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Edward Allen

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Everything posted by Edward Allen

  1. Hi Reggie Thx for this. Can I ask: IF its MIDI controller will it also handle mapping audio feeds backs and forth too?
  2. Hi I use Cakewalk on a Win 11 PC alongside an SQ6 mixer. I am able (via the SQ6 "USB-B" connection) to easily send 32 channels of audio from the desk TO Cakewalk. Has anyone worked out how to send up to 32 channels BACK from Cakewalk to the SQ6 (so for example a mix can be explored using the faders and built in controls of the SQ6) I do have the "SQ USB Audio Driver" form A&H installed on the PC and this works fine but seems to only provide stereo pairs as outputs from the PC. Thoughts?!? Many thanks in advance Ed.
  3. Hi there Apologies that this seems one of those very basic questions, but I'm trying to figure out of there is anything "special" about the Preview Bus, or is it just like any other bus you can create alongside the Master Bus. Many hanks for your help in clarifying its role and characteristics
  4. Hi Sock Monkey I'm just tapping on the visual display of the kit to create the sounds, and this works. BUT its a good point you raise: Once I have the "recording issue" sorted I will want to work out how to best |map| kit parts to say the keyboard or perhaps an external device IF needed thoughts?? thanks in advance
  5. Hi there I'm trying to record the drum sounds from VST3 drums using say Steven Slate or PowerDrum kit etc. and I can get audio OK, BUT when I hit record I cannot get that track to actually "record" Here's a screen shot of the setup I created, and also a short video clip of what seems to happen when I hit record. The one thing I cannot seem to alter is the "Input Echo" button, but I'm not sure if this is an issue or not?! Any ideas on what I'm missing here please? For context I have an orchestral violin score audio file that I've been asked to add a drum track to, and I just wanted to try and generate a few ideas direct from the PC rather than sit at a kit to do it. so the plan was to have the audio track of the violins play and I could just "tap" along to try out ideas I have, then listen back to the entire thing in Cakewalk afterwards. Many thanks in advance. Not recording drum sounds into Cakewalk (Dec 2024) - Made with Clipchamp_1735225018901.mp4
  6. Hi there Is there a way to universally switch off and back on all FX plugins across various tracks at once please? I'm recording drums and have various effects applied to various tracks as a default BUT I'd really like to sometimes just hear the "raw" sound from the kit too to get a feel for things. I can just go from track to track knocking off collections of effects if I have to, but just wondered if there was a helpful "shortcut"?! Many thanks in advance
  7. Hi there I have a drum part recorded on an acoustic kit broken out onto different tracks in Cakewalk (bass, snare top, snare bottom, toms OHs etc.) and I wanted to try blending the original sound of each drum with some drum samples (Steven Slate for example) I see that there is an "audio bend" function to help do this in Studio one / PreSonus here: But does Cakewalk have a similar feature. Or is there perhaps a plug in for this?? Many thanks in advance
  8. Hi there I'm exploring options around sending midi from my Alesis Strata Prime electronic drum kit into Cakewalk. I have 2 different drum plugins installed: the generic SI ones and Steven Slate 5.5 free version. What I'm noticing is that only a few of the midi "impulses" created from the kit are currently "mapped" to drum notes, and I wondered if anyone had already created a fully functioning "Drum Map" for Alesis Prime please? If not (given its pretty new to market) what would you say is the simplest way to pick through and create a new fully mapped "drum map" to resolve this issue please? Many thanks in advance Ed.
  9. Hi there all Many thanks I think I resolved it by using the right as Living Room Rocker mentions! Thx again!
  10. Hi Warning: Utter MIDI newbie questions incoming! So I've just recorded a simple MIDI file direct from my Alesis Strata Prime electronic drum kit, and at first glance it looks ok within Cakewalk But I cannot seem to get any sound to come out of my regular computer speakers (which typically wok just fine with Cakewalk) Are there certain basic things I need to do get sound from within settings perhaps: Is there a specific driver I need be using for MIDI etc.? Do I need to save the file in a MIDI format now OR can I just save as a regular ol' normal Cakewalk file? Any pointers to get me rolling would be much appreciated! thanks in advance Ed.
  11. It would be great to have a feature where you can slow down the playback speed of tracks. It would help when trying to catch minor details It would also be great for overdubs of tricky parts too (although some may consider that cheating!) PS When will there be properly functioning and fully coordinated website / online user manual etc.? It seems to have been a long time that we ae stuck in the "limbo" of old versions versus new versions... Thanks in advance Ed.
  12. Hi there Is there a way to record directly from a browser window site such as YouTube or Spotify DIRECTLY into Cakewalk please? I am a bit bewildered by the range of options for input drivers etc. and just do not know where to start to puzzle this out! Many thanks in advance I am using: Chrome Browser Win 11 on a desktop PC SOUND BLASTERX AE-5 PLUS Sound Card
  13. Hi Is there a way to slow down the speed of a recorded track in Cakewalk please? For context: I am a drum tutor and sometimes a learner wants to learn a pop song but he can't yet play it at full speed so it would be very helpful record the track into Cakewalk and then to be able to play it to them at say 70% of its normal speed. Many thanks in advance
  14. Hi there I'd heard that it was worth checking if your OHs were not only in phase with each other BUT also "in phase" with the rest of the kit (from this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PNC5CZMawRc&list=PLleS-Mfyj_ffMRXOrhlyXh8Q3Cw6oLLjI&index=2 ) so I was looking into this (although not fully understanding if its actually "an issue" or not!) and I noticed the following: The snare top and bottom (Green) are out of phase visually here (But I have switched the bottom snare mic polarity to resolve that) and the 2 OHS (Yellow) are in phase with each other, so far so good. BUT When you look at the delay between the snare mics and the OHs its @ 5ms. The mics are equally spaced above the snare. So in a case like this is it an issue that the OHs are not "in sync" / "in phase" with the snare mics? And if so what are the best remedies ( given that the OHs will always be some distance further away from the snare as the snare mics are) Many thanks in advance.
