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Aidan Thomas

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Everything posted by Aidan Thomas

  1. I made a post about Voicemeeter yesterday, as I can't get sound from it. I'm beginning to wonder though, is there any other way that I can make the recordings sound better without using Voicemeeter? Just using the mic as the input.
  2. It depends, mostly music. Sometimes I import just my voice (from Audacity) and mix it in Cakewalk for a podcast, though that's never done using Voicemeeter. Voicemeeter is usually for music. The amount of tracks depends on how long the verse is, and if there's adlibs, a hook or whatever else I've done. It's never usually bigger than 15.
  3. So I'd have to just select one at a time and figure out which one picks up sound? There's at least 15-20. Have no idea why there's so many, How do I create 'friendly names' for the ports? And save it as a preset? Only worked out how to do that for vocal chains thus far.
  4. So lately I've been using Voicemeeter, as I have a USB Mic (albeit a condenser one) which obviously you can't turn down the volume on. I just find it makes the recordings sound better. I don't have room for a proper setup in my house so I've had to make do with it. However, I've recently had to re-install it and it's installed all these new drivers with it. To me they all look the same and no matter which one I pick I can't get sound. Do you have any idea how to make this work? Or can you assist me with ways to make my recordings sound better? Other than just reducing gain for mastering, because I already do that. Any help would be appreciated.
  5. So, I'm having a bit of an issue. I've used Cakewalk for a little while now, mixed and mastered almost all of my latest album on it. I've used the panning feature before, with no problems. However, I'm putting together an 11 track project as we speak. Track's 10 and 11 are my adlib tracks (2 adlibs, one on each panning left and right) and are panned 100% left and right respectively. What's funny is, in Cakewalk it is playing as it should. One plays in the left headphone, the other the right. However when I export the project, it is centered. Both tracks are mono (left channel), as is the whole project. Not quite sure what could be causing this. There are four effects on the track (previously more but I took some off because I either decided I didn't like them or thought they might the the culprit) and it is sending to the master bus. As an aside, the project seems to be going in and out of having this annoying fuzzing sound and playing slower than it should. Not sure if this is the culprit or not but that only seemed to start today. I will post screenshots of the tracks and the settings of them. Any help you could provide would be appreciated!
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