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  1. Boy, did they ever DUMB this down!
  2. Gang5

    Reaper updated to 7.12

    The only one I know of is the Bapu DAW... INSTALLED!
  3. Gang5

    Reaper updated to 7.12

    What consistently astounds me, repeatedly witnessed, is when individuals inquire on the Reaper forum whether a particular function is possible, only to receive a response along the lines of, "No, but I've just created this script, that should do what you need, and you're free to use it."
  4. If you have a hi res monitor the Smooth 6 theme is awesome:
  5. They make it so easy. Downloaded. Installed in minutes. No bull**** portal, or ilok, or some other hole that sucks the life out of your new purchase. What a great company!
  6. Smart:EQ 4 is smarter than ever. Thanks to advancements in AI, and machine learning, Smart:EQ 4 will analyze your tracks, and tell you if your music sucks...
  7. They have a new security certificate, and some people are having trouble installing, and running Reaper on Windows. I had no problem, but people are reporting that Windows Defender sees it has a Trojan, and is quarantining Reaper files, causing Reaper not to run. For people having trouble, they issued 7.07 using their old certificate. Here's the link: EDIT, could not add link, so here is the forum post where you can download 7.07 with the old certificate. You will find that at post #9 by Justin: https://forum.cockos.com/showthread.php?t=286195
  8. Welcome back! Larry Jr. (sayta) did a great job while you were away!
  9. Wait six months and it will be free with purchase on Plugin Boutique...
  10. It's the last synth you'll ever need... until Larry posts another one, tomorrow.
  11. If you have the full version of Kontakt, you can get Rigid Audio's Grainstates for $5, and pickup Dawesome Love for free. You'll granular party like it's 1999...
  12. Rented a lot of those in the 80s...
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