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Bill Pierce

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Everything posted by Bill Pierce

  1. I always wanted to learn to fly rc planes. When I got off the road in 2000 I learned to fly planes, then moved to model helicopters. I worked hard and won the northwest Championship two years in a row. I earned 12 sponsors, was on tv many times, was in national magazines, I did so many modifications to my helicopters I got a job as a consultant for a helicopter manufacturer and third party company's doing doing beta testing for the on board electronics and parts, even made the front page of my home town paper. We use to got to event's all over the northwest. Everyone would always want me to bring a guitar to play around the campfire after hours. One night we were all getting pretty tuned up when I broke out this riff singing I like to fly like a bird like bird in the sky. Everyone started singing along. So much fun. Well, when I got home I went out to the studio and recorded this. Stupid simple but so much fun!!?
  2. Thanks Grem, I always have fun playing and recording. Yes that's me on all the instruments. I muddle my way thru tracking , mixing and mastering . I know they'll never win any awards? After I finish the tracks on Cakewalk by band lab I drop the wave in my very old daw on my "very old" lap top with windows XP ( started on windows 95) to use a 30 year old midi version of Greg Hendershot Cakewalk 12 tone system that was "the first to be able to import and use waves" I used when I was touring. My new computer's wont even run it. Then I program the light show behind me thu midi. The reason I still use it is because It has all my key maps I created on the road for the live gear, to much work to re create. Back then my laptop ran all the lights, vocal, guitar, bass drum processing live over 30 years ago. Wow makes me sound kinda old?
  3. Thanks Lynn, It's just a simple riff I was using to write guitar patches one day, then I decided to throw this together. I've been playing since I was 6. I toured for 17 years all over the us and a few other countries. I got off the road in 2000, now it's just for fun. Kind of a full circle. I started out writing originals in the mid 70's with a band I had. Sometimes I miss the audience, but now day's I enjoy just being home and sleeping in my own bed. I try not to do close up's anymore, an old man in my mid 60's... don't want to scare the little kids???
  4. This is just a simple riff kinda catchy...
  5. Thanks, This is just a rough mix, not mastered yet. As I said this one went pretty fast. I wrote, recorded mixed and did the video in two days. I always like to up load them to YouTube to hear how their compression affects my songs. Gives me an idea where to go from there, and if something happens to me at least it's out there? ?
  6. Thanks Keith, that was a good analogy. What can I say we are all influenced by our hero's ?
  7. Thanks Andy, every part of doing this one was a blast for me. It came pretty easy and fast. It was my first new song of 2023. If that's the only crit I didn't do to bad?All joking aside I hear ya. I've always been a fan of big endings? who knows maybe I'll put one on it...
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