store that whated information and I told him it would take me to long to explain how to do it and I know there are 2 excellent youtube videos online. I pulled them up and he went home and watched them. Came back and then we were able to have an informed chat on which way to proceed with what he wanted to do. Sometimes I get insults telling me I don't want to help them. I do but it is like a student learning chords when they can't even find middle C on the piano.
  7. Do you have a Cricket named Dog?
  8. Even if we did tell you BAPU, you wouldn't listens to us anyway ?
  9. Did you download the PDF manual? Page 356 of the manual
  10. If you're on Windows 10, CbB should be part of your arsenal for making music. Great tool to have especially now that Bandlab has made it free.
  11. Is that why folks in Wisconsin are always honking their horns? ? ?
  12. Cute pic. Funny thing on are end: we got a kitten this past January and since we all ready have our Multipoo, the kitten acts more like the dog all stretched out on the floor. She loves belly rubs. First time I have had a cat that loves belly rubs ? I'm literally on the rug with one hand petting the kitty and one petting the dog. My wife laughs at me and tells me our animals have me trained. I can't argue with her on that one.
  13. Just had a listen. Nice work.
  14. On a serious note; hope all is well with Larry's family.
  15. I've been cutting up my paper money by 1/8ths and sending them out to needy people. This way I help more people ? ?
  16. Never to early for a Andy's Shake IMO!
  17. Here I thought you were going to have Journey start playing.
  18. That's just the way it is Some things will never change That's just the way it is Ah, but don't you believe them ?
  19. Why do the Pols get to decide ?
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