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Everything posted by Joakim

  1. I’ve had this one for years, but decided to give it a go yesterday. It sounds great and is capable of very complex effects. The only problem is the interface and it takes a lot of time and manual reading to understand all quirks. Badly in need of a GUI makeover imho.
  2. Joakim

    XLN Sale

    I think you can change the volume of the ride independently from the kit view, but there’s no dedicated mic for it.
  3. Most of their guitars sounds slightly robotic unfortunately , and it’s a shame there’s no amp-bypass option for use with 3rd party amp sims. The acoustic guitars are better though, but not as good as NI session guitarist.
  4. Full list of keys here www.thewindowsclub.com/generic-windows-10-product-keys-to-in there are different generic keys per version and license types
  5. Or you could just turn on 2-factor with pay-pal. The scenario is anyway unlikely if not impossible as each transaction has to be authorized and Jeff doesn’t have your PayPal credentials. I’ve been in It-security for 25 years actually and have been a cso for several banks so for one I may actually now what I’m talking about ? worst thing that could happen is that any potential hackers would be able to access your other accounts if you shared your password, and possibly use your license keys in a fraudulent manner (like trying to sell them etc). Never heard of anything like the latter though, they usually go for credit card data.
  6. I did not when I first jumped at vol3, just the one I upgraded from (Tsar in my case). All singles still here after upgrading to vol4.
  7. Just charge the country and the vat goes away...
  8. One problem is that the phrases are only available in minor scales. The loops are only recorded in 2 keys but can be re-pitched manually. The interface is lot the best imho and a lot of folder browsing folders is required to access the individual loops for editing etc. Good performances but all together it doesn’t get much use here due to the above issues.
  9. Joakim

    Ampeg or not Ampeg

    Guitar rig is probably the harshest and brightest of them all though. The PA amps are definitely ok but one thing to keep in mind is that they are mono an lack ambience. Amplitube sounds much more 3D out of the box because of the added reverb. The PA amps are indeed very sensitive to input gain. The sounds are generally more modern and hi-fi and they work well if that’s what you’re going for.
  10. Same thing can even happen with virtual interfaces, like virtual box adapters
  11. Did you try to download the beta version? It fixes a lot of issues and has a more scalable GUI. There’s a download link on kvr.
  12. This isn’t a 670 emu though, that’s another t-rack plugin.
  13. This isn’t a Fairchild emulation though, that would be their Vintage Tube Compressor/Limiter Model 670 plugin. This is more like a Manley vari-mu I believe.
  14. They dont work as snapins for multipass or phaseplant or snap heap?
  15. Isn’t that the same for all drives? I have 6 tb so I just bought a 6tb external for backups. Im sure I can use 80TB, if not only to keep unlimited versions of my files, camera recordings etc
  16. You can, just got this and did combine both. I assume it’s the same for all deals.
  17. It does sound a bit synthetic, but really excels at real-time strumming. It has several strumming articulations and is very responsive to dynamics etc. The presets packs varies from ok to great, but they unfortunately quantized every bit of life out of them. The cool thing is that it’s possible to create more far out sounds with the modeling engine.
  18. Joakim

    Waves OVox

    Ok, it’s worth a shot. I asked waves sales support and they said plugins in other bundles wouldn’t count towards an upgrade, only individual plugins.
  19. Joakim

    Waves OVox

    Also, I bought all the instruments at the respective launch, and they only created the bundle after first 5 or so releases. Now it costs like 100 bucks to upgrade to the bundle, although I have all the individual instruments. I also made the mistake of upgrading to the pianos and keys bundle, so those are no longer eligible for an upgrade with the others. Waves logic.
  20. Check the upgrade price as well, my changed 3 times after adding/deleting from the cart, and the upgrade price on the product page changes whenever I add it to the cart (not VAT, it doesn’t add up).
  21. I love the idea of kontrol but the the tiny browser interface makes it unusable imho.
  22. The best thing about smartcomp is the sidechain set to spectral mode where it’s automatically ducking a track based on the frequency of another.
  23. You can switch to silent mode, but it’s not the default. Check your settings.
  24. I sent them a mail asking bout the preset browser. The one in VA-3 is miles ahead of the others which are quite clunky. They are apparently looking at it, so hopefully we’re going to see more updates,
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