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Everything posted by audioschmaudio

  1. https://www.pluginboutique.com/product/2-Effects/54-Vocal-Processing/10796-Auto-Tune-Access-10 Get Auto-Tune Access 10 for $19 instead of $49 with coupon Code ACCESS19 at Plugin Boutique until March 31.
  2. https://www.tracktion.com/products/biotek $107 instead of $179, or upgrade from v2 for $59.40 instead of $99.
  3. According to https://www.thomann.de/intl/ik_multimedia_t_racks_6_max_upgrade.htm:
  4. Awesome! I still had $2 store credit on producerspot that I had forgotten about. They didn't add any VAT, and I got the license instantly. And now I earned another $2 store credit for my next purchase there
  5. That's not really surprising though. 4000 presets over 200 synths means an average of 20 presets per synth, obviously.
  6. Wow, the intro price was $49?! I missed that. I would have bought it too, probably. I wonder, is it worth buying if I already have Syntronik 2? Both seem to be quite similar as they're both basically romplers with sampled synthesizers and some settings that let you tweak the sound. What annoys me a little about Syntronik is that it takes a little while to load a preset. Will probably be the same with Synth Anthology, because they have to load the samples. Or is it quicker?
  7. https://products.zplane.de/peelstems-flash-sale/ March 07 - 09, 2025
  8. https://www.uvi.net/synth-anthology-4 $74 instead of $149. Same in Euros.
  9. That's what you think. I did and many others too, on Knobcloud. And why wouldn't you? If you're disappointed, it's better to pass it on to someone else who might have a use for it and who missed the sale. No transfer fees, easy transfer mechanism and unlike other vendor's soundbanks you're actually allowed to transfer them.
  10. https://store.dreamtonics.com/product/bundle-synthesizer-v-studio-2-pro-any-voice-database-version-2/ https://store.dreamtonics.com/product/synthesizer-v-studio-2-pro-upgrade/ https://store.dreamtonics.com/product/upgrade-for-voice-databases-2-0/ Dreamtonics is going to release version 2 of their Synthesizer V Studio, the tool that allows you to create vocals from MIDI + lyrics. I believe it will be released in April 20th. But you can already pre-order. People who don't own Synthesizer V yet can order the bundle "Synthesizer V Studio 2 Pro + Any Version 2 Voice" for $149. After release it will cost $178. The regular upgrade price from V1 to V2 will be $49, but if you pre-order now you can get the upgrade for $39. As part of this upgrade, you will also receive one complimentary voice of your choice (Mai 2, Liam, or Mo Xu) on launch day. You can also get discounts for the voice-upgrades. The regular price for upgrading the voices from Dreamtonics will be $29, but before April 20th it's $19. Greater discounts if you upgrade multiple voices. For example, if you upgrade 5 voices, that costs $79.
  11. Probably because he bought it shortly before the release of Scaler 2. Just like you get the upgrade to Scaler 3 free if you buy Scaler 2 now.
  12. The new Beat magazine is available for subscribers in German at https://www.plugins-samples.com/ English version coming a little later, as usual. With this issue you get DYNA-Mu from IK Multimedia for free. According to IK Multimedia: Again, Beat offers a free Zampler expansion, "Zampler EDM".
  13. I forgot how expensive their transfer fee is. I used to pay the fee with their coupons that they were so generous with in the past. But those times are over, I guess 😢
  14. If I remember it correctly, somebody sold me his or her 29 forever voucher and I bought Kirchhoff with that. 38€ is what I paid in total, no transfer fee.
  15. You can always find someone selling Kirchhoff for less on Knobcloud: https://knobcloud.com/search?search_key=kirchhoff That's how I got it for 38€.
  16. https://www.arturia.com/de/promos/winter-25 Ends in 14 days (and a few hours) from now on.
  17. Apparently it's because I already had Analog Lab open since before that update. I removed it, added it back in and voila, the soundbank showed up 😃
  18. Doesn't show up in my Analog Lab =(
  19. Oh! I read it as roman numerals too. 😅 Now it all makes sense.
  20. @User 905133 thanks for the update. So, I was wrong to assume that it's so new that it's not even on the IK website, but so old that it's not there anymore instead. Their product naming is confusing.
  21. So new it's not even on the IK Multimedia website yet. When you search for it on their site, you get a search result: It links to https://www.ikmultimedia.com/products/totalvi But when you go to that page it just redirects you to https://www.ikmultimedia.com/products/ts4/ instead.
  22. My first impression wasn't so good. It's quite large in filesize, the zip is 10GB, I think unzipped it's around 15GB. Then it took ages on my computer to generate a sample. And I didn't even like the result. I'm probably going to uninstall it again.
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