I always wanted to learn to fly rc planes. When I got off the road in 2000 I learned to fly planes, then moved to model helicopters. I worked hard and won the northwest Championship two years in a row. I earned 12 sponsors, was on tv many times, was in national magazines, I did so many modifications to my helicopters I got a job as a consultant for a helicopter manufacturer and third party company's doing doing beta testing for the on board electronics and parts, even made the front page of my home town paper. We use to got to event's all over the northwest. Everyone would always want me to bring a guitar to play around the campfire after hours. One night we were all getting pretty tuned up when I broke out this riff singing I like to fly like a bird like bird in the sky. Everyone started singing along. So much fun. Well, when I got home I went out to the studio and recorded this. Stupid simple but so much fun!!?