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  1. Very deep and immersive. Emanuele
  2. Hi jwnicholson78 thanks for listening, I'm glad you like it.🤟🏼 Hi Bajan Blue, thanks I used vst synth free Bass - Tal noisemaker Arp and Melody - Odin2 Pad - Synth1 Sound Fx - Surge XT and other synths too. Thanks for the support🔊 Emanuele Corallo aka Lunatik Lektro
  3. thanks mate, greetings from Italy ??
  4. fourth song done on cakewalk, Prochannel N type on channels and bus Bye Emanuele Ascolta Lights di Lunatik Lektro su #SoundCloud https://on.soundcloud.com/XAV62
  5. I haven't yet fully understood the AZ controller, I'll try to understand better
  6. to explain myself better, when I build a sound there are 3 phases 1- timbre construction (when I open a new synth with init patch) 2 - set the initial values of some parameters (no automation envelopes just a long static line) as a filter or key follow via track automations 3 - automate the envelopes of the chosen parameters whose initial values I have previously set my post refers to phase 1 in which I don't need automations but simply all the synth parameters that can be managed immediately with a dedicated midi controller for that VST, as if I had an hardware synth, I make electronic music and use a lot of synths and I like to build the sound myself, It's really frustrating to build sounds with the mouse for all the sounds I use
  7. this is the method I have always used, I find it excellent for setting the initial values of a parameter but to interface an entire synth with it I find it not very dynamic, the solution I am looking for is only for the initial construction of a synth timbre, in which you need all the parameters immediately, when I have finished building the sound the track automations to manage the values are also fine
  8. very detailed, Yes, I am more intent on building something for my needs, my dream is to no longer use the touchpad or mouse, at least for the most creative needs. I see that there are many solutions, I will look at the solutions you gave me one by one and I will see which one I will be better with, thank you
  9. thanks for the clarification, as far as the synth rack is concerned the problem is that I don't have many knobs available to map a synth, it seemed that midi learn was the most logical method to controll an instrument, my problem is having full control and flexibility during the sound design phase, it is frustrating to play the keyboard with one hand and move the parameters with the mouse with the other, I would like to emulate a real synth, even if the problem of midi inputs would arise, because keyboard and midi controllers are independent inputs. maybe the Softube console 1 can do for me?
  10. I looked at the link but I don't think it's what I'm looking for, maybe you understood that I perform live, no, I meant to control the parameters of a vst instrument in real time by interfacing them with the Novation launch control, but at the end of each project every midi learn parameter is forgotten
  11. My idea is to map a simple synth like "Tal noisemaker" onto the Novation launch control and command it "live" even if its midi track is not selected or even if it is not displayed on the monitor, in reality I can do it with midi learn but at every closing the project the synth mapping is not remembered, I don't use ATC control because it is a bit complicated and because it only works if the vsti is displayed on the monitor, is there a way to save the midi learn parameters? Thanks
  12. Emanu3le85

    Clip color

    I have used Reason for many years and am not used to individual windows, with the Behrringher X Touch, I memorized the synth opening on a "function" button now when I select the track I open the synth directly from the X touch, I have the second monitor but I use it for the mixer, putting there the vst is a bit inconvenient because it is a bit far away
  13. Emanu3le85

    Clip color

    this is the reason rack, I mean something similar only for the vsti used in the project, for me it would be very useful because i do a lot of electronic music songwriting I would be much faster if I had all the synths available in a rack without having to open and close windows
  14. Emanu3le85

    Clip color

    I meant a synth rack like Reason Studio13 where everything is there without having to click the open button, the sonar synth rack is an interfacing of the vsti but you don't see them stacked graphically one under the other, thanks for your advice
  15. Emanu3le85

    Clip color

    that's why I couldn't find it, because it's in the theme editor not in the color settings, in fact in the color preferences I changed many things but I couldn't really find the background clip, as regards the position of the vst, yes at the beginning if I put them in the center they remain but then something happens and they reappear in the left corner, for this reason I have always wanted a vst rack system like Reason 13, that is, to make the vst appear directly in the Sonar synth rack, so by scrolling down you would have all the virtual instruments visible , but perhaps these are just my perversions
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