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Everything posted by Emanu3le85

  1. Yes exactly, i call It Integrated Arpeggiator but maybe is not correct
  2. Hi, the situation is very simple, when i try to play live with my behringher umx610 any vst through the arpeggiator which is inside the midi channels of cakewalk there is no sync, it does not lock to the clock I use a motu m4 48000, 512 samples, asio motu drivers. I don't have these problems only if a vsti has the arpeggiator already inside
  3. when I play the integrated arpeggiator of the midi channel with the master keyboard there is no synchronized lock and it goes out of the loop then it often skips some notes, I don't have buffer or other problems, thanks
  4. I've read around on the forums that many people have problems with the motu asio drivers, I certainly don't have a very good PC for audio and I've always had some problems even before the motu card, maybe the problem is the interaction between motu and pc?
  5. I don't know why that number, but believe me it's the only way to hear the midi playback of the synth in sync, it took me a long time to find it, in my case the values are exactly: 512 = 46.00 ms, 256 = 35.00 ms
  6. Hi David, just yesterday i noticed this, yes i also have a hardware Roland jp08 connected in midi in and midi out, i moved the offset to 46.00 for synchronized midi playback of the synth, but in this way if i want to record the notes of a plug in, It is off the grid, I should always change setting depending on the job, Thanks!
  7. I have a motu m4 set to 512 samples, asio driver, I also have midi latency in playing with an external synth but I solved it by increasing the MTC offset to 46.00ms. But even adjusting offset and sample rate does not affect the synch with the arpeggiator or the recording of the notes on the grid
  8. Hello Promidi, no improvement, I also noticed that when playing the arpeggiator inside the midi channel it binds to the clock but after a while it shifts the sync or skips some notes, it seems there are sync problems
  9. hello everyone, when I record the midi notes of a vsti while playing at clock time it records them a little later on the grid, it seems to do it only on a vst in particular (TAL noisemaker) not on the others and I have not buffer latency on the sound when pressing keys, can you help me? Thanks
  10. Emanu3le85

    Problems with MIDI

    hello all, several problems with cake, it seems to have bugs or it just doesn't run well with my pc, I describe the problems, i use a beringher umx610 master keyboard: 1 at project start play plugin one octave up, on second play return to normal, but may change over time 2 when I set a midi parameter envelope it continues to read it even if I disable R when i move midi controller knob 3 the arpeggiator duration envelope of the midi track is sometimes read and sometimes not when a change is set 4 at each bar start play of a certain synth, an increasingly louder noise increases exponentially the more times the play is repeated on the same bar. 5 sometimes kbd is removed automatically I hope to solve these problems because I like Cakewalk , Thanks
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