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Everything posted by daryl1968

  1. nice song and performances all round. Mix-wise, it all sounds a bit too mono and squeezed to me. The intro is excellent and I wanted to hear the song open up eq-wise.
  2. nice intro - definitely some potential to flesh it out
  3. this is great - your voice reminds me of Mick Hucknell of Simply Red in this one. There are a couple of spots where the guitar/vocal timing run away from the drums but the overall effect is really very nice.
  4. daryl1968

    New Beginning

    Hi Tim - I hope you are well sir. Love the melodies but I'm not sure about the synths - sorry. I think I would have preferred a mix of synths and more traditional instruments.
  5. I hadn't heard the original - love your take on the backing vocals.
  6. nothing else to add - great stuff. I particularly like all the counter-melodies going on
  7. Hi Paul - hope you are well mate. This is really nice and I like the vocal - I agree with you that it conveys the emotion well. The only thing I would add is some vocal harmonies here and there.
  8. Read 'Here There and Everywhere' by Geoff Emerick. It changed the way I approached recording forever. Great read.
  9. I can recommend @Bapu to test - he has more vst's than most......
  10. Interesting - any CbB coders ( @Noel Borthwick ) know if this would affect performance? https://blogs.windows.com/windowsexperience/2019/01/09/announcing-windows-10-insider-preview-build-18312/?fbclid=IwAR1ycVXxAedMN3u0ejLugykUTrquurZc8LKHJXPznFGcDOn1MemXwtly5K4 Here's the excerpt of interest: Windows 10 Insider Preview Build 18312 FLS Slot Limit Increase As PCs get more powerful, musicians have created increasingly complex projects with more tracks, more instruments, and deeper effects chains. As a result, some of those musicians were running up against a FLS (Fiber Local Storage) slot allocation ceiling that prevented them from loading into their DAWs (Digital Audio Workstations) as many unique plugins as they’d like. This build greatly raises that per-process FLS slot allocation ceiling, allowing loading potentially thousands of unique plugins. Beyond musicians, this change will positively impact any application that dynamically loads hundreds or thousands of unique DLLs that have statically-linked Visual C++ runtimes, or otherwise allocate FLS slots.
  11. funky mate - very old school hip hop - quite a departure.
  12. Kick woof. My new favourite phrase.
  13. BRILLIANT! On my way to buy it...
  14. Hi Bats Firstly, great song. It's very difficult to criticize mate - there may be a bit of low end mud going on if you wanna nitpick but we're only talking a tweak. Maybe roll a bit off the kick?
  15. Just had another quick listen. Yes, the low voice and maybe dial back on the vocal reverb. The vocal is getting lost and you have a good voice
  16. Thanks so much Jude77 Soon then mate..... Cheers David
  17. Great video Ian. Enjoyed it a lot
  18. daryl1968

    Proud Dad!

    Brilliant. You have very good reason to be a proud dad. She has a mature voice for her age. (Thanks a lot mate)
  19. Guitar tone sounds great here. Boy, you can play too.
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