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Everything posted by Mannymac

  1. Hi guys, Getting constant crashes trying to open a session. Every 7th or 8th time it works however. I've never analysed a crash dup so don tknow how they work but maybe someone has more experience? I uploaded them here. https://www.dropbox.com/s/3d4su8gesb1gv0m/CrashDumps.rar?dl=0 Would be great to understand which plugin is messing it up. Thanks a lot in advance to everyone giving this a shot! The freaky thing is it always seems to crash when loading a different plugin, there is no consistency. Some memory access issue? I am running it as an Admin under windows 10
  2. Things are really messed up now as the session crashes each time I try to load it?? Have atached it here, is there any way to see why it is crashing ? Mini dump files does not get created? Fear N' Wrath 1.cwp Is there a way to at least "reas out" what is saved in those placeholder files so I can replace the plugins with their old settings?
  3. Hi folks, I really don't know what to do anymore. I am getting a missin gplugin stand in error for 5 very crucial plugins in my session all of a sudden when loading the project. The freaky thing is that they are not misssing. I can open them just fine once the sesson loads. I have no idea why that is but they are definitely in the exact same folder. Is there any way I can point the session to find those plugins? I already completely installed cakewalk again and also did multiple vst rescans.
  4. Hi folks, I love Cakewalk. Love the UI, the mixer, the Console 1 integration. It is just super intuitive to mix in it. What I dont love is how Cakewalk is seemingly unable to make full use of my PC's power hower. I've got a a 3XS Audio PC from Scan.co.uk, Ryzen 3950x and 32 GB of DDR4 Ram, Windows 10 with an RME Babyface. I have plugin load balancing enabled, internet and anti virus scanner are of and the highest DPC latency I get in LatencyMon is 36 micro seconds. So In theory it should all work. However in a project with 20 tracks and 10 busses at 48khz I have to run at a 2048 buffer. I get a CPU load of 17% but an engine load of 100% and occasional crackles? What gives? Am I missing a setting here (I tried all 3 thread modes in the settings.) How can Cakewalk run out of steam when it uses about 15% of my power? I do use fairly heavy bus processing and light processing on individual tracks which sadly means freezing wont work. Any help or suggestions much appreciated. I heard Reaper is better when it comes to this but I really dont want to switch. UPDATE 4.1.2023 For anybody interested in this, I found a solution! Thanks to the new engine meter in Cakewalk (thanks for that devs!) I was able to pinpoint exactly the issue. It is that Cakewalk is really not the best (worse than Reaper and to a lesser degree Pro Tools in my tests with sessions I ported over) with longer Plugin Chains on Busses/Auxes. I dont know why that is but certain plugins place a higher load on the engine when on a buss compared to a stereo track. Zynaptiq Intensity for example added only 1,5% engine load to my session on a stereo track but a whooping 10% to the engine load when on a Bus. Similar story with other Multiband Processors or especially Acustica Audio plugins. Anyway, the solution for me is to just use Audio Gridder running as a "server" on the same machine (https://audiogridder.com/) to load chains on busses instead of inserting them directly into Cakewalk. That way I can now run a fairly heavy project at 256 Buffer with my RME ADI-2 Pro FS R without dropouts and an engine load at 50%! Fantastic! To do this install the Audo Gridder Server app and the plugin on the same machine. Start the Server App, then insert the plugin on your buss. Do a scan, load all your plugins in this wrapper et voila. Any negligible increase in latency by Audio Gridder is actually offset by me being able to have my buffer so low. So I have less engine load, and less latency! Cakewalk is my favourite DAW and I was really trying everything to be able to keep using it instead of REAPER.
  5. I'm so glad Bandlab got you on board Sir!
  6. Dear CbB team and users, I love the DAW we have now and really don't long for new features - despite one that I think would be extremely innovative. One of the things that constantly can fool us mixers is loudness..nothing new here. But how cool would it be if CbB could at the click of a button compensate for the loudness in a processing chain? CbB already has the great disable all FX button for each track. What I would like to see is another button next to it that can turn loudness comparison on and off. So if you want your track to be louder as a result of your processing you can do that. But if for instance you want your initial fader mix to persist and don't compensate for added loudness via plugins this thing could be a great innovation. And it already exists, albeit in plugin form: https://www.tb-software.com/TBProAudio/ab_lm.html https://www.meterplugs.com/perception I'm using this for my mixes at the start and end of every plugin chain I have. It has drastically improved my mixing decisions. This would be truly forward thinking. If many of you like this please comment here and get a discussion going to show Noel and team that his would be a great feature. I would be over the moon. And I think the mixing community would look at this DAW and think: Wow, this is really smart, why doesn't my DAW have that?
  7. Just downloading but the fact that the bug fix list is so long makes me very happy indeed. I don't need new features. I need what is there to work and to be rock solid. My clients don't need new features they need this thing to be reliable. And it seems this is the direction you are taking. And I love it. Thank you and Bandlab team! I love this Software. If I had a magic wand there are only two things I would like to see: 1) Further improvements to plugin load balancing are always always very welcome. If CbB was to reach Reaper levels of efficiency I would be a very happy man. 2) If we could color markers in the time ruler comparable to Pro Tools my sessions would be even easier to maneuver. So for instance marker section A in red and marker section B in green etc.
  8. Can someone explain how "fast bounce rendering has been optimized" in more detail please? :)
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