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  1. I run Sonar offline and can attest that it works well offline and that the offline authorization procedure works well.
  2. If I freeze a Kontakt instance and it has 10 midi tracks associated with it, then all the midi tracks associated with that Kontakt instance freeze. That is how it has always worked for me and still does.
  3. To me, countdown infers time until...
  4. Did you send your project in to Noel/Cakewalk as was suggested?
  5. Sounds like you have a hardware issue. Without any information other than "its totally unusable", no one can help you. FWIW, works perfectly here.
  6. Who is the "we"? Don't you mean you?
  7. Be a trail blazer, try it yourself and report back. (clue: look at the reported issues on the GitHub page)
  8. What did support say when you emailed them?
  9. Really? Have you not noticed that CbB is free???
  10. gustabo


    Are you on the latest version? I am and have to sign in infrequently.
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