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Everything posted by michheld

  1. Hi2all, I had this symptom, too. The Windows Log said it crashed due to MSVCP140.dll problems. The last Win 10 22H2 (KB5048652) seems to have caused this. The cakewalk redist installer solved the problems <3 Even Cakewalk Product center runs now. ThxAloT
  2. Hi! My Securepoint Antivirus reported a trojan today in the File MMcLMackieControlSetup I downloaded. beware. Filename: MMcLMackieControlSetup.zip Filesize: 499834 b Name: Trojan.Patched UPDATE! Don't worry, it was a false positive. ikarus.at checked it. Dear Ladies and Gentlemen, Many thanks for the delivered file. ***** false-positive ***** The false positive was removed and should not occur any more after our next database update. This is an automatic generated e-mail, please do not reply.
  3. Same here. I'm sad about the closing of the original thread. Every now and then the bakers gave us some information in there. What about opening a new one to get new information again? ?
  4. I often use Microsoft ZoomIt for these plugins. Just pressing Ctrl+4 zooms the complete screen following the mouse pointer. have fun ?
  5. In my command center I find Z3TA+2 with serial no. and installer download link. This should be what you should see in your command center if you purchased it and you are logged in with the correct (purchasing) profile, I think. You should contact support giving them proof foor your purchase - may be an old order confirmation email?
  6. Afford yourself a personal Cakewalk trainer. Watch Youtube Tutorials of "Creative Sauce".
  7. Just some thoughts: e.g. Iz0t0p€ has excellent tools to make a dynamic EQ based on mid-side-splittings. With a dyn-EQ you have much more control over the operation than with a simple de-esser. Maybe mid-side-splitting is a good companion the get a more isolated view on the signal. There are AI-based tools to split voices from instruments, too. But these are not inexpensive at all. I wish you all the best in finding a way to eliminate the noise!
  8. These would be my thoughts on it: The characteristics of an instrument are mostly about the transients. This is what happens if you => play the strings exactly in the middle between their attachments incl capo. => try to get a transient shaper (e.g. TS64) and play around with it. Have fun ? PS:
  9. Have you registered the "Cronus.dll" to the Windows Assembly Cache? https://vario--productions-de.translate.goog/wie-kann-man-v-vocal-aus-einer-aelteren-sonar-version-in-eine-version-ab-x3-und-neuer-uebertragen/?_x_tr_sl=de&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=de&_x_tr_pto=wapp Maybe you excluded the "Cronus.dll" from your plugins? http://forum.cakewalk.com/VVocal-crashing-Sonar-quotcronusdllquot-Workaround-m1686823.aspx Good Luck
  10. you will find technical details in here:
  11. maybe these help: http://forum.cakewalk.com/UPDATED-Configuring-Your-APro-to-Work-WithWithout-ACT-m2181430.aspx http://forum.cakewalk.com/tm.aspx?&m=2077977&mpage=1 http://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=Cakewalk&language=3&help=ExternalDevices.02.html
  12. 1. please DON'T use ASIO4ALL 2. use WASAPI shared if your Interface doesn't provide it's own ASIO driver 3. try "Suspend Audio Engine when Cakewalk is not in focus" all the best 2 u PS: Because of the USB Audio Controller (TI 2902) an old native driver from Behringer incl. ASIO Support could be found: Google search for "BEHRINGER_2902_X64_2.8.40" or "BEHRINGER_2902_WIN32_2.8.40"
  13. And even for the small legacy plugins there's a solution: I use Microsoft ZoomIt. It will give you the possibility to zoom into the screen spontaneously - just by pressing Ctrl+4. Ctrl+ArrowUp/down will give you more or less zoom. The zoomed cutout will follow your mouse. Just try it as a workaround. Best regards.
  14. michheld

    I need ASIO4ALL

    please be kind. He meant ASIO4ALL ist just a wrapper - in opposition to a real ASIO driver. => just sounds like a misunderstanding between you. #allthebest2u
  15. please try this: https://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=Cakewalk&language=3&help=Arranging.43.html all the best 2 U
  16. I think it's because the Bandlab Im-/Exporters in Cakewalk work properly by now ?
  17. I had the problem, too - even with the most current KORG USB MIDI driver. It got to a point where I had to go back to a Windows recovery point to get any MIDI devices working again. I only wanted to get my nanoKONTROL2 installed and this couldn't be so crazy complicated, I thought. KORG extended their uninstall utility to show more than 10 MIDI devices but Cakewalk doesn't find the nanoKONTROL2 on device #14. I'm not daring to install the KORG driver again and I will follow Mark's advice and use the Windwos driver , but for those of you who fell in the trap here is another expanation video which could help: Best regards and good luck
  18. and don't forget "bounce to clips", otherwise you'll only hear the preview... ? (online)
  19. Which Audiosnap algorithm (detection method) did you use? Notice: You have to change it to the new one manually on existing projects. See Preferences, Project, Audiosnap, "Transient Detection Method". "Multi Resolution" is a new one which should work better and it exists only a few weeks. Allthebest2u
  20. I made good experiences with these tips: http://forum.cakewalk.com/UPDATED-Configuring-Your-APro-to-Work-WithWithout-ACT-m2181430.aspx
  21. I had this a while ago, too. 1. Switch Preferences, Audio Driver to "WASAPI" (or whatever, away from ASIO). Restart Cakewalk. 2. Switch Preferences, Audio Driver back to "ASIO". Restart Cakewalk. 3. Happy again? All the best 2U J'ai eu ça aussi il y a quelques temps. 1. Basculez Préférences, Pilote audio sur "WASAPI" (ou autre, loin d'ASIO). Redémarrez Cakewalk. 2. Basculez Préférences, Pilote audio sur "ASIO". Redémarrez Cakewalk. 3. Heureux à nouveau ? Tout le meilleur
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