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Everything posted by jm52

  1. CLASSIC FADERPORT::: The trick is to copy the faderport.dlls to the cakewalk shared surfaces folders, and register them. C:\Cakewalk\Shared Surfaces I added '64' to the 64 bit file. 1) Close SONAR, if open. 2) Enter the Run prompt by holding the Windows key and pressing R 3) Then copy and paste the following into the Run prompt: regsvr32 "C:\Cakewalk\Shared Surfaces\faderport.dll" regsvr32 "C:\Cakewalk\Shared Surfaces\faderport64.dll" 4) Press OK and you will see a message saying that DllRegisterServer succeeded 5) Open SONAR and add the FaderPort as a Controller/Surface, as outlined in the guide
  2. I cannot install the update. Bandlab assistant crashes... download 0/0.......download does not continue --------- I attempt to update through CW: Error: This installer requires Cakewalk by bandlab version 2021.11 I uninstalled BDA, and downloaded "latest" install. The file is labeled.... BandLab Assistant Setup 10.2.0. NO JOY! What now?
  3. """ Bounce to clips """ Why did this work???? These clips were recorded from 4-track tape. And copied multiple times. Bouncing to clips has un-ghosted the selection.... This is like way strange. Thank you. Now on to figger how to do the midi conversion stuff. I wasted hours trying to fix this...... I will report to CW and Celemony.
  4. ""Just one question when you said the Melodyne interface disappears did you check for a tab on the multi dock? As said already you need to fully install a purchased copy of the software, register it etc. Open Cakewalk and let it run the plug in scanner. Then highlight a short audio clip and right click the clip and choose regional effects and Melodyne. This will open a tab in the multi dock with the Melodyne interface. """ The first window closed.... The second, just minimized..... So a semi-issue now. I completely uninstalled melodyne, and reinstalled, and activated using the stand-alone version. Ran the plug-in scanner three times now. Clip selection, and partial selection, still ghosted.
  5. Thank yous guys for the responses. Melodyne 5 editor. Recent upgrade.. VST3 is available through insert fx. Yo! Andres! Create Region FX is ghosted. Why is this so difficult?
  6. Thank yous guys for the responses. Melodyne 5 editor. Recent upgrade.. VST3 is available through insert fx. Yo! Andres! Create Region FX is ghosted. Why is this so difficult?
  7. SEMI SOLVED::::: Had to bounce the CLIP to clips Installed melodyne 5 ctrl+M not working Attempting to follow instructions by adding melodyne to a track by selecting, and pressing ctrl+m Nothing happens. Tried the transfer method.... Works OK... then the melodyne interface disappears, and I cannot re-display. Guidance please
  8. Thank you all for you responses. I assumed the C2a install file was for the vst version..... NOt sure how the internals folder got added to the vst folders list.
  9. Can someone help me with this: I have re-installed the plug. The file is in the listed folder. Any ideas?
  10. Thank you all for your replies. In the beginning Justin used the same fuzz as Hendrix: Supa-Fuzz... (not the pedal version) Marshall did a couple of knock offs.... And others as well. I have the schematics and most of the components to build one. Thought maybe i could use some plug ins to get there from here. Hence the post Prolly gonna build it, in my spare time. And still try to emulate in the box.
  11. moody blues guitar tone? Any ideas? I used to have a nice tube amp that did this... and then real life intervened.... So, looking for an in the box sound.
  12. My tascam recently became poop on a rope. All audio worked as a standalone, but no USB joy. The culprit was the usb daughter-board. Got it replaced, and bob's yer uncle.
  13. Anybody got a tutorial about how to use a click track to quantize an audio track? The click track is audio. It is NOT in tempo with the project tempo. That is something i will want to learn about: How to set tempo to audio click track.
  14. jm52

    Projects do not open

    Update: CW will not work with the tascam asio drivers. CW does work with the wdm/ks drivers for the tascam. SPLAT does work with the asio drivers. And wavepad does. This is why I did not suspect the audio drivers. Removing, and installing, tascam software did not fix it. So, CW seems to be the culprit. tascam 1608 , windows 10, current.
  15. jm52

    Projects do not open

    I bees a windows computer support dude since '92. So, event viewer was my first stop. No joy there. Full disk scans, and cleanings next,.... Tried all kinds of stuff before uninstalling. An uninstall process should remove ALL related reg entries, related files, etc. without disturbing ANY other program. The user should never have to edit the registry,... rebuild: 20 + years of projects, sonar versions, plugs: every version of sonar,... waves, kontakt, halion, vsampler,..., copy samples,... ms office, wp office: tracking lyrics, project notes, settings,... file converters, video/image editors, audio/video capture,... Dragon, and on and on, then updates, settings, configurations, routings, registrations,... Days of work.
  16. jm52

    Projects do not open

    Thanks for the suggestion I renamed aud.ini........ Same issue. There are no errors to screen capture. Task manager shows: Cakewalk application flashing 'Not Responding' Cakewalk <file name> flashing 'Not Responding' Quickly: flashing Hud now flashing 'Not Responding' Hud now time flashing 'Not Responding' There appears to be a dialog flashing over the cakewalk window, too fast to read, to capture. Annoying. I will now ask the CW support dudes.
  17. jm52

    Projects do not open

    YO! SCOOK! Thanks for you response. You were not instructing me to do anything. The CLEAN INSTALL missive is. To do half of what is in that list would wipe out all sonar installation files. PLAT opens and works fine. Not going to screw that with "attempting" to fix something that has been an issue for years, and should be known, and in the knowledge base,.... Reminds me of how the young and ignorant would tell others to just do a clean install of windows. It takes a full week to build my audio computer. Not going to go that way without resistance. Again, thanks for you help
  18. jm52

    Projects do not open

    Thank you for your response. Clean install: Of course not. Out of nowhere the problem occurred. I did not expect to have to spend more hours fixing it. And now i am not so happy to be instructed to uninstall all CW stuff, and at least some of Sonar stuff, which then means spending hours putting it all back in. What is hudnowtime? what is it related to? There has to be some info about this issue.
  19. jm52

    Projects do not open

    More info: I have tried disabling everything, services and startups, not needed: NI, Presonus, dragon, licensing apps, windows update, sysmain, indexer, all app updaters,... Yesterday i uninstalled CW and reinstalled via BL assistant. No VST scan when starting. Blank project from Basic template.
  20. jm52

    Projects do not open

    I start CW. OK... I create new project, basic template. The interface is displayed, but no joy. A dialog is repeatedly flashed too quickly to read. Task manager: Not responding is displayed, then not, and again,... occasionally a sub-thread is displayed with hudnow, and/or hudnowtme, not responding. No entries in the event logs. Same result with existing projects. Clues?
  21. Thank you. But, i am working with a MID file of a popular tune. Dropped it on CW, it created the 8 tracks I changed the outputs to TTS. How do i stop the tracks resetting the instruments?
  22. Imported a MIDI file, 8 channels.... I have changed the instruments for a couple of channels, and saved a preset. Yet, when i start the project, the instruments are reset to the midi file defaults. How do i stop this?
  23. Andrew Scheps vocal mix chain Any ideas ideas how to do this in CW?
  24. The CA-2A leveling amp is in demo mode. I have uninstalled and then used the command center to install. It is listed under DEMO and when inserting it i am informed it is demo mode. I am instructed to log in to my CW account, but the confirmation email is not received. It is the correct address. Any guidance?
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