  15. Hi there I thought I'd seen this online but I cannot for the life of me find out how to do it ! So if you want to say cut out a section of a clip (say like the darker section below) and then automatically have the RHS slide over and meet the remaining LHS, thus closing up the gap, what is most efficient way to do it please? Is there a "automatic" way to have it close up the gap? or did I dream that?! Many thanks in advance.
  16. Hi I have 2 mics, one on each side of a snare drum, and I can see they are "out of phase" so when I click the phase icon on the snare bottom mic, should I actually see the wave invert on-screen?! Or just trust that Cakewalk has it covered!! Many thanks in advance.
  17. Hi I have imported the raw WAV files from my mixer (in a drag and drop manner) and I get this: So looking at the 2 orange channels which are the L and R of an drum play along book. I had 2 separate feeds for the two halves of a stereo audio track (from the drum "play along book) BUT for some reason instead of getting TWO separate WAV files each with their half of the stereo signal I am getting two tracks BUT BOTH parts of the stereo feed are only on ONE track and the second orange track below it is just blank. My questions are please: Is there a way to "separate" the 2 signals on the one track, so I can handle them as L and R tracks? I don't have this issue when I have my laptop with Cakewalk running directly connected to the mixer, as I can use the template in preferences to "pair up" the incoming audio feeds to specific tracks in my Cakewalk template, so I get 2 separate tracks that work just fine. IS there any specific reason that these 2 feeds might get "combined" to a wav file as they have been here?! Many thanks in advance for any insights Edward.
  18. Hi, Yes, this would absolutely work, I was just wondering if there is a more "elegant" solution to streamline this, given that I might have to do this same things quite often. thx.
  19. Ok, so this is a bit messy, so please bear with me here! I am trying to find the simplest way to get the raw audio tracks from my Zoom L20 mixer into Cakewalk once they are already on the SD card inside the Mixer (for example a drum student just laid down a few tracks to the SD card in the Zoom mixer during a lesson and I suggested I could send him a simple mixed composite final Wav file of each one so he could listen back again later) I could “stream” the audio one track at a time from the SD card in the mixer over to Cakewalk on my laptop, this is what I typically do and I have it set up so that the correct mixer track goes directly to the correct Cakewalk track etc. BUT! Because I typically use a different PC for any mixing down / playing around, (in another part of the house!) I put the SD into the Laptop and saved the 3 entire “projects” (as Zoom calls them) to a shared drive so I could access them via the PC later. Looking like this: OK, still with me?!!? SO I opened up Cakewalk on my PC and imported the 10 wav files from the above project into a my template Cakewalk template (same as I use on the Laptop) BUT the tracks did NOT “map” to the track numbers I expected but started appearing half way down the list of tracks like this… (If I had done this using this same template on my Laptop directly connected to the Mixer they would have "found" the right track) So any ideas: Why do the wav files feed in halfway down the list of tracks in the template? 2) How to configure things so they DO feed into the correct track numbers in Cakewalk? (as per the directly connected Laptop) Many thanks in advance! Edward
  20. Many thx Mark. Any thoughts on once the problem has occurred how to resolve it quickest? (Full reboot of everything? or perhaps try to reset things within Cakewalk etc.?)
  21. So this is a little complicated to lay out but here goes... I have a main template that I have developed that includes having all the links for the Zoom L20 mixer configures, so the Preferences section looks like this: So normally when I open a new project (based off this template) I can immediately see the various feeds streaming in from the L20. All good! BUT.... Numerous times when I've booted up the Laptop and L20 to start work I notice that all the ALL the Inputs that were previously set up to the channels are NOT there and just show "None" like this: It doesn't happen every time just (so it seems) randomly! (Just for a test after finding out this template had "lost" its feeds to the channels as shown, I opened up a prior template and bingo that one had KEPT all its feeds and the audio streamed in automatically whilst this latest template was "dead"!! so I'm confident that the overall signals from the Mixer are getting through) The Zoom control panel that operates on the Laptop doesn't seem to be the problem: So, yes I can just "relink" all the channels on my master template and move on but its an annoying repetitive niggle and I'd love to get to the bottom of it! So here are my questions: Could there be something in the order I turn on The Mixer / The Laptop / Cakewalk that could possibly trigger this loss? Has anyone else had this kind of issue and how did you resolve it? Many thanks in advance for any perspectives you can offer. Edward.
  22. What! I just booked a week at the seaside to read it on the beach ?️
  23. Terrific! Many thank for sharing this, I had no idea it even existed and have been struggling with current online help pages too. (Are they in "mid overhaul" right now? It all seems a bit scrappy!) 980 pages looks a little daunting on first glance BUT on the flipside hopefully it gets to the kind of depth that the current online help pages don.'t Thx again.
  24. Hi Ok, I'm firmly in "newbie territory" here, but I've been fumbling around trying to work with buses and I noticed that my buses don't give me a feel when tracks are being recorded in Cakewalk BUT do give me a feed when I am listening to the tracks back. (Make sense?!) Is this how its supposed to work? and if so is there a reason for it perhaps that I'm not grasping?! Any example of the buses I am setting up are for recording a drum kit where I have grouped all the drums to one bus and a pair of overheads to another bus, and another bus for an electronic kit that outputs stereo feeds. Many thanks in advance
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