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Claudio Melis

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Everything posted by Claudio Melis

  1. lyrics: The street is so long city lights are far away I walk with this pain my feets as mug are glued to the ground Shivering like a wet little bird a small little bird in pain cannot reach its distant white maids small little bird in pain Tell mama don’t cry, don’t be sad my sisters went so far Tell mam don’t cry, to free myself her tears are drowning me I can’t go with them, cause I need to rest step after step, I can’t reach them look at my white dress and my hair is wet your tears slow down my steps Your tears are rain to me my eternal cage my desire to be free all the love you gave to me like the day I spread my wings finally let me go finally let me die
  2. really thx for your feedback. there is just one little part with megaphone fx
  3. thx so much for your feedback @Bruno de Souza Lino
  4. thx all for yourt feedbacks, really appreciated
  5. Hi all, here's a brand new release by Where Orchids Goes to Die https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vDRiuqkAdbk "This song narrates the story of Mogoro’s Maidens based on a traditional local tale. Every night, in procession, dressed in white, they pass through the street, which begins with the main church to arrive at “Su Cramu”. Detached from the others, there is a solitary maiden with wet hair. Along the path, she stops to speak to an old lady, sitting outside her home to get some fresh air during a hot summer night. She asks the old lady to tell her mother to stop crying for her death: her tears wet the maiden, making her heavy, holding her from reaching her sisters. Dedicated to who's gone and who stays." all music has been produced and recorded with maschine mk3 and komplete kontrol S49 Mk2 comments and feedbacks welcome best regards
  6. Hi all here's a little studio live session: The spell - Studio Live Session https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hWZtV8AmI5A
  7. thx guys for all the great feedbacks. the side B contains 4 tracks.
  8. thx so much for your support, in this days we're release a little studio session video to promote the album! thx again
  9. Hi all, I just wanna share with you the side b of the first Where Orchids Goes TO Die Project: https://whereorchidsgoestodie.bandcamp.com/album/where-orchids-goes-to-die-side-b "Founded in late 2019 by the sardinian electronic musician Mebitek and the mapuche artist Mariana Millapan. As the Ancients' stories, the project "Where Orchids Goes To Die" sings the pantomimes of life's tragedy. Multiform, fragile, inescapable, these perdition and redemption stories are like a mirror and a labyrinth of the human being" feedbacks and comments welcome best regards from Sardinia
  10. Hi, this time no video. It's a side project and I think the genre is not as scary as I'm usually. Unfortunately the pandemic give to me some problems to organize all the video stuff. I hope in the near future to prepare a video single. thank so much for your feedback
  11. Hi all, I just want to share with you the side A of the brand new EP of my sie project "Where Orchids Goes To Die" https://whereorchidsgoestodie.bandcamp.com/album/where-orchids-goes-to-die-side-a "Founded in late 2019 by the sardinian electronic musician Mebitek and the mapuche artist Mariana Millapan. As the Ancients' stories, the project "Where Orchids Goes To Die" sings the pantomimes of life's tragedy. Multiform, fragile, inescapable, these perdition and redemption stories are like a mirror and a labyrinth of the human being." all muisc has been made with maschine and komplete voices are recorded and edited in maschine too feedback welcome best regards from Sardinia
  12. really thanks, yes it's a sideproject and I'm trying to experiment other kind of music fields. thanks os much for your feedback!
  13. Hi @DeeringAmps thanks for the link suggestion and yes I do not understand "oh boy howdy"
  14. Hi all, I just wanna present my side project: Where Orchids Goes To Die https://whereorchidsgoestodie.bandcamp.com/ Founded in late 2019 by the sardinian electronic musician Mebitek and the mapuche artist Mariana Millapan. As the Ancients' stories, the project "Where Orchids Goes To Die" sings the pantomimes of life's tragedy. Multiform, fragile, inescapable, these perdition and redemption stories are like a mirror and a labyrinth of the human being. the track has been made with maschine, including vocals feedback and comments are welcome regards from Sardinia
  15. video has been restored! hope you can check it out
  16. I'm sorry but the video has been removed. someone report it as inappropriate. I hope that will be restored as soon as possible.
  17. thx so much, glad to disturb you reallt thx for comparing my work to David Lynch. _He is on of my favorite directors! I use maschine for my cinematic works and it fits perfectly my work flow cause it permits to me to play instruments directly in an easy way. thx so much for your feedback. As we are all in quarantine I think we are in the same damned frequency. The main concept that I want to express in the video is that we are all reclaiming freedom. But are we sure that we wanna back the past freedom, the freedom to be bad humans, destroying and trample on everything?
  18. Hi all, here's my latest new music - video work: https://youtu.be/8MsmhdyfemA * produced and directed in self-isolation and remote locations by mebitek & Jele Raus * in collaboration with AxAn, Carlo Porta, Mariana Millapan, Martin Chef, Veronica Sanna The #Quarantine project doesn’t stop. #wedontstop #wedontgiveup We have reached the third part of our project Quarantine - De Rerum Humanitate (literally "On Mankind"), struggling once again to reflect on the relationship between man and nature in relation to the condition we are facing. This current phase should encourage us to consider ourselves as part of a larger process, to put aside our wild individualism and consumerism, reconsidering our freedoms, which we punctually regret and reclaim, then using them to destroy and step on what we really are and are part of. * Lyrics: (Martin Chef - Jele Raus) Mes chers compatriotes, La pandémie frappe à nos portes et plus que jamais notre nation se doit d’être forte. Nous devons, unis, mener de front un combat ici et là-bas, et ne pouvons être définis face à l’urgence qui s’impose. Beaucoup d’encre coulera à propos de ce gouvernement mais je ne permettrai pas que ses représentants soient en proie à l’inaction. --------- I don't know you I don’t feel you I don't know mercy You always ask for yourself You know nothing But your own everything Future is a spiral The curve is viral And my decision is final. all music has been made with Maschine mk3 and Komple Kontrol S49 mk2 comments and feedbacks welcome best regards from Sardinia
  19. @DeeringAmps thx so much for your feedback
  20. Hi guys, anothor video of "The Quarantine Series" #wedonotstop https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ye4vZDgW36k * produced and directed in self-isolation and remote locations by mebitek & Jele Raus The #Quarantine project doesn’t stop. #wedontstop #wedontgiveup We keep on following and supporting our reflection on the complex situation in which we are all in, which should lead us not only to be closer as humans, but also to be more respectful as creatures on this planet. Our future cannot be defined by temporary expressions of empathy, but by an idea of a new humanity on a long-term basis. #covid19 #quarantine #quarantinechallenge #quarantena #quarantineartchallenge #quarantineart as always all music has been made with maschine and komplete instrumentents video made with Adobe Premiere PRO feedbacks and comments welcome best regards Claudio
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