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  1. hsmusic

    egd mix

    mix-master/ instrumental / internet collab https://testmix.bandcamp.com/track/egd-rem
  2. hsmusic

    tm symph

    @equality Thanks for the feedback, I appreciate it.
  3. hsmusic


    Enjoyed this track as well.. '75 era was a good year for fusion, great to hear harmonic structure especially in today's music scene.
  4. hsmusic

    What's What

    Enjoyed the track, nice groove & playing.
  5. hsmusic

    tm symph

    @KSband Thanks for listening & feedback.
  6. Thank you, glad you enjoyed the track.
  7. hsmusic

    tm symph

    lo-fi/ 0 fader mix, internet collab / instrumental https://testmix.bandcamp.com/track/tm
  8. hsmusic

    Tight Wire

    Sounds great Mark, enjoyed the track.
  9. initial 0 fader mix, internet collab / https://testmix.bandcamp.com/track/hm-remix
  10. hsmusic

    av 2003

    Thanks, hope you enjoyed the track.
  11. hsmusic

    av 2003

    Thanks jack, appreciate it.
  12. hsmusic

    av 2003

    Thank you for the feedback.
  13. hsmusic

    OT... Distrokid

    Depends on your situation, probably fine if you think you'll sell more than the yearly fee costs. I always suggest reading this to anyone new to online distribution: https://aristake.com/digital-distribution-comparison/
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