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  1. go to the home page, follow the link to read the mag, and on the screen where it says "Log In" or "Register," select "Register."
  2. I get tons of "For Dummies" books from Humblebundle for cheap. I got their music theory books years ago, including books about banjos 4d, guitars 4d, music biz 4d - great stuff! Can't say I'm an expert, but many dummies think I'm too good for them now.
  3. 3.10.3 after update for me, Windows 10
  4. maybe the free proton VPN could help friends from far away.. .
  5. The free versions, when available, that come with Computer Music magazine come with more oscillators and functionality than the vanilla free version.
  6. If we're going to hijack this thread, I'd like to talk with you about your car's extended warranty.
  7. This guy probably doesn't know how to use the three seashells either . . .
  8. don't forget Beat Mag #216 1/2024 has Cherry Audio's MS-20 clone free!
  9. Hey there, could you tell me, how does it compare to those two? (thanks!)
  10. Me! Cherry Audio's Voltage Modular is my favorite instrument - I've got hundreds of modules - it's really well documented, which is probably the reason why I settled on this platform, and the amazing thing about software modular is you have unlimited modules - if you have one sequencer, then you can duplicate it 12 times if you want. Want to create your own filterbank with 16 filters? No problemo! Want to create 7 optional effects chains, using a matrix mixer - Okeedoke! I can build most real world hardware modules using what I have. super dooper!
  11. Well, I'm a complete amateur, as opposed to some of the folks on here, but I've slowed down a bunch because I've acquired tons of things that I've never checked out, and years of things to use. I could get more, but feel I have more to gain by learning to use what I have and improving my technical chops. Any growth through gear I would have to drop serious money, either in hardware or moving to top tier software, and I can't justify that until I've done the things that I intended to do with what I have now. I have goals, and they're not acquisition-related at the moment. Consider setting or changing your goals. You're probably getting a dopamine hit (? - not a psychologist) from minor interactions like finding a bargain, or having a nice interaction/response from comments. I like Pavlov's idea of getting deeper into this forum, and think he's on the right track. You want to go deeper and more of that interaction - unless you're studying penguins at McMurdo, face-to-face is the healthy way mammals scratch that itch. Focus on dope hits from the real world - join a local group, network, play in clubs, set attainable goals and work towards them. (working on this myself) I check for deals once a day (mostly). Best wishes!
  12. http://cherryaudio.com/santa
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